The Dear Thread.

Dear Daughter,

When you take a pair of scissors and chop off your hair in a fit of pique, don't expect me to take you to the salon to repair the damage afterwards!


- Oinkstop

(And yes, my kid really did this. She was mad because I wouldn't let her wear cosmetics since she's only 13 years old)
Dear CD, I have missed you the past few days, but a horrid lurgy bug got the better of me:cry: I have been a good girl today and promise to take one day at a time

dear scales so close to meeting overweight and not obese, let me wave to you soon

dear everybody I love you guys on minimins so much thankyou for your worlds of wisdom and encourging words:)
Dear Scales - Thank you for going lower than I thought you would.

Dear Willpower - Just thank you. You stayed strong and so I am happy

Dear Weekend - I've had a great one, thank you - can I order a similar one for next weekend too?

Dear Thread
Thank you for minimins being here so I can talk about my weightloss and having people around me who know what I am going through and are supportive.

Dear Diet,
Please let me get through my restart day withouth any hiccups or temptations...

Dear Willpower,
If there are any big temptations, please resist them and let me travel successfully on my weightloss journey... this really does feel like my last chance at CD...

Dear Bug Fairy,
Please let me feel better soon... I can't have any Halls Soothers so please just continue to let me get better and provide lots and lots of snot rags...

Dear Eddy,
You are a fabulous boyfriend, thank you for being so supportive, even when I am a grouch... But if I tell you to not let me eat, please don't give in to me...

dear children, keep the chocolate chip cookies away from mommy,
Dear DH- I love you, but not the cheese you keep eating (thats not actually true...)
Dear willspirit fairy - save me from temptation for the next week.
Dear Ryanair,

Please get my husband to Dublin safely tonight.:character00255:

Dear Dublin,

Please keep my husband safe when he is there for the next 5 days.:wave_cry:

Dear Time,

Please make the next 5 days go quickly, so my husband will be back at home where he belongs.:cry:

Thank you

Cat Bee x
Dear focus, you are not allowed to leave me so don;t even try it!

Dear Week Ahead, please be kind to me so that I can make it to Spring Break and enjoy my time in Chicago and Milwaukee with the babies.

Dear family, while on vacation please keep the drama at a minimum.

Dear airlines, please have all planes running on time and all baggage handelers doing a top notch job.
Dear Wii Fit,

Thank you for changing me from "Obese" to "overweight".

I was tickled pink.

Dear diet.

Oh deary me today - tomorrow new start.

Dear lovely men,

You really are wonderful.
Dear 14 year old girl,
You will not beat me. I have made a decision that you are going to sit in your seating plan seat and that is where you will sit. The other students are going to get very bored of the fight each lesson and you will lose. I am an adult and you will do what I say. I do not swear at you, so why do you think it appropriate to yell and scream at me?

You will adhere to school rules if I have to fight with you each day for the entire lesson.

Dear Line Manager,
When I asked you for a written contract, I did not mean a letter telling me what I already know: "You are expected to act like a teacher". Well, thanks for that. Think you wasted the paper that's printed on. I was asking for a written contract of employment with my expectations and responsibilities on it. I don't think you quite understand the concept that I am an international teacher and don't know what is expected of teachers here. For example, teachers back home must do unpaid playground duty, but don't need to here.

Dear 15 year old
Why is it appropriate to draw a penis on my whiteboard?
Dear my darling baby Eve

please please please dont wake up at 3am to play for the 7th time this week, mummy is so tired she could cry:cry:
Dear Weight,
Please drop off!
Dear Insomnia, Please leave me alone tonight and let me get some sleep.