the Belgian Chocolate problem

I need to know what happened?! Did you eat all the chocs boggins? Did you cry at the concert? Did you survive x'mas and not gain anything?!

It's like the doof, doof, doof of eastenders.......I'm in suspenders! Or maybe that the whooshie fairy ;)
I did not eat all the Belgian choccies. I didn't touch them again until end of Jan. The rest are still in the packet!

I didn't cry at the concert BUT later on I went to a carol concert and I did cry when the school kids did their bit. Not MY kids, I don't have any, not even kids I know, just local junior school kids. Big soppy, that's me.

Christmas was a weird one. I got ill on Xmas Eve/Xmas Day- everything went straight through me, so even though I had naughties like roasties and stuffing I can't tell if they touched the sides (sorry if TMI). So I made up for it by eating as many chocolates as I could get my mitts on for the next couple of days. Then I just didn't weigh myself for three weeks, because- and I've got this all figured out- if you don't weigh yourself you haven't gained anything. :D Feel free to use this amazing piece of logic if you have a big old binge one day, it works like a charm. ;)

I was back at the gym even before New Year, and back on the diet, and now about a stone down from mid-December weight.

The next cliffhanger is will I lose any flippin' weight this week? Find out in the next exciting instalment of Boggins Eats Chocolate Then Whines When She Doesn't Lose Any Weight. :D
I don't advocate cheating, but if you are cheating then you should 'cheat smart' if possible. Bodybuilders who are on low carb diets to drop their weight whilst building muscle, will often give themselves a dose of carbs immediately before or after lifting weights to 'feed' the muscles with the aim of losing fat whilst not losing muscle mass. Eating carbs before your workout will trigger your body to start laying down glycogen stores on your muscles and liver (the glycogen is what causes the big drop in 'water weight' at the start of atkins). When you exercise, your muscles will call on glycogen stores first before anything else for fuelling your workout(muscle, fat, etc). So, if you do a workout that is resistance heavy (weights more than cardio), you will prevent your body from hanging onto any glycogen and instead burn it off. Granted, you won't be burning off fat either if you are burning glycogen, but it can easily result in a net zero impact from having a few carbs AND mean you still get to stay in the coveted state of ketosis. Plus, you might get a metabolism boost from the carb itself as your body thinks "way hay party time!!" AND you will probably burn more calories for your workout as you'll have a burst of carb energy.

I believe depending on the intensity of your workout and your body's response to carbs you can add anything from 30g to 100g+ of carbs and still come out perfectly fine with no adverse effects at all ;).

Then again, might be an idea not to cheat at all or even consider it, one thing leads to another and all.... lol.
Oh you do make me laugh lovely xxx

I will wait with baited breath! Xx
I've not yet dared to do a carb up, either before or after the gym. I have high protein after I lift, that's it. All my cheats have been "bad" cheats so far, and average at maybe once every three weeks, just circumstance. Actually the more I do it the more I realise I don't really want to eat chocolate anymore. It's not nearly as delicious as I remember it being.

Anyway, the home scale registered a loss this morning, putting me back where I was before Valentine's day. The home scale is crap and difficult to read so I weight in at Boots, and that won't be till next Sunday/Monday, so I'm happy- I'll probably drop a pound or so before then I expect.

Went to the charity shop and got into a size 18 dress yesterday. This is such a coup I can't tell you. I never thought I'd be able to do that again in my life. Sparked a minor size 18 shopping spree, but it's cheap, right? Bottom half still a firm size 20. Can you get bum removal on the NHS you think? ;)
Well done on the clothes boggins - so exciting:D
Woo-Hoo! I got impatient and went to Boots to weigh myself- 2lbs down! Now just a stone to go before my BMI is under 30 and I am no longer an obesity statistic for the first time in my adult life.

So far 3 people have recently said they didn't recognise me. The scary one is my own partner, just yesterday. I was coming across the road to meet him after work, and he said I'd lost so much weight he wasn't sure it was me from a distance! And I LIVE with him! :eek:

EDIT: I'm kind of using this thread as an ad-hoc diary. I was just reading Alpaca's diary about "Bedouin tents". Well, in a few weeks I'm going to Jordan, to see the Rose City, Petra. Not meeting any Bedouin, though. Anyway, the guidebooks say that women tourists in Jordan should wear loose, long skirts and keep their arms covered. So basically, having shed all that flab I am now going on holiday wearing a Bedouin tent. :rolleyes: This isn't how it's supposed to work! :D
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could you keep the rest of the chocolates until you reach goal and are back to eating regular food. Whatever you decide you've done fantastic and I hope I manage to stick with my diet to have the great loss you've had
The choccies are sat in their box and I've no urge to touch them. Sometimes I think about getting to my first goal- BMI of 29.8 - and then inhaling every single one. But I don't think I will!
Boggy, (its what I call ya) You are an inspiration it me love! A tower of strength and willpower! Oh and you do make me chuckle aome too ;)

P.s. I never knew thats what Alpaca meant! It all makes sense now!
Just as proof I ain't lying, one half-full (or half-empty) box of Belgish choccie. The missing squares were eaten in two separate pre-period binges and I REGRET NOTHING!!! :p
