The old thread of Team 9

I have let you girls (and myself) down big time. Had my weigh in tonight and put 3lbs on :(

I am really sorry, this will ruin our chances of success in the challenge this week.

However, on a more positive note i have been 100% for the last 2 dqays so hopefull a good loss in store for next week, as long as it continues!
Aw mrss-p, just put that gain behind you and move on and now that you're sticking to it 100% you will have a fab loss next week :D
Sarah, are you leaving? Just wondered why you said 'see you around at some point'? :confused:
Oh babes, whats pissing you off?
Sara, please stick around! I think we are all struggling at the moment. I have done really crap this week.

I know i dont know how you are feeling or what you are dealing with but hope you will stay. With regards to the diet do whatever you feel you need to do to help, I know MB went down the Atkins route to get K established so if you think it will help then its worth trying i guess.

Take care chick x
Hopefully Sarah is just having a bad day today and will feel better tomorrow :patback:
Sarah, I'm so glad you have picked yourself up and started again today. It would have been so easy for you to just stay 'stuff it' and cave. Good on you for being strong babes and here's to all of us getting a good loss this week :D
I am being so good today and going to keep emitting my happy vibes and keep telling myself that i can do this, I am worthy of being slimmer and happier and the sooner i get to goal the sooner i will be holding a newborn - sad i know.
Not sad at all, I want to come over and hold your newborn too ;)
How strange that we may have another two babies around the same age and go through pregnancy together again :D
I know - we really are a pair of weirdo.

How is everyone though - s far im having a good day - hard but good and nothing except cd products has passed my lips. My many weird and wonderful thoughts have kept me going so far.
I've had a soup and 2 pints of water today (on the 3rd). I just wish I could keep off the scales as its bringing me down. I'm still the same weight as I was on weigh in on Monday :(
Give yourself time, maybe drink a bit more water hun and youl see some results soon. I wish i had the strength to throw my scales away!
Aaaaaaaargh!! I'm really struggling today, I even want to eat my daughters baby food :eek: I'm sooooo hungry :(
Hi Girls how are you all?

I started celebrity slim on Monday and I'm now on day three, no slip ups or anything and I'm finding it really easy!!
I'm already 5lbs down (in 3 days!) so that's put a huge smile on my face!

Saraian, thanks for asking after me hun! I wont leave it 5 days before I come on again....sorry for that lol
Good to see you so motivated though and I myself am doing this for another baby too so I know how you feel.

Moo Moo, hang in there girl, you can do this!

Everyone else, are you all hanging in there?

Well I have to go take DS1 to basketball so i better dash.

I will come back tomorrow though!

Had a piece of wafer thin chicken :(

On a good note, have finally found out what breed Scampi is, a Valley Bulldog! Its a Boxer Bulldog Cross ;)