Ta da!

I am a girl on a mission to get fit. Weight loss isn't a main goal but being over 17st, it's not exactly going to stay around unless cake is classed as one of my five a day. My main fitness goal is to live long and disease free and maybe buy a dress from a place not solely catering to women who were rejected from Topshop. I am more focus on the measuring tape than the scale. I will weigh myself purely for joining dietbet games and updating my Wii so I don't really have a goal weight.

I have hurt my body in previous years with many dumbass diets which only results in gain, health problems, and various disorders. I am now in a place where I really do not want to be told what I can and can't eat so I just intend to live clean. Wholegrains, fruit and veg, lean meat, low fat dairy, and healthly oils. Lots of cooking from scratch and if I want a piece of chocolate, I will have it. Just not the whole bar.

Bring it on!

I just intend to live clean. Wholegrains, fruit and veg, lean meat, low fat dairy, and healthly oils. Lots of cooking from scratch and if I want a piece of chocolate, I will have it. Just not the whole bar.
Bring it on!

Welcome to the forum Bellelardie, do you realise what you describe above is Slimming World? That's exactly what I have been doing for nearly 5 months now. Good luck I hope it goes well for you ;)