The Dear Thread.

Dear Brain, you are my worst enemy. I like you but I need you to cooperate if I am to get far on this journey.

Dear Chest, I thank you for plugging away each day with this body. I am trying to lighten your load. Keep going for me please.

Dear Eyes, please don't let water come from you today. I can't afford another day of tears and anguish.

Dear Mouth. Stay blooming well closed already!
Dear car,
please pass your MOT on Saturday because if you don't I can't get to work etc...
Dear 17yr old son,
When are you gonna start taking responsibilty for yourself? you say you are an adult and should be treated that way.. well stop acting like a child then!!

Dear holiday,
Please come quicker I need you...

Phew, feel better for that now! x
Dear work,
i do try my best, but it's hard to resist the lure of mini's and other fave websites when i know there just isn't enough work to keep me going for 8.5hours a day....

Dear car,
i'm glad you are better now, please try and stay well for a few months now as i am getting sick of some monthly motoring drama!

Dear running club,
do we have to do the hills tonight? My legs are still sore from monday!

Dear mini's,
you keep me sane!!
Dear Michael Jackson - why oh why did I buy two pairs of tickets for your shows??

Dear bank balance - please forgive me, I will put the money back in somehow!

Dear ebay - Please make my tickets be more noticeable than everyone elses!
Dear new job,

I've never been so unprepared in all my life, so please go easy on me in the morning!

Dear diet.
A good week please.

Dear Lovely lovely men I've spent the last two weeks with.

I will miss the laughter, the sofa, the generosity and grace.
Dear precious kids,

Thank you for being such great kids who hardly moan when mummy is tired and stressed from working. I love my cups of tea that you make me and your tight cuddles always make me feel better before bed.:D

Dear bed,

I'll be with you in 5 minutes and you know I love you :D

Dear work team,

Please give me some more support here this coming week. I know you have personal stuff all going on for you but I need to know that if I delegate something to you, it will be done without sending you 10 reminders. I'm tired too and your senior practitioner needs some back up here.

Dear car,

please see me through another day and I promise not to send you off to car heaven anytime soon :D

Dear body,

I know I ask a lot of you every day and that you are very tired. Please hang in there a little while longer as I promise I am still working on a plan to make you feel better and to lighten your load! :D
Dear purse,

thank you for being empty today (there's one you never thought you'd hear!!! lol!!) By being empty i was able to go into post office for work and walk back through the shop without even looking at the possibility of buying something snacky... even if it was gonna be some chicken fillets or a pepperoni low carb thing....!

Dear chocolate shake,

Thank you for being there when i needed you back at the office.... you were delicious!
Dear OH-stop being such a prat!

Dear tummy-please shrink so I can get the button done up on the new trousers I got from my catalogue.

Dear baby-please start to sleep better at night instead of waking up every 2 hours...I am so so so tired :(

Dear sunshine-please some out every day like today-it makes me feel so much happier :)
Dear Cambridge diet
Please continue as you have been, i know i'm on day 2 and it's early days but so far so good.

Dear Bensons Beds
Why do you have to be so sodding useless and why does it take me shouting at customer services before you will listen to me

Dear Darling doggy
You are so gorgeous and i love your floppy ears so much

Dear Corfu
I can't wait to be parked on your beach waiting to go ping and be turned over, 9 weeks and 2 stones counting

Dear Dan
I love you so much it hurts x
dear brain, stop craving things im not allowed

dear new school, please call me for an interview

please doctor, let my sons asthma stop playing up so i can get some sleep.

dear minimins users keep me sane in an insane world!!

Dear men doing my fence this morning-please be as quick as you can as I want to go out later and you've blocked my driveway.

Dear OH-you've annoyed me already this morning and you're still asleep.Please explain why you've hidden your laptop cos that seems a bit odd to me.

Dear baby-please fall asleep quicker cos I've been up since 5am with you and I want some peace and quiet.

Dear body-please let go of the fat quicker-I'm sick of my clothes and want to wear the one size smaller trousers I bought last week.
Dear cheese on toast - please stop calling me, it was a great relationship while it lasted but its over, move on please!

Dear Labradors - I love you so much but please can I wake up one morning without finding myself spooning up to one of you, there are boundaries you know!

Dear Mr Wabbitt - Love means never having to say you're sorry, God we must love each other loads. My soul mate, my lover , my friend xx (always)

Dear Inward spirit - give me the strength I need to do this thing properly so that I can show the world the person that I know is hidden inside xx
Dear Brain,

please stop requesting wine gums - they are not the answer.

Dear P

am very sorry for shrinking your cricket jumper in the washing machine - will wear the worlds worst g/f badge all week

Dear 9 o'clock

please get here quicker so i can go to bed
