Team 14 - Scream if you wanna go faster! - Official Thread

Oh I'm ok...I just keep going like an energiser bunny.

Stress makes me want to eat too but I've developing ways to cope. Before I didn't even realise what I was doing so that's a big step forwards!

It's a dreicht day in Glasgow - but I am heading to Stirling then Falkirk for work - maybe a bit brighter over there.

Stayed the same weight - guess that's as good as it gets in the situation.

Morning Claire

Hope you are doing OK and that the weather is better in your neck of the woods.

Been a busy week but I've been good. No movement on the scales yet but I haven't been drinking nearly enough water. Doing training courses so have been intentionally cutting back as I cannot keep running out and leaving my students mid lecture to run to the loo.

The funeral isn't until Tuesday - been a long time so we are heading south for that. My friend is coming to stay with the dogs, so we are all organised.

I have been giving so much thought to maintenance, one of my main worries as you know - mainly because I am so bad at it. Thinking about how guilty I've felt on the few occasions I've eaten something and wonder if that is good (and will keep me on the straight and narrow) or if J is right and I am becoming obsessive.

Have a good day and weekend.
KD said something that really interested me. The basic gist was that most days you eat healthily but after a holiday/party/overeating time you just go back to eating healthily again. Don't starve to make up for it. Go back to normal for a few weeks and see what happens. It tends to even out.

I think this is really good advice because its about not overreacting but just having a plan for those time you go over your eating plan.

Obviously this won't work if you do it every other day!

Anyway have a search for KDs advice on maintenance - its really useful.
I will search for KD's posts, I've read a couple and they make so much sense.

Had a fall last night, and don't know what it was about. Was watching TV and had a numb feeling in my left leg like it was going to sleep - something that's happened off and on recently. Got up to jig on it for a bit to bring the feeling back and went crashing to the ground. I twisted on it and and went down with a bang.

We put some ice on it and luckily it's not bruised this morning, though still a bit sore. Unfortunately for J I still am up for going to Ikea (his least favourite place in the world) for some new curtains for the lodge this morning.

Have a good weekend.

Hi Claire - saw on Facebook that you've been having fun.

I haven't been posting as I've had flu for the past two weeks. Early in the week before last I had a student on a course who should have been home in behad it and should have been at home - as happens when you try to avoid getting too near to someone, she followed me around for two days and boy did I catch her germs. My throat still is raw and I have the most horrendous cough.

Haven't been sticking to my diet - but since I've not much felt like eating either, haven't done a lot of damage.

We went away for the weekend with our friends and Godchildren as planned, but I'm afraid I was a misery guts most of the time, and even at one point when they all went to Oban for the day, I stayed back with my doggies and the Sky remote.

Will probably start ss'ing after the weekend - then straight through for the final stint.

Hope all is well with you.
Hi Claire
Had three on the last I checked, but as said earlier don't expect to have done much damage and back on the wagon on Monday.

That would mean 7lb (if I am still the same) for the current, and I'd ideally like to lose another stone - and then evaluate.

Hope it's as sunny where you are as it is here.

Well into day 2. Yesterday morning had a total plus of 5lb which is not bad for the timescale so I am counting myself as lucky. 2 down already this morning.

Hope all is good with you.
Three days ss'ing down and the 5lb have gone - thank goodness.

Hope you are well and that you've finally worn these shoes :)
No, not even bought them yet! Still faffing! 5 pounds is great! Well done you.

Weight wise for me at the moment I'm just happy I've stopped randomly putting weight on. My meds have gone back up again so I'm hopeful I can get back to losing.
Hi Claire - hope you are well.

I've been hit with the flu again - not back in bed but feeling really rough -sore throat, cough which never went away. It's been such a pain. Back at work yesterday.

Hope all is well with you.
Flu again? That's no good. That ticker of yours keeps on going down though doesn't it? Well done you.

Everything fine with me. Meds higher so I'm losing again. 3 pounds this week. Just got 5 more until I'm where I was before they dropped the meds! Oh well, I'll get there.
Hi Claire

I haven't been online much at all - well done on the three pounds - you are getting so near.

Believe it or not, I am STILL coughing - the last doctor I saw said that I don't need a antibiotic so I guess it's just time.

I've been having packs during the day and a meal at night - and staying around the same. Can't seem to get my head in the right place for 100% ss'ing, but I am trying.

What did you do about the shoes?
Didn't buy the shoes in the end. Not doing too great at the dieting this week but its been a shitty one. Next week I'll do better.

Still coughing? Thats no good.