The journey to a new me!

Sorry just been struggling really badly. I get serious depression as pms, so was going through that. Out the other side now :)

Scales say today I am no longer morbidly obese! BMI is 35 on the dot. Wonder what my WI today with consultant will be? Not expecting a good loss. Under 1kg is most likely as not had a good week.

How are you lovely ladies doing?
Good to hear from you Sunflowerlady, was worried about you! Glad you are OK :). Congratulations on reaching a BMI of 35 - awesome:0clapper:! Good luck with your WI tonight. Today I have a tummy ache:(. Sorry if tmi but have not been regular lately and just feel like I need to go but can't. I take the fibre every day & it hasn't really been a problem till now. Am not keen on tummy medicines like Dulcolax etc but feel I might have to give in and have some soon:sigh:. I have also upped my water to 3l a day, so not sure what more I can do? What do you do to stay regular? Jillybeans....hope your date goes well tonight! Hope you both have a lovely day!
Today's weigh in was 1,4kg loss! YaY! Much better than i thought it would be as I was expecting it to be below 1kg!
Thats brilliant Sunflower! Thats not a bad loss!

My date was disappointing. He was VERY keen, but I had to explain to him via text when I got home (coz I'm chicken to do it to his face) that he just doesnt 'do it' for me. I'm very sad for him but I couldnt lead him on either.

I've STS this week which I'm surprised at (expected to pick UP)... but I've lost enthusiasm and drive and want to start living again instead of staying inside all weekend long!! I know its just a "phase" but I'm tired of shakes and eggs and chicken... and so I've been "exploring" other foods due to boredom of the same stuff.... bad move.
Congrats Sunflowerlady on your loss this week. That's a great loss! Well done! Sorry your date was disappointing Jillybeans. There's always next time! Well, its bank holiday weekend here on Monday and my hubby has the day off tomorrow so we have decided to go away for the long weekend to my mom's caravan at the seaside...yay! The weather seems semi-decent so hopefully it wont be too cold. The kids (including my K9!) loves it there. I will stay on plan and weigh in on Monday. We do lots of walking when we are there which is always good. Hoping for a 3lb loss this week. Fingers crossed! Hope you both have a really lovely weekend! :)
Sorry your date didnt go all that great. I also had a similar conversation with my consultant about feeling as if i just needed food and she told me to go up to step two for a few weeks until i felt ok about everything again and then i would be able to come back down again.

Why not try the meal in minutes recipe book that Cambridge sell? There are lots of nice recipes in there and they tell you what step they are and also if you can adapt the recipe to go to a different step. That might help you feel as if you have a wider choice.

My consultant also told me that when she was doing the diet, she used to swop daily between SS, SS+ and step two. She said this helped her feel like she was still able to eat and still lose weight each week! You should try that. She says you dont have to follow one step for a fulll week. Be Flexible with what you have going on in your life that day/week. :)

And dont worry Jillybeans, you are not the only one having those feelings. We all get them at some point in the diet. But do yourself a favour. Go look at your starting photo and then look in the mirror and know that the diet is worth it, and just think what one more week on the diet will do for that figure. Then in one week, do the same and think the same. Soon it will be a month down the line and you will have lost a few more kgs and feel and look a lot slimmer! Positive thoughts Jillybeans!

Couldn't agree more with Sunflowerlady, Jillybeans....byt vas - jy's amper daar! :)
Thanks Ladies. I just feel like I've hit a bit of a wall - it will pass, it just pisses me off to waste time stalling.

:rotflmao: oh LOL Sunflower... about 2 weeks ago I also came out of the "obese" BMI range and also felt like I'd crossed a bridge. Well done on "only being overweight" now.... You really are doing well!

Enjoy your long weekend away PT! I dont need to even say it as I know you'll be super-good. When are you going to share pics?

Sunflower, your consultant is right about having some meals. I got to the stage at around 12 weeks where I felt I NEEDED some form of real food - or I'd go crazy! I am now eating meals and am much happier - but am eating too much of the allowed stuff (my problem has always been portion control) - so even tho I'm eating the protein rich foods, I'm having too much of it.

I'm vas byting!!! I need to draw that line now....
So I am now in week ten of the diet, have moved from severely obese to plain old obese. And now am really craving food. Had a chat with the cwcp and she was happy for me to move up a step for a bit and then go down again. Think I will do that as I really want to eat food for a bit. Think it will help motivate me to carry on a but longer too!

Almost at 95kgs... That would be nice!

Off out to go for a walk and enjoy the sunshine for the bank holiday weekend!
So after walking 4.6km(2.9 miles) my hubby and I went out for an evening. Took a break from the diet and was going to go to pizza express. They however turned us away at the door, so we went to have sushi instead!

The sushi was lovely and we ate far less than we have ever had at sushi before! Only 8 plates where other times it could be 20!! Then went to the shops to choose a desert. Yum!

Was expecting with all the food I ate which was naughty to have picked up weight this morning, however I have lost 100g!!! So hoping that the walk yesterday must have helped :)

Today we are going to the grand designs show, so more walking today! Then want to enjoy the sun tomorrow again so another walk planned. Will stay 100% to SS + this week now. Have a curry planned on the 11th and hubby's birthday on 15th, so must be good to get the reward of more days off :)

Having the meal last night has made me happy that I had a nice meal out and also happy to stick to it for more time :)

Have a good Sunday ladies!
I just want to say how well you're done! Nearly 95kgs! Thats bloody brilliant! I know that towards the end of 12 weeks I also just wanted to eat and be normal again!!! I've had a rough 2 weeks and eating has been a bit out of control - tonight I did a roast chicken for the kids and I had some and made my own veggies from the allowable list. I'm hoping I didnt overdo it too badly. Yesterday I made a stir fry chicken meal - I've struggled with water and I've picked up a urinary tract infection and drinking water made it worse (I was up having 'wee's ALL NIGHT LONG) so was at the pharmacy first thing this morning...

I really need to start excercising in some shape or form - but ................always a but............ I hate excercise. Always have. Always will.

Finding single parenting very hard at the moment. I comfort eat when I feel like I do currently. Purposefully didnt buy peanut butter for the kids this week.... I'm slipping......I need to WI tomorrow to know just how badly I've slipped!

What are you planning for hubby's birthday? Oooh yes to the sushi!!! I can easily have 6/7 plates to myself! I havnt eaten pizza in 12 weeks, or potatoe, or rice.... tried really hard to stay away from carbs even when I go on a "binge"...

I'd love to see some pics! Co'mon, ask dh to take some !!! x
Went out for what was supposed to be a 6 mile walk and after a wrong turn by the navigator, turned into a 12 mile walk!

Suffice to say have a sunburn and sore legs now! Also only had one litre of water with us! Ouch!
Hello ladies! Hope you both had a good weekend. My weekend away was lovely and I stayed 100% on plan. Wow, Sunflowerlady...95kgs...that's bloomin fantastic!! Well done!

Jillybeans...think I have said it before but I'll say it again....I take my hat off to single parents. You guys rock! Sometimes it's hard to raise kids with two parents doing the parenting, nevermind just one. I applaud you!!

Well, I have had a very dissapointing WI tonight. Only 1lb off. I was so upset at my Consultants today...burst into tears!! I had been 100% all week, even at the seaside and it was my b/day last week and I did not cheat one bit nor did we go out. Stayed at home and stayed on plan 100%. That being said, I think my hormones are a bit all over the place as I started spotting on Friday with lots of cramping and bloating. That plus the fact that I am so constipated does not help in any way. My consultant assured me that we all have weeks like this where despite the fact that we stay 100% we will either STS or just lose a pound. She seems to think that my body was holding on to some water as I was spotting....anyhows, who knows what the reason was, but she gave me a leaflet with some inspirational words and it basically said that you can't do any more than sticking to the plan 100% and that I still lost fat and cm's even though the scales did not say it. It's hard but I have decided to not let it get me down and look at how far I have come already instead of concentrating on only one week where the loss has not been that great. Onwards and downwards as they say...

Hope you both have a good evening.
Hey PT, I'm not yet at 95 but almost there! Would e nice when I get there!

Sorry about the small loss. Just keep sticking to it and next week you will have a fab loss you will just want to shout about! I have that, a couple of days where I sts then three days where I drop 1.5kgs. Happened like that three weeks on a row! Maybe your body is doing the same???
Morning ladies. Thanks for the inspirational words Sunflowerlady. I dont know what my body is doing or thinking but just really hope I have a bigger loss this week. Strange thing is I can feel I'm losing weight but the scales didn't reflect it. My hubby and mom have been very supportive ( my mom lost 5lbs and have 2lb more to go before her 1st stone:)). Your walks sound lovely, are you part of a walking group/club? I'm like Jillybeans....don't like exercise at all, have never and will never but I am determined to start upping my time on the WII fit this week. My little one came to me this morning and asked for water instead of juice. Says he sees me drinking water and that he wanted some for school too because it's healthy :). Made me feel really I'm setting a good example for him. We have friends over for dinner on Saturday evening and I am planning on making a chicken and bacon salad for them (I'll have the same but just with SS+ quantities and allowable foods, so no bacon:sigh:) but it is starting to get easier socialising!

Sunflowerlady, have you heard of the SA dankfees that takes place once a year in Kent? It's 31May - 2 June. It's a great South African weekend filled with lots of SA people, artists from SA for entertainment and all the SA food we grew up with. If you have heard of it, are you going and if not, do you want some details? Don't know how far Kent is from where you live, but they have camping facilities on the grounds as well. It's a fantastic day out! are you?

Have a good day!
Thanks Hayley! Welcome to my diary!

I never understand this exercise malarkey! 12 miles walked on Monday you would assume a massive drop in weight.... I have sts'd my way through the better part of a week!!!!! I know I have stepped up to step 2 but this is ridiculous! Scales would you please move at least a little in the right direction!!!!

WI today! Dreading the outcome! 200g is my prediction! We shall see. Hubby keeps saying you knew you were going to eat this week and so not lose much weigh so why are you upset.... I have no idea!!! Jillybeans I think your mindset is contagious!!!! Lol!