Synful Smoothies...


Full Member
From what ive read so far, blended fruit etc is to be synned, because you can eat more of it than you would if you hadnt, and blending is not in the general spirit of food optimising..

But, what if , say, i had planned to have a fruit salad type breakfast... of like 1 banana, a few strawberries and maybe an apple - for instance. If this was ALL i was ever going to have in this case for breakfast, could i blend it and count it as free IF i didnt have anything else to 'fill up on' since i wouldnt be as full now it was blended?

Has anybody / does anybody do this and does it work for you?
Its not just the risk of over eating. Its also the fact that it fills you up for less time when it is in a smoothie so you eat again sooner and take in more calories.
So it doesn't really matter that you only use the same amount of fruit as you would be if eating it whole sorry :(
It's also about how much sugar is released once the fruit is puréed. I'd love it if smoothies were free!