The battle of the Bubble

Heres the recipe i used. They werent bad but found they needed loads of lemon juice and lots more salt than i put in. Id have them again.

Onion Bhaji


– onions
– small can of chick peas drained
– teaspoon of: cumin, ground coriander, grama masala, chilli flakes, garlic powder, black onion seeds, cinnamon, fresh coriander

– Finely slice the onions and slowly cook in a pan with some fry light.
– blend the chickpeas and mixed in the spices
– mix in the onions and season with salt
– roll mixture into ball shapes, putin fridge to firm up
– put on baking tray and spray with fry light
– bake for 20 minutes

They sound lovely. Must give them a try at some point. I do tgend to stick with the same things
You have done the right thing to post Bubble. Those bad days are a trial. It is so difficult to get out of them sometimes. Please don`t apologise for having a `moan`, I find that it does sometimes help to put it down. Do your best to be on plan because as you know it is great to have that boost of weight loss. --Says she who binged Friday -
Hope you day gets better Bubble. Please take care.

Love Doreen xx
Bubble, bubble.... why on earth would you think you are moaning and that we wouldn't want to know if you're having a bad day. Even if its only a bad half hour, we would understand and commiserate because we've all been there! More than once hunni, I've been up and down in weight for many years. I like to think that this time its different as in terms of eating for health, SW is far and away the best plan I've followed.
Last week, you lost 3.5lbs. As Linda pointed out, that's a quarter of a stone. Ok, so you may not lose that much each week (oh how we all wish we could!) but you know from before that when you are on plan, it does come off consistently and just think, even if you just lost 1lb per week, by the summer you'll be a different woman, not only in how you look but how you FEEL. More confident, more comfortable and definitely healthier.
So, take each day one at a time and plan ahead, you know that works. There may be occasional blips but we're here for when you need to 'confess' and once that's done, it doesn't seem as bad and you can move on again.
We're all in the same boat, all treading the same path and we love you to bits hunni.... we are willing you to be happy, that's the main thing but each lb off is a step in the right direction.
Big big hugs from your Mins Mum, you can do this Bubble xxx
Thank you for all your thoughtful comments. I just cant explain why i feel low sometimes.

Anyway the garage (or whats left of it after our kitchen extention) has now been cleaned and the gym equipment is all accessible again. Hubby still has his corner of tools as he is building something in there to hold the car roof box and a few other bits. But i can now use the treadmill and cross trainer my rowing machine my stepper and my wobble machine. Hopefully i begin to use it again now.

Food today
Shop made swede mash 4.5 and gravy 2 syns
White options 2

Total 8.5 so far

Might indulge in 2 ferreros 7syns not sure yet that would take me half a syn over....
Yep Becki ive lived in my gym b4 then it slowely got overtaken by rubbish. I used it last year til summer then couldnt get to it when hubby extended kitchen using half the garage knocking walls down etc but ive now begged him to clear a space for my treadmill again and he did more than that today its all accessible so i have no excuse.
Oh Bubble, I wish I had been on earlier today so I could have sent you a big hug when you needed it most! Hope you're feeling better now, hon.
You must know you're not the only one who has big ups and downs, whether it's food-wise or emotional ones. It's just some of us are better at bottling it, and some of us wear our hearts on our sleeves!
If you're nervous about the Ofsted exam it could even be causing you a bit of breathless anxiety type stuff. Get yourself a couple drops of Rescue Remedy! :)
I bet after a couple treadmill sessions you'll be feeling much better. Lucky girl, I was thinking today how good it would be to have a treadmill at home.
Your food today looks so yummy - especially your pud! going to put strawberries on my shopping list, cuz I keep forgetting to... G'night Bubs, sweet dreams! x
Morning Bubble - hope you're feeling brighter? Realise you have a lot going on. Keep posting when you need to - I'll pop in laterxx
Good day today. Managed to drag myself out of bed and complete day 1 of c25k on the treadmill. It nearly killed me cant believe the coughing fit that followed. Anyway day so far quite upbeat so its put me in a good mood. I realise it will take time b4 i build my fitness back up but im giving it a good go.