The Exercise Challenge - July 2011

Yesterday's exercise was 1 hour 45 mins, wii fit, zumba and weights

Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 16 hr 50 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr done
Hoping: 30 hours - 16 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 8 1/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 8 hours done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -29 hours and 15 mins done
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 39 hours done
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 7 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 4 hours done
2 hours hiking up a massive hill in the lake district with 50 kids- ow!

Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 16 hr 50 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr done
Hoping: 30 hours - 16 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 8 1/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 8 hours done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -29 hours and 15 mins done
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 39 hours done
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 4 hours done
body combat, body attack & 2 1/2 hours of weights, walking - 5 hours

Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 16 hr 50 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr done
Hoping: 30 hours - 16 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 8 1/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 8 hours done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -29 hours and 15 mins done
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 44 hours done
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 4 hours done
Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 16 hr 50 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr done
Hoping: 30 hours - 16 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 8 1/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 8 hours done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -29 hours and 15 mins done
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 44 hours done
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 5 hours done

Gina can I pick your brains please???

My Zumba instructor is doing a taster session of Body Combat before Zumba on Monday and then Body Attack before Zumba on Wednesday.... I in a moment of madness said "yes I'll give it a go!!!"

What I'm wondering is, weather I should take a protein shake with me to have before, after or in between. I know you combine classes (not Zumba :p). Just wondered if what you do.. Thanks.
ill have one about half an hour before the workout, and another after ive done the workout, but no longer than 30 minutes after.
my protein shakes arnt vegan, and im sensitive to dairy, this gives my stomach time to settle lol! thats what i was reccomended to do by the instructor though
Thanks Gina :)
woot- i might be aching all over- but thats an hour added to my total :)

3 hours to go- should be able to do it easy!

Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 16 hr 50 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr done
Hoping: 30 hours - 16 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 8 1/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 9 hours done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -29 hours and 15 mins done
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 44 hours done
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 5 hours done
1 hour and 30 mins ..wii fit, wii sports and weights...

Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 16 hr 50 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr done
Hoping: 30 hours - 16 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 8 1/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 9 hours done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -30 hours and 45mins done (TARGET MET)
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 44 hours done
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 5 hours done
15 mins cycling this morning. Oh well, every little helps!

Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 16 hr 50 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr 15min done
Hoping: 30 hours - 16 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 8 1/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 9 hours done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -30 hours and 45mins done (TARGET MET)
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 44 hours done
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 5 hours done
body attack, body combat, gym + walking. 3 1/2 hours

Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 16 hr 50 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr 15min done
Hoping: 30 hours - 16 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 8 1/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 9 hours done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -30 hours and 45mins done (TARGET MET)
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 47 1/5 hours done TARGET REACHED
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 5 hours done
I've just spent 3hrs pulling Ragwort ;( My left hamstring is not happy!!! Not sure weather it counts as exercise or not?????
@littlesis- gardening (as long as its not really light) is classed as exercise- for me it is anyways :)

15mins of walking- not much but it gets me closer to my target!

Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 16 hr 50 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr 15min done
Hoping: 30 hours - 16 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 8 1/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 9 hours 15mins done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -30 hours and 45mins done (TARGET MET)
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 47 1/5 hours done TARGET REACHED
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 5 hours don
Good thinking little bubblez.... Light it's not.. woop, woop that means another 5hrs off of my total :D

Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 16 hr 50 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr 15min done
Hoping: 30 hours - 16 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 8 1/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 9 hours 15mins done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -30 hours and 45mins done (TARGET MET)
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 47 1/5 hours done TARGET REACHED
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 10 hours don
Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 16 hr 50 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr 15min done
Hoping: 30 hours - 16 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 10 3/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 9 hours 15mins done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -30 hours and 45mins done (TARGET MET)
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 47 1/5 hours done TARGET REACHED
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 10 hours don
1 hour 30 mins wii fit, wii sports and weights

Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 16 hr 50 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr 15min done
Hoping: 30 hours - 18 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 10 3/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 9 hours 15mins done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -32hours and 15mins done (TARGET MET)
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 47 1/5 hours done TARGET REACHED
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 10 hours don
I'm not doing to well at updating!!
Over the last 5 days I have done:
Kettlebell 1.5hrs
Running 1 hr
Walking 4.5 hr
Xtrainer - 30 mins

Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 24 hr 20 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr 15min done
Hoping: 30 hours - 18 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 10 3/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 9 hours 15mins done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -32hours and 15mins done (TARGET MET)
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 47 1/5 hours done TARGET REACHED
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 10 hours don
Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 24 hr 20 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr 15min done
Hoping: 30 hours - 19 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 10 3/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 9 hours 15mins done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -32hours and 15mins done (TARGET MET)
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 47 1/5 hours done TARGET REACHED
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 11 hours don
1 hour weights and resistance...1 hour to do later wii fit and sports...........both hours now done

Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 24 hr 20 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr 15min done
Hoping: 30 hours - 19 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 10 3/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 9 hours 15mins done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -34hours and 15mins done (TARGET MET)
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 47 1/5 hours done TARGET REACHED
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 11 hours don
Last edited:
My knees do not like all this dog walking :(

Miss Mango: 18 hours - 22 hours done
Hannata: 28 hours - 0 h 50 done
Shazzabir: 30 hours - 24 hr 20 min done
Beverley8603: 28 hours - 3hr 15 min done
Trimlee: 15 hours - 10hr 15min done
Hoping: 30 hours - 19 hours done
Hippogirl: 15 hours - 5.5 hours done
Samprand: 25 hours - 10 3/4 done
Little_bubblez: 12 hours- 9 hours 15mins done
Shenzi: 15 hours - 2 hours Done
Lily42uk: 30 hours -34hours and 15mins done (TARGET MET)
Tara40: 10 hours - 0 done
Gina_B: 45 hours - 47 1/5 hours done TARGET REACHED
slim_smurf_wannabe 15 hours - 9 hour 30 mins done
LittleSis: 24 hours- 12 hours don