Step 1 Sole Source + The kids r ordering chinese

The little *******:D
Ooops, my iddy biddy swear word got censored.
My friends insisted on going to subway for Lunch on my third day on the plan! That smell of bread when you walk through the door was almost my undoing!

But I tell you what, that is one of the proudest moments of my diet so far. Resisting! So yes, very annoying of the kids, but also, it gives you a chance to prove to yourself that you can do this!!
I had that yesterday when everyone was ordering Indian, but when i got weighed today i thought there is now way that the Indian would have tasted as good as the feeling when i had lost knowing i had resisted!! Be strong!! xxx
Mmmm Chinese, oh how I miss thee! My boyfriend has been really good and not ordered any sort of takeaway for the 5 weeks I've been doing this diet. Should thank him for that really!
I know little xxxxxxx

But I resisted I don't know cos I lurve Chinese !

The things we put ourselves through ! !