the dreaded scales

How often do you weigh yourself?
Every day, once a week at WI, or after every trip to the toilets lol.
I used to be really bad weighing every day but I've learnt to let go a little now. I honestly used to weigh myself, have a wee and jump back on lol. I've now binned my scales but I'm so nervous every Wednesday night lol Xx
It was everyday but the last 5 days my scales keep saying different weights ... 1 min iv put on 3lbs and the next iv lost it! SO I think the battery's are going, I'm not going to replace them aswel :)
Booked in with a personal trainer tomorrow morning dreaaaaaaaaaading it lol. I ache as it is. I imagine by Sunday I won't be walking.
But maybe it will help me shift my add once and for all lol.
I only get weighed at my class in fact I don't even own a pair of scales except the kitchen type :D good luck with your P.T session
Honestly..... First thing in the morning - before the loo, after the loo. When I get in from work, Last thing at night, if I wake up in the middle of the night, usually everytime I'm in the bathroom. And because my scales are electronic and a bit iffy - I weigh myself at least 3 times to get the same weight twice.... Does this make me weird???
well today i got on my scales when i got up it said i was 13.7... thats 2lb up from when i weighed on wed, and i havent been bad, got on them an hour later i was down to 13.4 .... defo my scales playying up
No not weird at all. I got rid of mine because I was the same. I uses to do it at the gym too before and after sessions. I avoid them at all costs now x