Team Glitterbelles

Gosh Missy you're so organised! Can I join in please you all sound so motivated :)

I restarted 1 Jan 11. Weighing in at 15.9! I lost 5.5 st in 2009 on CD and have put 2/3 stone back on but I feel really determined to lose it and reach my goal. Day three and think i must be in ketosis as I'm feeling that 'high' and I'm not hungrey. :D

I'm on 3 chocolate tetras a day and trying to drink as much as i can. Quick question can you drink any kind of fruit tea? I don't drink tea or coffee at all usually but thought I might try a fruit one if allowed.

Good luck everyone
hey rachele and welcome :) ah day 3 too, my ketostix was pink but on the cusp I think as still having hunger pangs and could not get up this morning whatsoever. Ok now after a bit of water and had 2 shakes today.

I'm avidlite not cd (so slightly different but pretty much the same), and can do green tea, peppermint tea, earl grey etc but not fruit teas. Hope this helps.. Peppermint is quite nice if you fancy something different I guess! x
I'm avidlite not cd (so slightly different but pretty much the same), and can do green tea, peppermint tea, earl grey etc but not fruit teas. Hope this helps.. Peppermint is quite nice if you fancy something different I guess! x

Thanks Emmy that's helpful. Day 3... should get easier for us from here!! :)
only a new group so anything goes at the min and anyone's suggestions! :) We all seem to be weighing in at different times of the week. Have you started abstinence today or just weigh in today and starting abstinence tomorrow? x

Just remembering from when I was in a team last time, because everyone will naturally have different weigh in days - we'd have one group/unified one and use these to motivate and team us together.

I.e. Mondays could be the team weigh ins? And we can then update the excel sheet to reflect these weigh-ins.

But it's upto you guys what day you want, I just picked the first of the week =D

And yup today is my first day on CD, had 2 shakes and still getting used to the taste lol.
lol my boss says I have OCD with how organised I get (I'll try not to become a dictator lol)

I just added you to the excel sheet btw :)

LOL hope your OCD rubs off on me! Thanks for adding me that's fab. Monday weigh in it is!!

Laters! :)
Hi Guys

missyl that speadsheet is fab - it's always good to have someone so organised around :)

I have just got back from seeing my CDC and have got all my shakes for the next week, I can't wait to start tomorrow now, I am a million percent focused and know I can do this!

By the way, my names Zoe and I need to loose weight in order for me and my husband to have IVF. We have been trying for a baby for 3 years and now know I have PCOS. We have been to an IVF clinicn but they cant do anything until my BMI is 30 or below, so that is my first aim!

Look forward to getting to know you all :)

Hey Rachele and Missyl, welcome, love the spreadsheet, hope I know how to use it, I'm a bit slow lol!
Well done for K emmey hugs x
Got through an emotionally challenging day without a blip, phew, not enough water tho, keep glugging x
Thanks for hugs!! Feeling a bit more human again today. First day back at work. Think I may spend lots of time going back and forth to the loo ! Glug glug glug . Good luck for today girls.

Zoe good luck ESP with the ivf . You never know what the future holds!!

MrsLearmouth By the way said:
Hey Zoe! You're in the right place and what a motivation too. You'll get lots of support on here so I'm sure you're going to be sucessful.:)

Glad you're feeling better today Emmy:)

Thought I'd post as after a very stressfull morning (had a hideous exam!) I didn't go off and eat a bar of chocolate :) (exam didn't go well). I actually forgot my second tetra until I noticed it was 3pm! Ketosis well and truely kicked in I think?!

So feeling quite pleased with my self (CD going well) and peed off (exam) all at the same time!.

I hope you're all getting on ok too? Can't wait for my first weigh in LOL.

Keep smilling everyone, we/re gonna be hot babes this summer hee hee ;)
Hi Rachele, well done on not reaching for the chocolate after your exam :) but sorry to hear it didn't go well, what are you studying for?

Emmey, hope your first day back at work went ok and you managed to drink all your water.

Today was my first day and so far I am doing well, I am doing SS+ but with 4 shakes and the 200ml of skimmed milk, rather than the meal (want to stay away from food). I have managed to drink 2.5 litres of water plus 2 mugs of coffee which is blimin brilliant for me as I NEVER drink water normally and thought I would struggle, I am not too hungry either and have my dinner shake left and some milk, I am soooo please I have made it through day 1 as I was worried about it! I have never been so determined about anything in my life.

Anyways, hope everyone is doing well today, I am off for a bath with one of my lush bathbombs while hubby has his dinner!

Well done Zoe! The first few days are the hardest, headaches and hunger for 3 or 4 days, but it does get easier and your determination will see you through. :)

The exams were because i'm studying diagnostic radiography. 2 More on Thurs. Spent all xmas and new year stuffing my face whilst revising so hence the restart!

Heres to drinking lots of water! xx
Well done to you so far. You're doing really well.
Off to see my cdc tomorrow evening. I'm quite scared. Not sure why. Fingers crossed she'll let me buy only tetras, cause I don't like the powders!
Eager to get started. I'll just need to remember that over the weekend when I hit days 3 and 4!
If I make it through to Monday-dont think anything'll stop me! Hehe!
Jayellekay said:
Well done to you so far. You're doing really well.
Off to see my cdc tomorrow evening. I'm quite scared. Not sure why. Fingers crossed she'll let me buy only tetras, cause I don't like the powders!
Eager to get started. I'll just need to remember that over the weekend when I hit days 3 and 4!
If I make it through to Monday-dont think anything'll stop me! Hehe!

You'll be fine hon, don't think 3 tetras will be a problem, let us know how you get on.

I'm absolutely freezing and tired all the time, at least going to bed early will stop me picking on stuff!
Sounds very interesting Rachele! Don't blame you for eating lots while studying, good luck with the next to exams, I am sure you will do brilliantly, at least it is something to focus on rather than hunger :)

Good luck with your CDC tomorrow Jayellekay, I was quite scared when I went to see mine, and horrified when she insisted on measuring my waist but I guess it can only get better from the first measurments so the worst is over!! I see from your signature that you are getting married, that is a fab reason to stick with it, we got married on 15th May just gone and really wish I had lost weight for it but my head wasn't in the right place at the time, it will so be worth it once you have done it.

hey all
glad to hear you're doing well. Well back at work today wasn't so bad, thank goodness the nibbles going around before christmas hadn't reappeared! managed to drink 3 litres of water, and one little bottle of sparkling water so that was good. Shake at 10am, Bar at 1pm, Shake at 4pm then Soya Meal at 7pm. Still in ketosis, getting the funny eyes, headache but hunger pangs are now subsiding thank goodness.

Tonight spent 45 mins on the wii fit, that's quite good as not too strenuous on the little calories!

and yes, we will be babes by this summer! x
Hi Guys, how is everyone doing today?

Jayellekay, did you manage to get all tetras?

I have nearly got through day 2 :) I have been a bit headachy today but have been taking paracetomol every 4 hours which seems to have worked, starting to get a really horrible taste in my mouth too, how exciting lol, can't wait till I get into Ketosis!! Have managed to keep up the water drinking today too, I have never drunk so much water in my life. I am a little worried actually that I don't feel worse than I do but maybe I shouldn't speak too soon!!

Hope everyone is ok xx
On my way home from cdc. Managed to get all tetras. Plus I weigh 1 3/4 lbs less than I thought. Not much, but every little helps! Hehe!

Zoe - sounds like K is on the way!

How's everyone else doing? Still feeling ok?

Think I might struggle the next couple of days, so you might see my number of posts significantly increase! Sorry inadvance if I waffle on!
Waffle away, I am at the min, keeps my mind off the f word though :p Good luck for tomorrow x
Hi Ladies!! Love the team name and had a quick read through your thread and found it really inspirational. I have done CDC before earlier this year and now just need to complete it to get to my final goal, so plan is that i start tomorrow!! I am totally dreading it, would be great if I could join you guys for support and just to know I'm not the only person avoiding food!! ;-) thanks Abbie x