Sweet Poison.


" If at First".....
Has anyone read David Gillespie's book Sweet Poison? I read it a couple of weeks ago, of course he is talking about/warning us about, sugar. I have known about sugar for years having read Pure White and Deadly by Prof' John Yudkin but over the years I have conveniently forgotten. However whilst reading Sweet Poison, I realised I was not a chocoholic as I thought, I am addicted to sugar! It is very hard going cold turkey, the first week I was "hungry" all the time and I've had the odd headache. There is also the realization how much sugar is added to just about everything!

However now I'm beginning to manage to avoid it so I think I'm beginning to crack it. I have lost only three pounds so far but believe me that is wonderful for me. I'm old, with arthritis and do a lot of sitting around. The loss of that 3lb has given me hope - that in time there will be less pain, less trouble just getting up off a chair, less exhaustion and back ache just walking, shopping and keeping my home clean.

Good bye empty calories, sweet poison...
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