***Team 2 CD W8 Warrior Princesses!***

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Well done on the 3lbs :D!!
I'm glad it's nearly "soup" time :p Still trying new flavours, I'm on the Leek & Potato one tonight.
just having it - it's really salty isn't it; hmmm could make some nice crisps or popadoms maybe. Do you girls cook much with your cd sachets? I haven't tried any recipes yet.
i cant stand the soups! i stick to the shakes and tetra bricks, ive got a terrible migrane today - i dont know if its linked to the diet or cos its my TOTM but its horrible, missing my carbs today but i wont give in to them - gonna have some prawns instead. xx
ooh prawns; sounds tasty :p
I might have to give SS+ a go by the end of next week so I can have one low cal meal. Reason: got relatives visiting including my mum and she would go nuts if she found out I was only having 100% "diet" shakes. I know it will be a really hard time watching them all eat and having to explain I'm on a diet etc... but I can't give in at that point so I'll have to be strong :D Random question, do the tetras come in different flavours? My CDC only gave me the chocolate option but from reading on the forum there seems to be other ones :S ?
Hope youre headache goes soon Lena!
Well done on the loss Maybe Baby :)

Stefany the tetra's come in chocolate, banana and strawberry flavours, I've been told the choc tetra made into a mousse is divine but I haven't tried it, and I haven't tried any of the recipes just stick to porridge for breakfast, shake or bar for lunch, soup for dinner then a mousse in the evening as a sort of dessert I guess :D
Awww, Lena, i hope you feel better soon. I think some paracetemol and an early night will do wonders :).

Forest, the Tetras are available in Chocolate, Strawberry and Banana. I have only tried the chocolate tetras myself and they are gorjus. They're even nicer frozen, its like ice cream :). I dont think theres nothing wrong in doing SS+ when your mum visits, if it'll make things easier for you then give it a go. You could also say that you're not feelin well and dont feel like eating instead of explaining you're on diet. I know it must be difficult to be around others eating food but it does get easier and you wont even notice, lol.

Michelle, i'm sorry we didnt respond to your post. Some of us dont get much time to post/check in here and as forest mentioned we've been losing members and then having some come back so its been hectic. I'm sure you'll find a team soon or you could start your own team if there are others looking for a team, thats what we did.

I hope you're all having a good day :) xx
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Lol, exp107, you beat me to it, lol. I do tend to take a while to post.

The only recipe i have tried is making my chocolate shake into a muffin and its not that nice. Having said that i'm sure it would be nicer if i added a tablet sweetner. I dont have anything else on the diet apart from Chocolate shakes as hot chocolate and the occasional tetra if its not too cold. I cant stomach any other flavours.

Forest, i couldnt do without ss+ im tall llike you so you can just swap your forth shake for a meal but remember it mustnt contain carbs!
this is even more important than the low cal bit because carbs will take you out of ketosis and you will feel hungry again!!
i usually have a tuna salad, or prawn salad or just a bag of fridge raiders ( little chicken breast strips) normally i dont even need my 3rd shake as the meal fills me up x
the tetras are lovley, they are more creamy than the shakes and less hassle, definetly worth a try :)
I'm out of tetras - only had 2 choc ones; but will stock up next time and try them as an ice cream and mousse too :p
I still get one cd meal for tonight so will try the hot chocolate version; all this chocolate talk is making me hungry now lol.
PS- like the new avatar :p ?
Hot chocolate is gorjus. I make mine up with 16 oz of water so it lasts longer.

I'm loving your new avatar :). We shud make somthing similar to put in our sigs.

I've been think that but haven't a clue what lol :rolleyes:

I'm not too sure either but i'll look into it later tonight since my battery is low on my laptop.

If anyone has any ideas, please post them :) xx
Have asked hubbie to get his design head on as he's the more technical as he is among other things a web designer! :D
Nice new avatar too Nicola :p Yeah it would be great to have one for our signatures. I only know how to use Paint so I doubt I can make anything great lol.
I've had my hot chocolate, it was quite nice I must admit. I'm working on my 4th litre of water for today; I never thought I'd even manage 2 before starting CD so I'm quite happy with myself. I really hope it will have a good effect on my skin too as I'm tired of having spots & blackheads like a 16yr old.
Yayyyyyy I've done my 4 litres today.....wasn't too bad either!
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