The doctor was really rude to me today :(

I agree starlight, I don't think she was in the wrong for mentioning my weight. I do think they should be a little more considerate about it though. It was just really bad timing and pretty inappropriate considering the reasons behind the appointment.

I'm guessing the doctor would find out I'd made a complaint, which would mean registering at another doctors :S

not the doctors, but i put in a complaint about my old dentist. she was a butcher at her best and put you through alot of pain. like she wouldnt numb me proper and then ignore my screams of pain.
im still at the same dentist surgery, but with another dentist. thanks to that old dentist ill always be a nervous wreck even for a check up.
Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I went to the Doctors 5 years ago with stress (work related). I saw 2 Doctors within 3 weeks, both commented on my weight (I was 2.5 stone overweight). One said I should cycle my bicycle, the other said I was not sleeping due to the fat around my throat. The second doctor was at least much more helpful, giving me tips to resolve the stress and being honest how sickness absence would effect my career.

Five years later, I recently went to the doctors with exhaustion. (Now 4.5 stone overweight). I wrote a list of my symptoms (feeling dead, exhausted, not sleeping), listed my normal characteristics (happy, hardworking, motivated). I listed what steps I was taking to resolve the issue. This meant I was listened to and taken seriously (no suggestions of bike riding).

Your Doctor may have been trying to be helpful. Doctors want us to be the best us - being over weight is bad for our health and esteem. I would not complain about the insensitive comments - when you went to the doctors you were feeling raw and sensitive to start with, so may have taken some comments not as they were intended.

I hope the Doctor has given you some advice/tablets for the depression. See another Doctor next time. Also be armed with a list of symptoms and steps you have taken to proactively resolve the situation. Best of luck.
I've never had a dr say anything like that to me, that's appauling! :eek:
I have had an older man say the exact same thing to me though, he was a work colleague of my husband and I was standing in the shop, waiting for my husband to finish and he just came out with it! 'You have such a pretty face, shame about all the weight' waving his hand to it at the same time! I was in utter shock when he said it, I just stood there speechless! Luckily my husband came out, or someone may have thought I'd gone comotose or something! :S
She probably saw it as constructive criticism, maybe causing some of the other factors, that you were opening up about!
But she was wrong to word it in such a callous way when it's obvious you were there for help.
Maybe she should have said something along the lines of "Do you think any of your feelings could be cause by the fact that you're slightly overweight?!"
Maybe the thing to do is to make an appt with that Dr and explain to her how she made you feel and that having gone to her for help she'd made you feel even worse!
Or maybe write to the practice manager or even the senior partner and tell them how she made you feel, you know you're overweight and don't need it rubbing but you had gone there for help etc.
She may not realise that she said it in the way she did!
I was at my Drs and he said to me "you think you're life's bad , my last patient lost both of his legs getting run over by a bus!"
I was gobsmacked but it did make me think! I only ever go to him now. He's a really good Dr
I hope you manage to resolve it without having to change Drs
Hey :) I'm new, quickly read your post, don't let them get you down, it's obvious this doctor does NOT care for you or your feelings regardless of what you've been through, I'd fill in a complaint and then get her butt kicked out :)

Keep going :)
I think on top if all the inappropriate comments this doctor came out with, what's to say you haven't already lost slot of weight? They make this quick assumption that overweight people are just piling on the weight and doing nothing about it. Iam visiting my GP tonight, and I will tear strips off them if they flippantly comment on my weight, as I have lost alot since I last saw them.
I'm very surprised that at the very least having said you might be depressed etc she ddn't get you to do the depression questionnaire thing! I have done that twice at my practice once with a female Dr and once with a male. The first time I saw her I said I think I might be depressed but I've got nothing to be depressed about. She said why do you think you might be depressed Catherine is it because you're over weight? I said I don't know and burst into tears and couldn't stop! She handed me a tissue, did the questionnaire found I was off the scale and said she was going to put me in touch with the counselling team! I was in counselling within 6 weeks.
I was an antidepressants for about 6 months until I took myself off them, she wasn't happy but accepted it! I went back on them for a while about 2 yrs later but I'm happy to say I'm fine now.
I can't thank my Drs enough ~ especially the one who sent me to counselling!
I think you should go to another Dr in the practice, ask around amongst the patients to see who's the most sympathetic, maybe try a male Dr, I prefer men drs to be honest I always get a bit self concious talking to the women I don't know why!
I'm lucky, none of mine will pussyfoot around or sugar coat anything they all say I'm overweight etc, but my god they're in your corner when push comes to shove!
It's hard for you I know but you do need help and she should have given it to you not commented in anyway about what hand you use etc, that's just crass and ignorant!
You've been strong once, you just need to keep that strength and bang on the door until you get the help you need and deserve
DO you know my own Mum used to say this to me
"you know, its a shame because you've got a really pretty face, its just a shame about ALL of that"
From a doctor that is bad, they should be supporting you, not making you feel worse. If anything they should be asking you questions and trying to see the best way to help you. Not judge you.