Sweetening up!

Splenda is my favourite. I hate aspartame and saccharin-based sweeteners. They have a vile after taste. Splenda is fine though :) I can't drink tea, coffee or fruit tea without sweeteners. In my opinion, life is too short to be drinking tea without sugar! :D:D

Canderel sugar is better than most, Splenda is my favourite but they are both quite expensive compared to some others.

Do you have an Aldi near you? They do their own version which has exactly the same ingredients as Splenda and it's only 99p. Tesco, Sainsbury and Asda also do their own versions which are lsightly more expensive than Aldi, but considerably less than Splenda. Asda also do the sucralose sweetener in tablet form :)
I prefer teas and coffees without sugar, even before SW lol. I used to have teas with a tablespoon of sugar but i decided to stop about 10 years ago when I offered my 5 year old cousin sugar in her porridge and tea and she said no! I thought well if a tiny kid can do it so can I, never looked back since!
I gave up sugar when I went on my first "diet" years ago back in the 70`s!!

Lost a couple of stone at the time. Although my weight has gone up abd down since then I have never gone back to having sugar or sweetener, not even on cereal.

If I pick up the wrong cup I have to spit it out. I remember felling sick when I first gave up and thought I was going to die!! (I was very dramatic as a teenager! lol)
Soon got used to it. Wouldn`t even consider going back now!!
You need a mean friend like mine. We used to go for coffee every day and I didn't drink coffee so felt bit left out (as hate tea) so she got me to order it with syrup which made it quite nice then over time when she was getting the coffees she would order mine with half shot then eventually with none. It took about a week to get used to but now I love my coffee but hate syrup. btw dh uses half spoon in his tea.