Team sandybums

Come on you lovely people lets have a better day today no food or food thoughts just concentrate on getting thru the packs and making sure you have the right amount of products today along with water! X
Yep I'm gonna have an 100% day today and if I can do it we all can!! Thanks becky for the kick up the arse!!

Welcome gemma keep on going. The first days are the hardest but it does get easier. It's my first time on cd too, on day 13 today. I'm on ss but only have 3 packs a day.

Good luck today everyone. Ruthy x
Thanks for ur reply guys! Gonna try do three today but I've just had a bar an I'm still starving!!! Lol 13 days your brave!! Hats off to u my lovely!! I'm going on holiday in a month determined to drop a bit!! ;) any good tips?
I'm not really qualified to give tips, not been doing it long enough lol!! I'm just taking it one day at a time and trying not to think to far into the future except for imagining myself super slim!! How much do u want to lose? x
Ah you'll do that in no time. Wish I only had a stone to lose!! I lost 6lb first week and second weigh in tomorrow, hoping for 4 but my home scales haven't moved much. Wanna lose 4 stone altogether. X
Hi Gemma like others have said first few days are the worst due to getting into ketosis but it seems u r having bars already? Thy aren't meant to be had until week 3 ur CDC should have told u that. I don't think Itl effect your losses at all but it may make it hard to get into ketosis and it's just 1 per day of those btw
Yeah she never told me that ! ;( I'm clearly doing badly ! Bars! An blunder on second day an im having 4 not 3! o well will have to try keep strong now! lol I don't kno how u guys r coping!! Not at all!! Aww sounds like ur on a mission ! Hope the diet works well for u ! Xx
Don't be so hard on yourself lots if people do 4 packs I'm doing ss+ so 3 packs and 200 kal meal from the allowed foods so not a saint. This isn't my first time on cd no slip ups today but plenty along the way and plenty of failed restarts but have to look at the bigger picture! At my heaviest I've been 19 n half stone n weighed on lady week at 12 st 2 mainly lost through cd n I know people say it but if I can do it anybody can!!!!!
You certainly find that will power on cd, the will power u where so sure you Neva had when doing other diets! Shell u've done amazingly your my inspiration to continue.

Its not easy but as shell proves it can be done if u want it bad enough. Keep at it gemma and remember we're all in it together x
Yeah c'mon guys we can shift this bulk I wonder how much we can shift as a team enough to make a new person lol ever wonder where that weight actually goes like a physical thing exists n then just doesn't any more!

So I p'd on a stick the ketosis kind and it very pale still showing traces n it wasn't fmu but it was Defo darker last week. So as of tomorrow cutting down on salt and dried herbs etc all the little add INS here b there that creep in plus any sugar free drinks other than water and flavourings n teas n coffees ofc!

My WI this week instead of fri afternoon it's sat morning :-( so longer to wait on the other hand o think i'l have bette chance of a morning WI of a lower reading Pmsl desperate words or what!! So the way I'm looking at it is opened if water and cutting out all if the above I should have plenty of time to get completely back into the darker shades on my ketostix lol ready for the intro of bars and mam yay!!!

So enough is enough winging from me if I don't want to do it then why am I?! So I'm gonna stop now!!

Ru2thy Sheba your WI tomorrow?
Yep tomorrow eve can't wait really hope it will be a big loss to motivate me for another week looking forward to trying some bars too. I haven't used a ketostix since day 3 think I will cause I'm been so hungry recently wonder if I've come out of ketosis but I don't see how I would have but will see in the morn. How has everyone done today? I'm struggling so aiming for a bath and early night x
Aww chin up ! I'm sure you will have done well I shall try motivate you. I just weighed myself lost 4 pounds pretty happy! Had fruit today u don't have to b in ketosis to lose the weight u will still lose on the plan as I just found out ;) hope u hav a lovely night x
Hi guys everyone sounding more motivated today!!! Good luck for your weigh in tomorrow keep us posted. Anyone using a toning belt? I know i mentionned it before but would love to hear what u guys are doing to prevent saggy skin if anything?? Sorry its just im so worried about? At the moment however my skin seems to be shrinking by the day and going back nice and tight really noticing the difference at the min plus last weigh in i lost 2" off my waist so hopefully im doing something right?? Good luck for tomorrow people lets all have a good motivated day with all packs and water down us! Any thoughts about a new target yet? X
Well done on the 2 inches beckia! That's the main thing keeping me going the difference I'm seeing and feeling around my waist already!

I keep seeing the add for the toning belt and id probably try it but I'm ttc n it just doesn't sit well with me while ttc
Well done beckia. That's fab. Prob not a good idea shell09 (toning belt) while ttc. I'm not an expert but I know u would hate to do anything that may be of harm. Ive thought of them but I think only the expensive ones are of any good and just can't afford it at mo.
wi later so a 100% day for me. Good luck for today everyone x
Thanks shell how exciting ttc! Cant wait to be in your.position! Will it be your first? Toning belt definitely not a good idea for you!
Ru2thy good luck on your weigh in today! My prev toning belt was an expensive one but yesterday i bought a cheap one from argos n i have to say i think its better i used it last night n my tummy really feels like its had a work out today! Does anyone have any weigh in day rituals? X
Hey guys I'm doin soul source plus today so relatively not good on the breaking aspect but will b good after lol ! Well done bekia 2 inches is fab!!!! Thanks for all ur support guys really is helping despite my occasional lapse !the slendertones r supposed to b good but only wen u got a bit of muscle there to probe in first place so depends on wer ur at in ur fat loss stage ..I think wen ur like down to ur last stone to go prob best time to start wt u aiming to get too again? Sorry the iPhone doesn't let me go up to read ur original comment xxx
O yeah an for skin worries try firming cream will keep it tight n I hav this amazing oil which completely gets rid of scars n stretch marks ten times better then bio oil! Cnt remember the name shall let u kno wen I get home tonite it's top tho x