The Happy Clappy CD1000ers ♥

Just had my evening meal of tuna salad - I still find it hard to believe we are actually allowed that much tuna:)

I'm also still incapable of just having salad leaves - had some cucumber and raw mushroom chopped up in it with lovely balsamic vinegar - but I don't think the extra will make too much difference:p

I made Charlie mashed potato for his dinner as per his request and must admit that a small teaspoon full did pass my lips:eek: but I didn't have any more so I am quite pleased (I threw the remainder in the bin before I got the chance ha ha ha).

Debating on whether to have a yoghurt or not, while drinking another pint of water. (that will make 3 ltrs for me today:))

Hope you are all having a good evening?

take care
Tried adding photos as attachments - fingers crossed it worked.

First pic as biggest 14st 11lbs - during photo after 3 months 11st 11lbs .

Lost another 5 lbs since then from messing about:sigh:


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Wow what a difference lenny! What size did you start? I'm exactly the same as you, 5ft 7, started at 14st.10 , my least pic I was 11st 11lbs !

I've had a crappy day yesterday felt really low about this cd1000 thing but have had a change of heart this morn. Yeas it's difficult but I can't hide behind a cd shake for the rest of my life so have to get on with it and am fine about it now. I guess we all have those shaky days.

Hope you guys are all doing well x
Wow what a difference lenny! What size did you start? I'm exactly the same as you, 5ft 7, started at 14st.10 , my least pic I was 11st 11lbs !

Thank you, except I'm 5ft 4" so a shorty compared to you:8855:

I started at size 16/18 and now in some 12's but mainly in 14's that are loose... I think I'm more of a 13!

Glad to hear you are feeling more positive today:) We just have to get on with it and step away from the shakes, we can't be on them forever but this is a life journey and not a quick fix so we need to adapt our thinking along the way.

Good luck to you today,
Take care x
1lb off for me this week :( better than on, but I was hoping for more.

Oh well, just had my mushroom and spinach omelette and tomorrow is another day.;)

Take care all x
Is anyone else hungrier now than on previous steps? Obvs not in ketosis on step 3 and I'm bloody starving!
Is anyone else hungrier now than on previous steps? Obvs not in ketosis on step 3 and I'm bloody starving!

Yep! I think that is why I am finding it so hard to stay on track, though I do find a quick pint of water takes the hunger away for a while:8855:
Well yeh Ive been chugging away had 5 ltrs yesterday I was peeing like a race horse all night!! This is so much harder than ss+ lol! Thought it would get easier... wrong! All good though :) Whats your plan for after cd? I've been looking at the slimming world part of minimins wow they eat so much!! Id quite like to join them after xmas x
I have been toying with the idea of SW too - especially now my losses have slowed down, but I think I maybe need to give the steps a chance first and then see how it goes.

Unfortunately OH is now talking about another baby as our son is nearly 2.1/2 but it was the pregnancy that helped me get to that size in the first place (that and my mum dying unexpectantly during the pregnancy - open invitation to eat:cry:) but at least I could continue to SW if that happens:rolleyes:.

Good luck with the toilet trips today - I was also up in the night because of all the water, I hope my body gets used to it again quickly! I need my beauty sleep ha ha ha

Take care, I'd better get back to work now....lunch finished over 10 mins ago:p
Exactly like me! My boy is 3 in june, i put on 5stone when pregnant with him which is what i'm shifting now lol! I'll deffo do the maintenance steps properly, but then sw after i hope :D ooooh the food!!!
i'm actually not struggling with hunger any more than before which is wierd.
and the evening meals seem huge now!

weight-wise, i seem to be plodding along same as the last few weeks - unofficial weigh-ins seem to indicate i'm going to lose 1 or 2 lbs this week but who knows what my actual weigh-in will show given it's recent unpredictability.
Hello ladies, sorry for not popping in for a few days, work has been crazy busy and im feeling super stressed and to top it all off very very hormonal, feel like a puffy bloated whale. ahhhh. weigh in today and i gained 2lbs, :( not happy, and due to the crazy lady hormones got home and burst into tears. hmmmmm sort it out nat its only water retention but its never nice to see a gain. 1 day off for my grandads birthday, no more than 2000 cal and a gain. been good all week, even bought some digi scales to weigh my carb portions properly.
just had a small piece of wholegrain toast and omlette for dinner, it was so so tasty :)
Hope everyone is having a better week than me and speak to you all again soon xx
Tried adding photos as attachments - fingers crossed it worked.

First pic as biggest 14st 11lbs - during photo after 3 months 11st 11lbs .

Lost another 5 lbs since then from messing about:sigh:

oooh looking good!! i like to put a face to a name!! xx
Ive been a hormonal puffy whale too so dont worry you havent missed much :)
All much better now though, slowly getting into the swing of things, have found it much harder than i anticipated though to be fair. I hope i get a loss this week but i wont be holding my breath! x
Ello ladies is anybody there?

I've had an about turn with cd1000 I'm living it now and feel really in the groove so to speak lol. Official WI if tomo but I had a sneaky peek at the scales and appear to have lost 2lbs :) which would take me to 2lbs off target! I'm defo going to lower my target, but wasn't to hit that one 1st, ideally would love to get into the 10s min half a stone below to end of healthy bmi so I have some room for the inevitable gain of water when I finish up here. So I guess that would be about 10.5 st - 10.12 st.. Haha, me weighing 10 stone, still makes me laugh!

So anyway enough of my rambling, hope youre all well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Weigh in should normally be tomorrow but will be tues this week, am hoping for a STS as first week on 1000.
I think it will actually show a loss of 2lbs, but that is the 2lbs that should have come off last week but for no apparent reason didn't!

Haven't been 100% on it this week, there was a cupcake incident on friday. It is harder to resist now that i'm not a carb-free zone :(
Still hoping to be minimum 98% good until at least the start of december.
Ah my 1st week too :) Started off pretty badly, wasnt happy on this step and wanted to go and hide behind a cd shake but am loving it now! Im weighing in tomoz and hopnig for a couple of lbs (snuck a peek this morn and was 2lbs down) but we'll see what happens officially tomoz! Good luck for tues xx
Thanks, good luck for tomorrow yourself!
Good luck for all of you with WI's this morning:)

I've had a rubbish weekend involving chocolate and lots of arguments/squabbles with OH!

TOTM is due so feeling very bloated and fat too:sigh:

Take care