Team sandybums

Itll all even out x
Hi all,

I had a giggle to shell that we all had a bit of a wobble. How is everyone today? I didn't dare get on the scales this morning!! been a bit better today but not 100% but determined to be 100% tomorrow!! My eating continued Sunday couldn't believe how much I ate I just couldn't stop!!

Hope everyone has had better days today!! X
Hi all,

I had a giggle to shell that we all had a bit of a wobble. How is everyone today? I didn't dare get on the scales this morning!! been a bit better today but not 100% but determined to be 100% tomorrow!! My eating continued Sunday couldn't believe how much I ate I just couldn't stop!!

Hope everyone has had better days today!! X

Hi Ru2thy,
that could have been me writing that lol same here i so wanted to be 100% today but it just didnt happen, i wasnt too bad though so hopefully will be even better tomorrow!!
aaaarrrggh why am i finding this so hard!! :mad:

I swear it's twice as hard to get back on the wagon than to start in the first place. I ate bacon today just couldn't handle the hunger. But compared to yest I was an angel. I wanna be slim but I wanna eat donuts too x
Hiya girls, I can see where you're all coming from. It's really really hard once you stop. You remember what you decided you're not having!! If it's of any help to anyone (sorry if it's not) I've been back on track since Sunday, although I did have extra protein yesterday - was staaaarvin!! And when I weighed this morning I was 9st 9 so back to where I was on Weds.... It can be done, you just need to grit your teeth (easier said than done I know). The main thing with me is the money, like Lil Legs and also cos I know the sooner I get this done, the sooner I can my fruit and veg and yoghurts again!!
I hope you're all ok, just stick with it - won't you feel better in 2 weeks when you weigh less??!
Love to all,
Sauce x
PS - I've decided that I'm gonna go hell for pelt to lose my remaining 7lbs by the 31st...... LOL :D :D :D - here's hoping!!
Well done sauce your doing great
Fingers crossed for a better day for me :)
was sooo tired yesterday then I hurt my shoulder, I lifted up my daughter and pulled it so was suffering with that all day too but hey today is a new day and I MUST STAY FOCUSED!!!!

Hope you all have a fab day xx

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well my focus didnt last long :mad:
for god sake will i ever get back into this, i am running out of time for my daughters christening its only 7 wks on sunday and i am supposed to be going shopping in 6 wks with a friend for a dress for me so you would think i would do better, whats going off with me????
why the hell am i doing this to myself???? aaaarrrggh!!!!
this is me with the bloody chocolate :17729:
i am so tired again today too
wished i could go to sleep and wake up in a few days and ketosis has kicked in lol or better still wake up a size 10 again lol
i have got a massive and i mean massive box full of size 10 clothes waiting to be worn again!!
sorry moaning yet again arent i?? xx
lol at the icon, i watched it for about 30 seconds!!

No, ur not moaning. U just need ur mojo back to get back into the zone.

2 questions, why did u decide to do this? How are you going to feel if you get to 7 wks time beating urself up and not feeling like u thought u would???

Sod what anyone else thinks, this is a really hard diet and it takes a lot of guts, determination and focus. You've just lost ur focus thats all. U need to remember why u started this whole crazy thing :D and to remind urself of where u want to get too....

Happy thoughts and cwtches xx
i decided to do this because i know it works and its fast at shedding those flabby inches lol and i felt fantastic last time

god in 7 wks time i will hate myself for not trying harder and being 100%
i know once i am in the zone its all good and easy its just getting back into it !!
think i need to print off some photo's of me at my thinnest after doing Lighterlife and some of me now and look at them every single day and even all day long if needs be lol oh and up my water intake :)

thank you for your support and kind words, makes me think differently hearing these things from others that are doing CD too, i have a couple of very supportive friends and family members but they don't really understand what its like
Its good to have friends and family, but yep, absolutely u need people in the same place too. If in 7 weeks you can lose another 14lbs which is a very mild weightloss compared to what you can actually achieve, you will feel 100% better and it'll spur you. Just like the first few days for all of us, its hard and u feel like eating, screaming, crying and questioning your sanity for chosing such a diet!! In one of Paul McKenna's books about being skinny, he tells you to envisage yourself as 'skinny' walking through ur front door - every day. I suppose this is the same principle of digging out actual photos too??
You've done really well so far, the problem with breaks and slip-ups is that we all seem to focus more on these than giving ourselves a bit of an easier time of it. It's easier to beat urself up than it is to pat urself on the back....
You will do this, by the sounds of u, u need to ottherwise ur gonna push urself right back mentally...
Drink ur water, read a book, look at all the lovely smaller clothes.

Keep at it xxx (Sorry for the long long post!!)
awww thanks sauce
very wise words and i will do it or your right i will push myself back mentally
i am my own worst enemy sometimes but i am determined to get there
i think i might go and look round the shops tomorrow and try on a few dresses maybe that will help me too xx
Hey all,

Sugarplumfairy I know exactly how I feel I'm really struggling to get back on track after my binge on Sunday! I have been terrible but certainly not 100% either. I just wanna eat all the time even when I'm not hungry. But I'm gonna keep going too, thanks for the advice sauce It helped me too. Hopefully a better day tomorrow I'll be gutted if I get weighed on Monday (after 11days) and I haven't lost anything x
i also feel crappy too got a sore throat and sore ears now, so i am guessing its my body telling me it doesnt like me not sticking to my diet 100% lol
You can all do it... You can do it!!! U did before!!! x
Still feeling crap :(
But I will try my hardest to be 100% today I need to feel well again
Gotta keep Plodding on my baby won't look can't herself can she?? lol

Hope your all having a fab day xx

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