The complicated life of a slimaholic

only because i tell him what to eat and cook for him ..then he eats all my free goodies !!!
hun at least your going to get tea at tea time now,and not some mad time of the night lol think you ll have to buy double the supplies as hes eating all yours grrrrrrrr xx
Been another good day for us both !!!mr B has now eated all my muller yogurts and bars for the week and he has lost 2lb in 2 days !!!
b.. oatibix (hb)milk(ha)tea toast (hb) marmalade (2 syns)
L..cheese pasty from greggs (ok i went off the rails a bit there )
D.. beef goulash, sprouts, muller yogurt ,fruit

In our meeting last week our SC told us that oatibix can be used as a HB but you need to add 6 syns as its different to weatabix. :) Sorry if you knew that already xxx
thanks for that me worried thee but just checked my book and it says 28grm oatibix bitesize any variety is a HX B ? maybe a different variety she means i hope its ok i have them every morning !! xx
Wooooow Mrs... 2lbs, well done superstar. I dunno how I missed this yesterday??

Go Mrbeans too xxx
its been ok appart from grabbing a cheese pastie in one of my weaker moments when shopping one saw me so thats ok !!!lolthen had a good swim so all rearing to go now ....hope your days been good too xx
Morning Hun,
How was your day yesterday,did you have a good evening? You seen to be doing very well on SW .
How are you getting on with all your christmas shopping?
All done i hope so its wrapping today !! started well with good breakfast and thinking of making a free chilli , i find its handy to have ready in the fridge for lunches with a baked potato ..fills me up for the whole day !!
hope your day is a good one too xxx
lost mum in law in asda!

Well christmas has started here ...the inlaws are here for 2 weeks and i am going crazy already ..they are both 85 mum in law has altziemers and they are both soo sweet and enjoying themselves ...they are loving my cooking and diet has gone a bit haywire but still i lost another 2 lb this week ..
Mr beans at work today so decided to take them shopping with me to asda ..bad decision , spent most the time looking for mum , she chatted to anyone and everyone and was pushing their trollys for them bless her ..anyway they are both happy eating the tin of quality street she sneaked in my trolly (we have 3 tins at home )..happy days but i am sure this is going to be a fun christmas here ,,I wish you all a very merry christmas and a slim new year and thank everyone for their support in my long journey cheers !!
love and hugs
gilly xxxx
LOL at mil pushing other people's trolley's - classic!
Sounds like you'll have your hands full, but that you love it anyway.
Have a lovely Christmas Gillybeans.
It has been a lovely christmas here in the bean house ...inlaws are well fed and very happy although we had broken loo most of christmas ....
back to reality , had WI this morning and i have gained 5lb !!!
been cooking all afternoon ..soup , beef goulash and chilli ...should keep me going for now ...
happy new year and hopefully look forward to a nice slim new year gilly xxxxxxxxx