The only way is JUDDD


Full Member
I have just discovered JUDDD/IF and to be quite honest I am amazed! It just makes so much sense to me.
I previously lost a lot of weight on ww but it all but a stone has come back on and the harder i seem to try and get back on the wagon the worse my eating becomes. So I tried sw and did exactly the same.
After a lovely day out with my best friend last week i came home and sobbed after catching a glimpse of myself in a full length mirror. I spoilt a lovely day by my own insecurities and continuing weight problem.

It was while desperately trawling the internet that I came across JUDDD/IF and started straight away on Friday and I have to say it is so freeing! After years of dieting and believing all those dieting myths I have realised that eating one "bad" food doesnt ruin the whole day. I feel as tho I can finally get myself out of the binge/guilt cycle.

I'm tracking my calories on ud & dd on myfitnesspal just to help me have an idea of where I am each day. My dd will be tuesdays and thursdays as they are my busiest days and hopefully will help me not focus too much on food.

I feel in control for the first time in months!
I think alot of us can relate to how you feel. I lost alot of weight for my wedding this year, and although I was still a couple of stone from goal, I felt tons better, went on honeymoon, piled on lbs, came back and comfort ate because I felt crappy after gaining. I have avoided even seeing my family and closesnt friends because I am that ashamed of putting weight back on. It is something that is personal to everyone and I am now feeling lots better after shedding 5lbs in 5 days on Juddd.

Good luck to you!
Thank you Tara, thats exacyly how i feel...i have panic attacks at the thought of seeing people i havent seen for a while.
Hopefully i can start putting that right now :)
just making a coffee cake to get my calories up to TDEE of 2000 calories... going to have a slice of it for supper tonight for 399 cals EeeeK!!! Cant believe I can have a nice slice of cake :eek:)
Well just explained things to dh and shock horror, he doesn't think I'm crazy!

He says everyone at work has been talking about it for weeks now and why didnt he tell me I ask!!!! Also just watched the Horizon documentary and found it fascinating.
One more up day today before my first down day on Tuesday...fingers crossed!
spinme307 said:
Well just explained things to dh and shock horror, he doesn't think I'm crazy!

He says everyone at work has been talking about it for weeks now and why didnt he tell me I ask!!!! Also just watched the Horizon documentary and found it fascinating.
One more up day today before my first down day on Tuesday...fingers crossed!

I was quite amazed at how supportive my family have been with my juddding. It is a big relief cause there's nothing worse than people scolding you about being "unhealthy" or worrying about you. doesn't help you stay on the right track when you feel like people aren't on ur side and they're nearly waiting for you to fail again...!

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Well im off to college and then work this afternoon. Have lunch to take but will have brekkie at college...yum.
Feel so free and in control with this woe....happy happy happy!
Right college is done, had some toast there for brekkie and have come home to some beans on toast...yikes more bread only just realised that but now off to work til 6pm.

Thankfully hubby will cook tea for me when I get in...chicken kiev, actifry chips & salad, yum!
Well have had a huge spanner thrown in the works.....

My nephew tried to commit suicide last night.... I feel awful and so helpless. I cant physically do anything to make it better and I just love him so so much!
He's such a lovely young man and his grandasd passed away last month and now all he wants is to be with his grandad...

And tomorrow is my 1st down day...yuccckkkk!
Not really slept last night but im up and off to work and my first dd. Hoping to get thru it by keeping busy.
well my first dd has gone well....had a salad with a boiled egg and a babybel for lunch and just had a ww meal for tea and I'm very pleased to say that im not hungry at all!! I am truly shocked. Off out now so will not be in the house twiddling my thumbs for the rest of the evening. Grand total of 442cals for today and plenty of water and green tea.

Having another dd on thursday when I'll be at college for most of the day so will take something with me to eat and avoid the canteen.
Loving this WOE so much!
Had a good up day not gone crazy but enjoyed my food too. Might enjoy a glass of wine later too.
Second dd tomorrow and will be at college til half seven so will keep me nice and busy. I have to say this week has made me feel so much better about myself, being back in control without any guilty feelings about what im eating is amazing!