Team 22 - XxX Rumbles XxX

Hello everyone!! well blimey i'm gonna have to go back and forth and edit this so that I can answer all I want to! lol

Firstly - Goosey - I am so glad you want to take the reins.. I have a lot on at the moment but will help where I can if you need me! ;) As for the name.. we're still Rumbles.. just that all teams have a number as well. :)

I'm hoping to add to the losses this week but you'll need to check with admin if I'm allowed as not on CD till Thursday. :) I can give you losses then based on my own scales.

Loved-Up - don't be down on 'whos the biggest' Honestly ((hugs)) I know how hard it can be when people say 'oooh i have to go on a diet' when they have about a stone to lose or less... and how impossible it can seem. I hope you'll feel comfortable with us, you don't need to post weight or anything if you don't want to, you'll be able to PM Goosey and work out your own results with her - if Admin need actual weights maybe they can work around this so it's not public if you prefer.
I am in a long line of overweight females in our family, my aunt has always been a size 30+ none of us know her size or weight and she is a fantastic person who we love dearly.
Weight is certainly for me a life long battle.. one that I'm determined to make a difference in, but there is no way that I'll ever be able to forget about it. If I do it comes running back and jumps on me!! lol
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oh and Goosey.. do you want me to do a graphic for the team? If you don't like it you don't have to use it I promise! :)
kerry kerry, on aviator to put on pic...... browse then choose one, my teenager did mine lol just click above a tracker and it takes you to web page (BUT THAT TOOK ME AGES TOO)
oh and Goosey.. do you want me to do a graphic for the team? If you don't like it you don't have to use it I promise! :)

she's watching hollyoaks:eek:
hehe i'm back.. hollyoaks was great :D yeh hugs i would love you to do some sort of graffic for the team, that would be amazing.
Kerry babes, if you go into your user cp, and then select edit avitar, and then select custom and browse your pic on your PC, choose one and then hit save all should be good :)

I meant to ask, since there are a few of us here, do you want me to put up the weights etc for this week and just not count mine and hugs since we both start thursday so won't have results till next week, or do you want me to wait till next week.

Also hugs, do i have to actually submit our weights everyweek to admin, or just post em on here?

Ange, i think it would be better if we saved the team vs. team challenge till next week so that every member of our team can take part :D xxxx
I'm off now guys and gals. gonna watch some proper tv, not some soap lol and goosey goosey my names trudixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
lol enjoy your "proper" telly lol speak tomorrow, night night, hope you have a good day xxxxx
Hello again!

Thank you for the lovely welcome goosy and a big yay that you're our team leader:D

Purple hugs thank you for the lovely message:eek: To be honest I don't know how much I weigh:eek: I asked my cdc not to tell me till it's come down a bit:eek: BUT I do know that this week I have lost.....................................................

nine and a half pounds:eek::eek::eek::bliss:how on earth did I manage that:giggle: I bet I lose a pound a week from now on hee hee

Biltsy thank you for asking, my baby boy is 7 months now and all chubby and scrummy:D my others are 11, 10, 6 (all boys) and my little girl is 2 nearly 3:family2: I was desperate to restart CD after having little Isaac but I had to wait till I'd finished bf him so I am sooooo happy to be into the swing of it now!
God help you all with a goose as your team leader lol, Nine and a 1/2 pounds... that is absolutely amazing (don't forget the 1/2 :D), i shall be singing your praises to all my friends!!! very prowed, well done!! And it must be difficult with such a busy house to keep, you must be a strong woman.... what am i saying ofcourse your a strong woman your a rumbler!!! :)

How was your day today anyway lady? i take it your WI was today? that must have put you in high spirits :) xxxx
I think it's a submit thing.. but there is a pinned thread explaining what you need to do... if you are any good on MS excel you could set up a mini spreadsheet to save you time - I am rusty and rubbish with the new MS package we have on this pc but can have a go if you need it.

Might be worth asking if you can include any losses by us, as I'll have definately lost. :)

Will have a look at an image or two then :)

Loved-Up - :talk017::talk017::talk017:
Well done you!! And to your CDC for being so lovely :) it's a great way of thinking :) Really am pleased for you! Bet you top over a stone next week! Are you doing SS or SS+?

I have a 4 year old and 9 year old daughter and we foster a 10 year old girl too :) She only moved in at the beginning of the month but is with us long term. :)
we fostered a lot of babies till we moved to Wales (because we are 200 miles away from our fostering agency so can only do long term), I miss them terribly sometimes.. but not at 2, 3, 4 or 5 am! ;)
Hi all, I can't believe I disappear to take the girls to their swim training and how much happens. Well done loved up for a great weigh in!! Goosey, glad to hear your team leader!! Anyway, off to bed feeling tired +++. Speak to you all tomorrow.

night louie, hope you have a good day tomorrow, hugs i've asked irene if we can include our loses so just waiting to hear back, well done to everyone, i'm super proud, spread sheet is a grrrrrrreat idea hugs, so will start work on that tonight.

Good night to everyone, and will speak tomorrow
remember never alone ;D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
just herd from irene and she says its all good for us to include our none CD weight loss, so will be submitting the rumbles first weights by the end of this week yay!!!

night night xxxxxx
Great news goosey!! :) I'll let you know what they are after I see my CDC :).
Night all - sorry got booted off the pc by my hubby!! **tutt**
Morning Rumblers! :)
I'm full of a cold this morning but still feeling motivated so that's good news. :) 2 days till I see my CDC :D.

Am off to the garage with my car this morning and it has a reversing light fault. :rolleyes: Will likely head for a walk with my dogs n' hubby and then crack on with more decorating (kitchen).. we're about halfway there now. :)

Will see you all later! Hope the rumbles ease for those rumbling! ;)
morning blues

Morning Rumblers:jelous:, Morning Purple:jelous:
not feeling too bright myself today either, feel very emotional.:tear_drop:...:tear_drop:...:tear_drop:.must be pmt....:eek:.............:eek:........:eek:............:eek:.........:eek:.........not normal for me off to dentist with mum;in;law; joy :rolleyes:lol
see ya all later
xx T xxx
((hugs)) biltsy! :) Hope pmt passes - if not put a weepy film on and have a good blub!

Well am having a think after reading a thread on the horizon programme about 'why are thin people not fat' last night.. haven't watched it but nearly posted this:
I didn't see it unfortunately sounds like it was interesting.

It makes you wonder though about the 'body' thinking for itself on size.. is it possible it's a 'memory' or a desire within us more than the body.. after all the body presents cravings and desires via our brain.. it can't work without the brain so therefore it has to be something in our mind rather than our bodies surely?

In my late teens I was in the T.A. (medics) was HUGELY active and fit.. BUT.. never got my weight below 12st. Partly because I drank at that time and ate whatever I wanted. A snack to me was a bottle of chocolate milkshake and a yorkie. :eek:
I have learnt a lot more about food and yes I'm still bad when I let myself be. and would KILL to be 12 stone again.. but I do feel that 12 stone was a weight my mind was set to as I never tried to stay under or over it till I was older.

Once I was in my mid-20's I was 'set' at around 14stone. Honestly I don't know when it changed but it did. So both of these weights are sticking points now when I'm on a diet, but in reality, I think it's a mental sticking point where I go 'oooh it's going to be soooo hard to get below that'..

I'm yet to beat the 12 stone one, and am above the 14 stone one.. so need to remember this post when I'm struggling! lol

anyway.. forgive my ramblings, I just wondered if this was relevant.

Thought i'd post it here as you all understand me a little more! ;) I'm really determined this time to adjust myself for life. I watched the Anne Diamond programme last night and honestly, she had major surgery and lost weight but is 'creaping' up again.. you can see it plain as day, yet she was talking to people and helping people.. why does the media think that she has the right? It's not like she's solved her problems.

Grr.. guess I'm feeling cross today! :rolleyes: sorry girls! lol

Ok.. deep breathing... :rolleyes:
Morning everyone:)

Thanks again for the lovely messages on my weigh in, I'm still feeling great from it:D and I'm even happier cos I've got some bars now and it feels like such a treat!

Biltsy sorry you're feeling a bit down today:( I hope your day picks up a bit, we're all here if you need some hugs or just to offload:hug99:

Purple hugs, your husband must be totally outnumbered in a house full of girls:D Sounds fab, fostering is something my other half and I would love to get into when our lot are a bit older

I didnt see the programme either, but I have been thinking recently about 'sticking' weights too. Actually I'm quite glad I didn't see it, I know that that might sound strange but there is a lot of 'evidence' out there about how hard it is to lose weigh and especially to keep it off but what really matters to me is that there ARE people who have done it, there are people on here who are such an inspiration and that makes me hopefull! As long as it's possible then I know that wether I suceed or fail it's down to me so I try not to worry about statistics. Sorry I'm just rambling now and probably not making any sense at all:p

Hope you're all having a good day so far and tummys aren't too rumbly;)