Team 2012

This is to all in the team, im making 5 main reasons for doing this, what are yours? They can be deep or trivial, silly or important, but top 5 reasons.

Mine are:

1. To be a healthy woman when my son gets his all clear from leukaemia later this year.
2. To be fitter and more able physically.
3. To look good even in cheap clothes.
4. To be able to do different looks and get out of my 'mummy at the supermarket' look.
5. To feel happy and confident that physically i make myself and my man proud.

LessofLou said:
Im re starting on 3rd Jan. I have this problem that I have to be 100% or I give up!! hence my signature. I want 2012 to be the Year that I just keep on keeping on!!!

I'm an all or nothing girl as well I have decided 2012 is the year of going for All All year ;) we can do it
1. To live my life to the full
2. To get married knowing we have the longest possible life together
3. To have children and not have to worry that my weight will make me or my baby I'll when I am pregnant
4. To feel like a woman again!
5. I'm sick of being blinking fat!
clairem87 said:
This is to all in the team, im making 5 main reasons for doing this, what are yours? They can be deep or trivial, silly or important, but top 5 reasons.

Mine are:

1. To be a healthy woman when my son gets his all clear from leukaemia later this year.
2. To be fitter and more able physically.
3. To look good even in cheap clothes.
4. To be able to do different looks and get out of my 'mummy at the supermarket' look.
5. To feel happy and confident that physically i make myself and my man proud.


1. To be eligible for fertility treatment I am so desperate for.
2. Maybe be able to conceive naturally if lose enough.
3. Get pcos symptoms under control
4. To look good in the clothe I like
5. To feel confident in my own skin
What good reasons, im going to lol at mine when i feel my resolve slipping, your reasons are so important, you'll do it im sure :)
What good reasons, im going to look at mine when i feel my resolve slipping, your reasons are so important, you'll do it im sure :)
It was a great idea to do especially so we can all see and look back as you say when our resolve is slipping. They are so important to me that sometimes I get overwhelmed and stuff my face. I am not able to do that now and need to learn to cope with this feeling and channel it into positivity x
Gosh reasons ok then...
1. to prove to myself and my mother that being 11-12 stone isn't fat having been a whole lot more than that
2. to feel better about myself
3. to be a similar size to when I met my husband as he must think "sh!t whats happened to the woman I married"
4. to be healthier and be able to walk the dog without sweating or being out of breath
5. to prove to myself I dont have to be under 10 stone to feel thin
Same here, im really trying to teach myself that i cannot justify my weight by the problems in my life as i have done that for a while now and all its doing is creating further problems. Two quotes : 'if hunger is not the problem, then food is not the solution' and 'you are not a dog, do not reward yourself with food!'
I am aiming to lose 50lbs for Valentine's day on ss, no if's no but's! We can do it! X
clairem87 said:
Same here, im really trying to teach myself that i cannot justify my weight by the problems in my life as i have done that for a while now and all its doing is creating further problems. Two quotes : 'if hunger is not the problem, then food is not the solution' and 'you are not a dog, do not reward yourself with food!'

Love those quotes especially the second will be bearing that one in mind at all times. Ladies get rewarded with pamper stuff and clothes ;)

I have been fat most my life.. My dad spent years when I was young telling me how embarrassing I was ( was a curvy size 14 so not fat) but I realise now how that has affected my self esteem!!!

2012 is so our year!!!
Katie - 25lb
Geenabee - 30lb
Alfielulu - 20lb
Claire - 30lb
Rebecca - 20lb
LessofLou - 28lb
JoJo - 50lbs
Alfielulu said:
Gosh reasons ok then...
1. to prove to myself and my mother that being 11-12 stone isn't fat having been a whole lot more than that
2. to feel better about myself
3. to be a similar size to when I met my husband as he must think "sh!t whats happened to the woman I married"
4. to be healthier and be able to walk the dog without sweating or being out of breath
5. to prove to myself I dont have to be under 10 stone to feel thin

I relate totally to yr number 3! My fella must be gutted with my weight gain! We got together at 13 and i was a 10 then, and stayed between there and 14 till i was about 18 then had babies etc and am now a 22. Poor guy!

Your reasons are great, i love your perspective on not having to be teeny to feel desirable!
Great reasons :) I was a lot larger when I met my hubby so him seeing me thinner will be a bonus lol x
jojoCD1989 said:
I am aiming to lose 50lbs for Valentine's day on ss, no if's no but's! We can do it! X

We certainly can DO IT !!! ;)
I am motivated as Hell, had a set back today and ended up eating salad! The guilt came afterwards and it actually made me realise that i need to man up and get through this and stay on the straight and narrow! I can and i will do this! X so can the rest of you! I believe in you all! X
katiebaby said:
Great reasons :) I was a lot larger when I met my hubby so him seeing me thinner will be a bonus lol x

Hee hee, he's gunna be one lucky guy! But at least youll always know hes loved and desired you no matters yoursize, i feel blessed in that way too. Xx
Yea I do feel blessed he's lovely even said the magic words don't lose too much :) I think we put more pressure on ourselves trying to be what we think is desirable. Don't you think ? Or is it just me
katie - so know where you are with that parent mum took me to a dietician when I was 15 and made me do 30 mins of cycling every day on an exercise bike because she thought I should be under 10 stone. Ever since then she has always referred back to that 10 st goal the dietician gave me. I was 15 for xx sake! It so isn't relevant now!! We had a BIG row a few years ago where I told her to back off from talking to me about my weight in any way. She tries real hard not to know as I got so cross but I can tell its still going through her head. When I told her I was doing CD she said it was the best christmas present she could have had. Go figure!

Claire - I met my husband 6 years ago and I had been ill for the two weeks prior and was 10 st 4. Since then I have slowly grown..... I know I am not going to be that weight again as I am in my late 30s and dont expect to be but it would be nice to not squirm when he touches me just because I dont like my size.