The new me

mimz said:
hey chick dont worry about the last few weeks be honest with yourself about the day youve had and write it down your feelings when you are picking at food, you will get back on track this diet is bloody hard but remember its not forever, i have txt you so whenever you need me get in touch i will always get back in touch and am here to support you, im thinking we are both at the week seven mark and casn do this together, take care and speak to you soon xxxxx

Hehe so glad you txt ... Let's do this tomorrow !!! Cos tonight iv had a blow it night.. Xxxx

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Hi everyone ,, firstly I want to say that iv had a horrible 4 weeks! Iv only lost 5lb... I have been lapsing every day,, last weigh in Tues 6th dec I stayed the same... That pissed me off beyond belief... Iv been out of ketosis for 2 weeks which sucked!!

So came home from group and had a blow out.. Before my blow out I wrote some rules out for my son... I always pinch his food or get him to grab me a sugary treat... His rules were not to let me eat any of his food.. Come down when I'm dishing up his tea as this is a danger time for me... Make me walk the dog on fri and not him..(I usually ,ake him) even if it's raining... And to remind me to stay on the packs and stay strong and that I want to loose 4lb this week.

Then I wrote my rules out.... Mainly they were to eat only my packs, no licking tasting , trying , pinching others food. No bars till sat.. And drink my 3 lts of water a day.. And the big ones...Walk 5.2 miles to work wed thurs ...walk 2.5 miles on fri with the dog, and walk work... There were others like , do my homework, post on here, read 1 article from the LL magazine, get ,my green book out..write down my thoughts and feelings... And to remind myself that I can do it...

All the rules have gone on my fridge next to a skinny photo of myself when I was 9.11...

I then gave my no to Mimz.. And we have been txting, she is so supportive and positive and that's helping want to say THANK YOU hunnie for supporting me...xxxxxxxxxxxxxx loves ya chicken....(mm tandoori my fav)

So progress report..... I did walk in total 12.5 miles in 3 days and I havnt even sniffed food,,, I took myself away...or asked for help.... I have realised that I try and be perfect but I'm not...I need help and will now ask for it more in the future....

Iv drank my water and not had any bars.....

My head feels clearer.... I am so proud of myself for walking the weather has been so rough...I just got on and walked against the howling GAO force winds and sleet ... I'm not lying.... And the driving rain....

Walking the dog was a real push... It felt like argh don't have too... My backs been really hurting.... But I did go and we did the full 2.5 miles,,,, even the dog was tired lol... It was nice having company with me,,,

So this morning I woke at 5.10 i borrowed some keto sticks as wanted to to check if I was in ketosis.... And oh YES I am...

So far I'm doing ok..... Be so glad when Tues is here... I have a 30th bday meal on sun and then pictures.... I'm not going to the meal anymore..just pics .. I have to be kind to me and keep out of the way for now...

I am having Xmas off to some degree...

Be glad when it's all over!!! Lol it stresses me out worrying what to do.!!! I'm honest with myself to no that I will indulge I just need to limitnwhatbi indulge in...
right peeps off back to sleep....

Keep well and big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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hi chick im soooooooooooooo proud of you after reading your post well done keep going and you will be at goal in no time x glad your back on track and your head is in the right place to carry on with LL anyways again well done and i will txt you later today much love hun :hug99: