The really slow loss team!

Sounds like a good plan Lou! Your head is in the game. I remember when you first got into tracking & you were so determined & did really well :)

Well I need some advice - I did post in the main forum, it's not the kind of thing I like to discuss. I haven't been to the 'toilet' since Sunday morning, I know that may not seem bad but thanks to SW I'm very regular & never miss a day (by that I mean I usually need the loo when I get up). the only difference is on Sunday & Monday I ate my veg curry for dinner, it was all veg plus the SW paste I made. Could that have bunged me up?? I'm drinking a lot. WI is tomorrow & at this rate I'm pretty sure it will affect it. Today I've had my puffed wheat with yogurt, a cheese salad, an apple & 6 syns. Unsure what to cook for dinner. I need to get things moving, this has never happened before!

i doubt a veg curry will bung you up, but if you had rice with it, it could be that....cheese wont help either hun. lots and lots of fruit, no bananas, leeks are great for getting things moving, but if your feeling uncomfortable then just go get some senakot and lactulose, youll have one hell of a loss hahahahaha. if you take fybogel or lactulose you need to double you fluid intake as it draws water into the gut to get things moving and can leave you dehydrated and it works better the more water you drink
i doubt a veg curry will bung you up, but if you had rice with it, it could be that....cheese wont help either hun. lots and lots of fruit, no bananas, leeks are great for getting things moving, but if your feeling uncomfortable then just go get some senakot and lactulose, youll have one hell of a loss hahahahaha. if you take fybogel or lactulose you need to double you fluid intake as it draws water into the gut to get things moving and can leave you dehydrated and it works better the more water you drink

Nope no rice. Just the curry. The thing is I'm not uncomfortable at all. I don't particularly feel like anything is wrong but I know how I always am & would never go two days without. I'm probably more concerned over the fact its WI in the morning. Should I make a fruit salad for dinner?? Would that help do you think? Saying that I may only have apples & strawberries in!
strawberries make me go if i eat enough of them lol, not sure about apples though? how about drinking a really strong coffee and do some exercise? exercise is meant to get things moving

I don't drink coffee, can't stand the stuff. I may try some exercise tonight, if I have the energy!
I managed to pop out to Boots. The woman recommended Dulcolax, she said she's used it & it's better than a lot of others. I hope it does something. I know I'm ok & I have no pain or anything but this is so unusual for me, and right before WI!
LisaC said:
I managed to pop out to Boots. The woman recommended Dulcolax, she said she's used it & it's better than a lot of others. I hope it does something. I know I'm ok & I have no pain or anything but this is so unusual for me, and right before WI!

I read that as I managed to poo out boots!!!!! Lol x
2.5lb off for me!!!! (Lou those tablets sure did something haha, although I wonder if it means I could be in for a gain next week...?!)

I'm now in the 10's (10'12.5) and I'm only 0.5 away from my 2st! :bliss:
Woo well done Lisa. You won't gain next week if your good all week hun, they only made you go to the loo they didn't make you lose fat. Don't get into a habit of taking them before weigh in will ya? Emergency use only!!

I got on my dodgy scales this morning and they said 10.8!!! I can't go by them as they are the dodgiest scales in the world but I got on and off about 5 times and they said the same. Hopefully this means a loss of some sort on Friday!!
Well done lisa and lou :)
Had a lovely walk (1hr) earlier had brekkie and now can't decide on red or ee day,hubby wants to go to a food festival :| !!!
Lou - no I definitely won't! It wasn't nice I tell you haha. But I am really chuffed. When is official WI for you?? Maybe you are 10'8... :)

Ann - early morning walk sounds lovely. I've never been to a food festival but I know what they have on offer-everything! Could you eat beforehand so you wouldn't be tempted??
LisaC said:
Lou - no I definitely won't! It wasn't nice I tell you haha. But I am really chuffed. When is official WI for you?? Maybe you are 10'8... :)

Ann - early morning walk sounds lovely. I've never been to a food festival but I know what they have on offer-everything! Could you eat beforehand so you wouldn't be tempted??

It's Friday, but I might go to boots so I know what I've lost rather than getting my hopes up. Tomorrow I'm at hospital and Friday working, sat is my daughters birthday and i have the bridesmaid hair trials then sunday is my daughters party so not sure when I'm fitting in getting to town to get weighed, today could be the only day :/
It's Friday, but I might go to boots so I know what I've lost rather than getting my hopes up. Tomorrow I'm at hospital and Friday working, sat is my daughters birthday and i have the bridesmaid hair trials then sunday is my daughters party so not sure when I'm fitting in getting to town to get weighed, today could be the only day :/

Go for it today. You may end up missing the WI altogether if you find you can't fit it in. Plus it will put your mind at rest knowing whether or not you have lost.
LisaC said:
Lou - no I definitely won't! It wasn't nice I tell you haha. But I am really chuffed. When is official WI for you?? Maybe you are 10'8... :)

Ann - early morning walk sounds lovely. I've never been to a food festival but I know what they have on offer-everything! Could you eat beforehand so you wouldn't be tempted??

Have just had wholemeal bread roll,ham,salad and pineapple,have an alpen light in my bag all ready to go :)