The best ME I can be......

I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 2lbs.
I am happy with that...well I have to keep reminding myself that I'm happy with that. My goal is 12 months but of course my mind tells me wouldn't it be nice to lose it in half that.
I need to keep reminding myself that I was able to go out twice, have 2 evening binges and lots of beer and still lose 2lbs...and that its better for me to lose steadily and forever and be changing my eating habits than treat it like a quick fix, fad diet.

So, here's to another 2lbs for next week....
It's been a rough couple of days for me. Not great food wise.

Partly because I'm working my way through some stuff in the freezer so once it's gone, it's gone....

Partly because I've got a bit of a cold so I feel snuffly and feel the need to be wrapped up warm somewhere where I don't have to think too hard.

Partly because I've got a couple of sick children which seems to mean sleepless's like having babies again.

Partly because I'm working through some past hurts...something happened recently that's brought up some old 'stuff'. So I'm having to work it through and it's tough and it hurts a bit and makes my mind do funny things.

So, while I'm 'generally' on plan, I'm kinda slip sliding my way through it...I'm wondering if now was such a good time to start but then now is as good a time as any, I guess.
Hi vegemite and followers (!),

Well done so far. 2lbs is a good start. It certainly is a difficult time of year to start but even if you don't lose much/any, hopefully you won't have put on/put on as much. Whatever happens, don't give up and keep it up. Use any of the people here as your inspiration to keep going - it has certainly helped me.

I use bodyoptimise online (although the site has changed today so that the slimming world members get the same site as the online people) and it has really helped me to have that focus of weighing in on a Sunday. I don't use the site all that much other than to check some syns but I really don't want to stop my membership because I'm sure the prompt to weigh in helps (I wouldn't ever forget but entering my weight is a bit of a motivation and seeing the graph).

I will be following your thread so keep posting no matter what happens and good luck.

Gail x
Hi Vegemite and BatFitch (Hi to you too Lesley)!

You two seem to be a similar height and weight to me. I started Slimming World last week hoping to get back to the 10st mark. I couldn't believe it when I weighed in at almost 17st!

I was weighted again tonight and I've lost 10.5 pounds in my first week so I'm really pleased and feeling motivated by my shiny sticker!

I'd also be interested to know your measurements if its not to invasive. I'll measure up tomorrow and let you know what mine are. I'm very apple shaped and carry all my weight around my middle.

I'm also a size 20 but I'm hoping to get back to being a 14.

Hope you're all having a good week!

Wow Ruby, that's a fantastic first week. Well done and good luck.

Gail x
Hi Gail,
Thanks so much for the encouragement. I will keep at it and I will keep posting. I'm determined that this time I WILL do it, even if it is 'slow and steady'

Wow Ruby, what a great weight loss...that's the kind of thing that gets you motivated...I haven't measured myself..though perhaps I should. Really, for me, it's just about getting to a certain weight/ clothes size.

Well today is another day. I'm not sure about food today just yet but I'm pretty sure it'll be an EE day today. I also plan to get on the cross trainer...
I'll be back later to update :)
Today has been another non-day food wise but I have been busy working through things in my head, which I think will be very helpful to the food thing....eventually!

I've also been thinking about the things I have to work on to 'be the best me' and I plan to pop back on either later today or tomorrow to write those down. It's always good to have stuff written down so I can look back at it and see how I'm doing.

I'm working on positives rather than negatives cause I think being negative about myself isn't going to help anyone but having positives written down will encourage me rather than discourage.
Hi hi hi!

Vegemite, I think you're right to work on the positives. I'm trying to do that too. You can't expect to make positive changes if you spend all your time concentrating on negative things. I also find writing things down helps, although sometimes I read it back and wonder what all the fuss was about!

Anyway, as promised, my measurements: 45-41-43. So I'm a completely different shape to you BatFitch. I'd kill to be an hourglass!

Thanks again for your messages Gail!

Lots of love Ruby
Rightio...I'm back...not that I'd left but Christmas does get in the way a bit!

I start afresh tomorrow, having put on 2lbs over a Christmas period that involved a lot of food and alcohol...

So from tomorrow, it's 30 minutes on the cross trainer and most probably EE.
I do have a lot of nibble food around but I'm going to ignore it or give it to the children. I'm actually looking forward to getting some real food with fruit and vegetables in my diet!

Hope you all had a great Christmas and all the best for the New Year.
So the day starts here...

I'm up early to get my eldest up, after having the most awful night sleep I can remember having since my children were babies! It took ages for me to drop off and DH was the same. In fact he's only just gone to bed and wants waking up at about 9am.
It kinda changes my morning plans but I'm not going to let it spoil my day..

So food wise:

Breakfast: weetabix and fruit

Lunch: Cous cous, prawns, onions, mushrooms, peppers, courgette and chilli powder.

Tea: Pasta, tuna, sweetcorn, 28g cheese, salad

We are away at the weekend and I'm not sure what food will be like so I'm going to save my syns until then, in case the choices are limited.

I was going to get on the cross trainer this morning but it's now looking like I'll have to do it this afternoon. Not quite the start I was hoping for but I need to be flexible.
Part of my problem can be thinking I may as well not do something cause I've 'missed' my preferred time slot.

I've got Uni assignments to get stuck into today. I'm going to try to get one of them finished.
I'm sitting here with my second cup of tea of the day just about to wake up the rest of my brood and get them off to school.

I'm aware that if the day starts here, then for me so does the New Year, with everyone starting school and work again.

I said before Christmas that I was going to look at positives but I think first and foremost I need to look at my goals for the year and get a plan of attack....

The title of my thread is 'the best me I can be' and that pretty much sums up what I'm looking for.
I've had some stuff to work through with my DH and I know that if I was the best I could be, rather than feeling like I've just let myself go, then when these blips come along I'd be able to deal with them better.

My goals are split into 4 areas and though the last one isn't really about me personally, it's still something that will help me to feel more balanced.

  • Losing weight and getting healthy:
    I've given myself until the beginning of the December, which works out at about 2lbs a week but this also includes getting my hair cut regularly, making an effort in how I look and what I wear. I find it very easy to just slob about and somehow not be able to justify trying to look the best I can.

  • Working hard on my Uni work:
    I start my second semester next week. I have assignments to get done this week and after 17 years of being at home with children it's a bit of a struggle to stay motivated and to feel like I can fit it all in.

  • Look to making new friends and social opportunities:
    I found in the last years of being at home my friendship circle started consisting of people with an average age of 70 and as lovely as they were at 37 I'm aware I need some friends. It's proving to be tricky though. My DH and I have become quite self sufficient in this are but are both aware we need to do something. His ideas of making 'friends' are different to mine though, which has caused our current problems.

  • Get rid of some debt:
    I'm just tired of having this hanging around my neck. I'm not sure how successful I'll be cause I'm not really sure how committed DH is but I figure if I put some money aside and try to make some more money I should be able to at least get it down. Which means trying to do Slimming World on a budget rather than just throwing every healthy thing I like the look of in my trolley.

I imagine these goals will spread out and gather more form and momentum as the year goes on but apparently you're much more likely to stick to goals (or resolutions) if you plan out how you're going to do them.
So, how am I planning to do these....

Losing weight and getting healthy:
I'm planning to do 30 minutes on the cross trainer everyday and stick to the plan. I'm going to really cut down on alcohol, perhaps even cut out and steer clear of crisps and chocolate as I struggle to just have one. I'm going to meal plan for the week and make sure that I sort out a packed lunch to take on the days I'm at Uni.
I'm also going to carefully choose my clothes for the day and make sure that my hair is looking ok and that I've generally taken some care and attention to how I'm looking.

Working hard on my Uni work:
I need to make sure I get to all lectures and tutorials and don't make excuses to skip them. Take good notes and ask questions if I need to. I'm going to make sure that I get homework done promptly and start assignments as soon as I get them.
Also, I'm in Mon-Thurs and they are the days I'm going to get homework and assignments done on and not encroach on my weekends.

Look to making new friends and social opportunities:
This is a really difficult one cause if I knew what to do here I'd have friends! But I will take any and all opportunities that come my way to meet up etc with people and try to foster any relationships so they hopefully become friendships. I may need to find a hobby...

Get rid of some debt:
This is just saving, being careful what I spend my money on and trying to sell stuff, maybe even getting a part time job. Pretty easy stuff but also pretty easy to let slip so I'm going to work on keeping on track and also continue to remind DH what we need to spend our money on and save for.

It feels like a lot and I'm a bit tired just looking at it but I'm sure it's doable if I get myself organised and don't allow procrastination to get in the way.
I just love it when a plan comes

So DH spent the morning in bed so I couldn't on the cross trainer cause it's in our bedroom and then he didn't go into the office so no prawns and cous cous. Instead it was meatballs. I'm going to have to check their syn value...oh well...:)
Shame, because your meal plan for today sounded delicious !!

I think it's great that you're writing stuff down. I think it helps you to focus when you come back to it. Your plans sound robust ! I think a hobby would be good or some volunteering/fundraising for a charity. I know it's hard to do when you have kids but it would definitely help you meet other people.

Keep us posted.

Gail x
Anew day....I love how every morning you can draw a line under the day before and start again!

So, we shall try this little merry dance again.

I couldn't find exact syn values for the meatballs but it looks like somewhere between 10 and 15. Then I had a meal out of the freezer with a bit of extra cheese on it so I'm thinking about 25 syns altogether least I didn't succumb to alcohol.

I'm still doing assignments today and I'm finding the early mornings are killing me so I may need a bit of a kip this afternoon.

Food wise..

Breakfast: weetabix and banana

Lunch: Prawns, cous cous and whatever veg is looking a bit sorry for itself

Tea: I'm not sure yet but I'm thinking something with pork mince

I really need to keep it as syn free as possible. A friend wants to meet up tomorrow, probably for lunch so that needs to be taken into consideration too....perhaps doing the plan is easier if you don't go anywhere!

Thanks Gail for the ideas....I have volunteered in the past and I'm not against it now, just need to have a look at what's available.
Well I'm back..
After a bit of a diversion I'm heading back to the Slimming World family. What started out as being my year will have to be my half a year instead. It's quite disappointing but I'm not going to let it get me down.
I did some shopping yesterday and have been looking through some slimming world magazines that I have to get some menu ideas.
I've decided to do the red plan at the moment. Generally I've done the green plan or EE but I've been fiddling with low carbing for the past few months and I haven't missed them so I'm going to stick with that idea but do it the slimming world way.
I'm going to really need to research other healthy extras though.

So today, food wise:

Breakfast: ham, mushroom & cheese omelette
Lunch: tinned mackerel in tomato sauce & salad
Tea: a chicken summer stew ( there is a recipe in the recent magazine thats for lamb. I'm going to use that but have chicken instead) & JP

My HE A's are milk and cheese. My HE B's are the jacket potato and....not sure. Will have to look in my book.
I'm determined to stay away from bread and's a shame rice isn't a healthy extra. I've never understood why...?
I've just changed my weight statistics on my profile. I was going to leave them but thought I might find it discouraging.
So, my new start date is today. I weighed myself this morning so I've changed that too and I've given myself 12 months. I should be able to lose 2lbs a week, which was my original plan.
Food today has gone well. I put some chickpeas in the chicken thingy that I had for tea to make up my other HE B. It was yummy.
I'm not sure how I'm going to get both my B's in on a day to day basis..I think its going to be beans/ olive oil....means I'll probably eat some different things which is a good thing.
Woke up really tired this morning and with a headache so went back to bed. It means I've got nothing done in the house, which is a pain but I'll potter this afternoon.

Breakfast: boiled eggs
Lunch: bacon & kidney beans with salad
Tea: spinach lasagne, jp & salad

We'll probably have some wine this evening too, which I'm quite looking forward to.
I love how Slimming World gets you in the 'everything in moderation' mindset. So I know that I'll have a couple of glasses and be quite content.

I had a sneaky peak on the scales this morning and I've dropped 2lbs. Obviously its not my official weigh in but I'm impressed that this diet works for me so well.
DH has now put the scales back to kg so I'll wait till next thursday before weighing again.