TA: Game-playing


Gold Member
Just had the weirdest encounter, which made me think of the transactional analysis game-playing stuff I've done at LL. There is a rather difficult senior manager at my work. The culture is that people behave how "they have always done" and you have to put up with it :rolleyes:. (Something I'm not used to from previous workplaces.) Anyway, she came over and was really aggressive about me moving a meeting with her. When I was a bit taken aback by her tone she just got worse. Left me feeling really wobbly and weird. (Btw I am technically more senior in the organisation than her!!)

Afterwards, thankfully, I remembered that of course it was just a "game". But why do people feel the need to behave so unhelpfully? It was really weird!
I had that same thought to a colleague (who was a counsellor) a few years ago about a very unkind and thoughtless client. She told me not let it worry me and to stand back and think what has happened to her in her life to make her behave the way she does.