Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 - Official Thread :o))))

Ok the day has come and its time to post the results for Week 6 (who knew time could pass so fast :giggle:)

3 results in, awaiting DD, Chalack & Surfhunny

Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 (Week 6)

BBlilsis- 201.5 to 197.5 = -4 = -1.99%

Chalack- 255 to ? = ? = ? %
Doubledumpling- 319 to ? = ? = -?%
Shadaca- 235.5 to 232 = -3.5 = -1.49%

Sleekandclean- 177 to 176 = -1 = -0.56%
Surfhunny- 206.75 to ? = ? = ? %

Team total so far - 1394.75 to ? = ? = ??%
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Oooooops sorry, so busy with getting back into the swing of real life I completely forgot. Here it is =

Last WI -206.75lbs
This week - 203lbs

Loss = 3.75lbs.
(finally got rid of that pesky 0.75lb :giggle:)
Oooooops sorry, so busy with getting back into the swing of real life I completely forgot. Here it is =

Last WI -206.75lbs
This week - 203lbs

Loss = 3.75lbs.
(finally got rid of that pesky 0.75lb :giggle:)

:wow: Congrats, thats a fantastic weightloss to come back with after TWO weeks holidays, your fantastic, well done on having the willpower to stay strong :bliss:
Cool so now we've got 4 results in, just waiting for DD & Chalack to post :p

Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 (Week 6)

BBlilsis- 201.5 to 197.5= -4 = -1.99%
Chalack- 255 to ? = ? = ? %
Doubledumpling- 319 to ? = ? = -?%
Shadaca- 235.5 to 232 = -3.5 = -1.49%

Sleekandclean- 177 to 176 = -1 = -0.56%
Surfhunny- 206.75 to 203 = -3.75 = 1.81 %

Team total so far - 1394.75 to ? = ? = ??%
:wow: Congrats, thats a fantastic weightloss to come back with after TWO weeks holidays, your fantastic, well done on having the willpower to stay strong :bliss:

Ah thanks, to be honest it wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. I was fine until the last Thursday when I desperately wanted a steak - so I had it. Part of me wishes I'd managed to hang on for the last 4 days, but then I totally enjoyed eating for those few days and I don't regret it cos I'm back on track and back in ketosis without any probs.

It also helped prove to myself that when it comes down to it, I'm not going to have any food hang ups when I have to start eating again. I've heard about so many people having problems with eating again after doing our kind of diet. Not me tho.
Sleeeeeeeep Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaassssse

I can't sleep again tonight, I think I'm turning nocturnal. I can't still be on USA time surely?? It didn't take this long to re-adjust last time. I tend to put the tv on sleep and set it for 30 mins and usually I'm asleep waaay before it goes off, but for the last 2 nights I'm still wide awake, so haven't even bothered with it.

BBlilsis, I don't really get distracted by the tv cos once I take my contact lenses out I can't see the thing anyway:giggle:. I asked my mum for any ideas on how to get to sleep and she just came up with 'close your eyes' thanks mum! :argh:

Ah well, I iguess I only have to make it through one more day of work then I'm off all weekend. I'm going to take my photo's to get printed - something I usually forget to do, but I bought a really nice photo album from Disney and it'd be a shame to leave it empty.

I'm sorry, this is seriously waffly but it's because I'm up, in the middle of the night, bored and so NOT tired. I actually thought about getting dressed and going for a walk (it's safe enough round here to do that) but then I looked out and the rain put me off. Not the fact that it's 1am - it was the rain.:tear_drop::tear_drop: If I was eating I could go to the 24hour Tesco and get some shopping, but I'm not so I don't actually need anything. There's nothing on tv either- they should really cater for insomniacs - poker is not a spectator sport.

Oh god I'm such a whinge bag tonight, sorry girls.:rolleyes: I just wanna go to sleep!! I'm going to be really cranky tomorrow.

Anyway, it's been pretty quiet on here today. I hope everyone is okay and bobbing along nicely.

Right I'm going. Off to count sheep, this time I'm going to try counting in Afrikaans (my second language) just for variety sake. See I'm clearly going insane as a result of such little sleep.:p

Nighty night my lovelies xxxxx
hI IM SORRY I HAVENT BEEN AROUND MUCH, i thought i was gettin better but then ive had another turn for the worst and on top of it ive put on 11 POUNDS :( i just wanna curl up and die im so down right now, i finished my medicatiopn but was then ut on another tratment for a week so once i finish my secnd lot this sunday i shou;d be good to get back on sole source and HOPEFULlY make up for the massive weight gain, sorry.x
Ah thanks, to be honest it wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. I was fine until the last Thursday when I desperately wanted a steak - so I had it. Part of me wishes I'd managed to hang on for the last 4 days, but then I totally enjoyed eating for those few days and I don't regret it cos I'm back on track and back in ketosis without any probs.

It also helped prove to myself that when it comes down to it, I'm not going to have any food hang ups when I have to start eating again. I've heard about so many people having problems with eating again after doing our kind of diet. Not me tho.

Hey I still honestly think your brilliant for sticking for sooo much of your holiday, I have to admit I wouldn't be able to even have SS'd one day, and being in the States you must have been surrounded by so much food, have to ask, did you think you'd have a problem eating again, cuz thats not a problem I've heard of, actually the norm seems to be once you eat, ya can't stop :p well thats my problem which I'm retraining myself and thankfully I can report I seem to have cracked the secret, its not all or nothing, i've lost another lb of the scales this morning, so I feel very very good about this diet now I know one small meal won't make me gain :p

Oh and another suggestion for insomnia, is to tell yourself that your going to stay awake all night, no matter what, its reverse psychology, read a book force yourself to read the next chapter after next, telling yourself that it doesn't matter that your tired you will not sleep, my guess is that you'll drop off. If you lie awake fighting to sleep your actually making your body be alert and struggle (struggling takes brain power) and feck it after these suggestions I'm left with only one other and it ain't on the plan :giggle: knock a bottle of vodka down your throat, that defo makes me sleep......thats last option is only in case of emergency, purely joking with ya :giggle:
hI IM SORRY I HAVENT BEEN AROUND MUCH, i thought i was gettin better but then ive had another turn for the worst and on top of it ive put on 11 POUNDS :( i just wanna curl up and die im so down right now, i finished my medicatiopn but was then ut on another tratment for a week so once i finish my secnd lot this sunday i shou;d be good to get back on sole source and HOPEFULlY make up for the massive weight gain, sorry.x

Hey Missus, real sorry to hear your still having a bad time health wise, try not to let it get you down, the medication will probably be adding water retention to ya, don't be thinking its real weight, it'll be gone in no time, so just try to eat healthily for your own sake nothing to do with dieting, healthy food will get you back up and running a heck of a lot quicker than junkfood..get me Dr Phil :giggle:
5 Results in, just waiting for DD to post :p

Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 (Week 6)

BBlilsis- 201.5 to 197.5= -4 = -1.99%
Chalack- 255 to 266 = +11 = +4.31 %
Doubledumpling- 319 to ? = ? = -?%
Shadaca- 235.5 to 232 = -3.5 = -1.49%

Sleekandclean- 177 to 176 = -1 = -0.56%
Surfhunny- 206.75 to 203 = -3.75 = 1.81 %

Team total so far - 1394.75 to ? = ? = ??%

Hey, while we're waiting for DD, I've been doing some number crunching....yep its one of my skills to number crunch :giggle: how sad is that to admit.

Anyhow....we've got two VERY strong front runners in weightloss on our lickle team

Shadaca - in six weeks has lost 28.5lbs or 10.94%


Surfhunny - in six weeks has lost 23.5lbs or 10.38%

next on our scoreboard is

Doubledumpling - so far is coming in as third but without her scores for this week I can only report that in 5 weeks has lost 28lbs or 8.07%

Sleekandclean - in six weeks has lost 12.75lbs or 6.75 % (de .75 just keeps popping up :p)

then there's myself :eek: and Chalack, frontrunners for the least lost, but in our defence we both seem to be going thru hard times at the moment.

BBlilsis - in six weeks has embarassingly managed to lose 2lbs or 1% but I'm gonna make up in the next six weeks (cuz I've since lost another 1lb :character00116:)


Chalack - unfortunately with her illness has managed to gain 2lbs or 0.76% but once she's back on her feet I'm sure this will be gone in no time

Man I feel bad posting this now, it started out shouting about the good news, four of you are very very strong contenders, but in order to highlight that I think its only fair I post myself and Chalacks scores too :eek:

lets focus on the positives, six weeks in, we've still got our original team members,we're sticking together thru thick and thin :p
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OMG peeps where are ye all, t'is 9hrs since my last update and even then I was the only one on here today :giggle: have ya all fallen asleep...wake up..wake up...wherever you are :giggle: thats just me wishing :giggle: your probably all out having a ball (or not) I treated myself to the Sex and the City DVD and am watching it right now, oh to have that glamorous lifestyle and say its de norm :p if you were a Sex and the City Character which one would you be ?

me....sadly I'm Miranda, heart of gold, soft as sh!t$ but so straightforward and brutally honest that I come across as a hard B!t€h :eek:

Come back peeps, god only knows what i'll post if I'm left alone for 24hrs :giggle: look what 9hours has done to me :giggle:
OMG peeps where are ye all, t'is 9hrs since my last update and even then I was the only one on here today :giggle: have ya all fallen asleep...wake up..wake up...wherever you are :giggle: thats just me wishing :giggle: your probably all out having a ball (or not) I treated myself to the Sex and the City DVD and am watching it right now, oh to have that glamorous lifestyle and say its de norm :p if you were a Sex and the City Character which one would you be ?

me....sadly I'm Miranda, heart of gold, soft as sh!t$ but so straightforward and brutally honest that I come across as a hard B!t€h :eek:

Come back peeps, god only knows what i'll post if I'm left alone for 24hrs :giggle: look what 9hours has done to me :giggle:

Helllloooo I'm here!!! had the same problem yesterday, no one was about at all. I'm going to try your suggestion to beat insomnia, but I seriously think I'm still on USA time, cos I finally fell asleep at about 3.30am which is 10.30pm over there, and perfectly reasonable to be going to bed. I'll get sorted eventually.

Sorry to hear you're having a poo time Chalak. Try not to worry too much about the extra lbs, once you're back up and about you'll lose them no probs.

BB - Sex and the City character?? My friends would definitely say that I'm Carrie, I even did an on line quiz once which said I was most like her. It's funny my closet group of friends are actually very much like those 4, we have a Charlotte (Em's), a Miranda (Angie) and a Samantha (Kerry), then there's me - Carrie. My shoes and handbags have their own bedroom!!! I love shopping and I love New York - so there we go....Just need to meet my Mr Big now!!
Helllloooo I'm here!!! had the same problem yesterday, no one was about at all. I'm going to try your suggestion to beat insomnia, but I seriously think I'm still on USA time, cos I finally fell asleep at about 3.30am which is 10.30pm over there, and perfectly reasonable to be going to bed. I'll get sorted eventually.

Sorry to hear you're having a poo time Chalak. Try not to worry too much about the extra lbs, once you're back up and about you'll lose them no probs.

BB - Sex and the City character?? My friends would definitely say that I'm Carrie, I even did an on line quiz once which said I was most like her. It's funny my closet group of friends are actually very much like those 4, we have a Charlotte (Em's), a Miranda (Angie) and a Samantha (Kerry), then there's me - Carrie. My shoes and handbags have their own bedroom!!! I love shopping and I love New York - so there we go....Just need to meet my Mr Big now!!

:giggle: well I'd love a Steve, he's loverly, funny, sexy, family man, reliable, honest, trustworthy, easy on the eye, loves dogs, just the type of man i'd love to meet :p

ps. glad somebody else is out there :giggle:
If I'd have been Carrie, I'd have stuck with Aiden. He was lovely. Ah well, I'm stuck in a lurve rut at the moment, it's not so bad really. I don't think I could cope with explaining CD to any more people, esp not someone I'm interested in.:sigh:

However........ there is one guy (we used to work together a few years ago) who I totally fancy and we always have a bit of a flirt when we see each other - but that's it. Anyway, haven't seen him for a couple of years and there's a serious possibility that I'm going to see him again at the beginning of Nov so who knows...:ashamed0005:

He he talk about getting side tracked - must be the lack of sleep.:eek:
If I'd have been Carrie, I'd have stuck with Aiden. He was lovely. Ah well, I'm stuck in a lurve rut at the moment, it's not so bad really. I don't think I could cope with explaining CD to any more people, esp not someone I'm interested in.:sigh:

However........ there is one guy (we used to work together a few years ago) who I totally fancy and we always have a bit of a flirt when we see each other - but that's it. Anyway, haven't seen him for a couple of years and there's a serious possibility that I'm going to see him again at the beginning of Nov so who knows...:ashamed0005:

He he talk about getting side tracked - must be the lack of sleep.:eek:

OMG, Aiden was my favourite man in SATC, he was and still is gorge.....she was a silly mare to let him go, I LOVE SATC

One thing that slightly annoyed me, is it was mean't to be about strong single women, but it don't take much dissecting to realise that all they wanted was to find the perfect man to marry, guess that's what we're all after really ???

I've been there got the t'shirt and t'pain :eek: still love the movie and would love to meet my own Mr Big, or Steve or whomever if he's out there (for real this time):p
Well well here I am again, the early hours of the morning and still wide awake:bliss:. Even at work today (after only 3 hours sleep last night) I was wide awake. I'm not used to it at all.

I only came back on line to check the Euromillions results, looks like it's back to work for me on Monday:(, I got 4 numbers but they were spread over 2 lines, never mind, try again next week.

Today I went to see my friend who's on maternity leave. She hasn't seen me since 2 days after I started CD. Her reaction:wow: has made the last 6 weeks well worth while. She was so happy for me and made me feel great.:D I've been reading some other threads on here and I'm really surprised by some of the bad reactions people have been getting. Everyone has been so supportive of me, even my best friend has come round to the logic of losing weight with CD - now that she realises I'm not on some crazy water diet (she actually thought the flavouring I keep adding to my water was the diet, bless her). I'm so lucky to have all this support.:thankyou: Especially from everyone on here cos you all know what I'm going through. I just hope that I've been able to help people with their journey in return.

Uh oh, I'm rambling again. Must be tired after all. I'm going to try and get some sleep cos tomorrow I'm going into town to buy some new jumpers for winter - I look like I've borrowed mine from the nearest scarecrow:giggle:!!!!

Night all xxx
Hey Hot Chicks,

So funny reading the SATC posts, I'm a Carrie too Surfhunny and your posts could have been typed by me! Also have friends like the other 3 and would have stayed with Aidan!

So news on this front. I've rearranged bedroom last night to include my new desk so I can sit it when online instead of in bed. It's a great corner desk. Now need to shop for a really big comfy leather chair so I'm inspired to sit at it!

Also on today's agenda - clean up rusty old bike ready to take to bike man to get new tyres and brake fixed tomorrow to make rideable. Then off to property presentation this arvo about purchasing BTL's in Oz from here. That's not necessarily my plan but there's some bank experts from home who will be able to explain how I borrow from them whilst living here (seeing as I have to wait 6 months to repair credit history due to not being here long enough). So anyway this should get the ball rolling to purchase my first prop here in next few months or at least get me organised to do so early next year.

Then I might go see a movie tonight... on my own :eek: as everyone else is a foodie/drinker at the mo. I don't know about you girls but I've really actually got to like my own company a little too much on this diet. I actually don't even really want to go out drinking anymore and grateful to not wake up with massive hangovers anymore (so won't be drinking like a demon when I come off the diet either). Also happy to potter about cleaning, singing and organising my life without others interfereing.

I used to worry what people would think but everyone is so caught up in their own lives they don't really think I'm being strange... or don't care!! This has been very enlightening and freeing iykwim?

Wow I'm rambling but feeling so great at the mo and full of the knowledge that I WILL finish this diet before Xmas and I AM attracting the life I really want and moving away from the accidental life I had not so long ago.

OK - hope you all feeling great on this gorgeous sunny day!! I'll pop on a bit later if anyone's around?

DD - where are you??

Chalack hope you're on the mend chick :)
HEY you!

Thankyou for my gruel!- and love the branded packaging, kept the others guessing all day until I came home and opened it!!!!

My world today - Will involve chocolate mousse, tidying to find a pc, ebaying once found pc and then I'm going to have tuna (muhahahaaaaaa)

What you guys up tp?

And yes DD - how you doing? you've been quiet lately, hope things are looking up.

Oh - I'm Miranda!

Love and light!
Hey hun, your welcome to the gruel! I love taking advantage of works stationery and postage although I'm sure there's laws against it! Also saves my lazy @rse from traipsing to the PO and lining up all lunch break...

Wow you're a miranda too. I reckon DD's probably a Charlotte and Chalack might be a Samantha :eek:, just to balance it out! C'mon ladies tell us your SATC personalities!

Property thingy went well, they also gave us minties and freddo frogs (Oz lollies) which I surprisingly didn't even look sideways at and I've chucked them straight in the bin when I got home as there were no flatties to force them on!

So might buy a unit in Melbourne as well as starting a UK portfolio... something to sleep on obviously.

I've decided I can't be bothered going to the movies tonight so going to be hanging around and will pop back on later.
Oooh sounds like you're going to be a right little property tycoon!!! I must admit, it crossed my mind to buy a villa in Florida, it would more or less pay for itself all year round. BUT I'm too much of a scaredy cat to do anything that big. Besides the economic climate over there is dodgey so prob not the best idea I've ever had.

I've just put Dirty Dancing on, I've had a real old 'me' day today, I haven't spoken to a soul all day long, (which will change in a few hours when I ring my mum), it's been lovely to finally have some time to myself, there's no essays to finish, no dishes to wash, nothing to do but chill - just how I like a Saturday to be. Aaaahhhh