The really slow loss team!

HelsAngel said:
See that naughty step? I really want to get on it. Despite feeling like I've lost about 3 or 4 lbs this week, I had Wi and clocked in a not surprising for my tortoise pace HALF A POUND!
You're all jealous aren't you? You all wish you were as slow as me!

I totally thought I'd be joining Lou on the step this week and I'm the most disappointed I've been so far. It's so frustrating.

How long do tortoises live for?! Meh.


This post could have been me...... Only slightly better 1lb, which i know people will say i should be happy with & normally i would be, but I have been sooooooo good I was expecting 3 :-(

I'm disheartened now......... Gonna give myself a good talking to in the morning!!

Good luck for the next week, hopefully it will catch up for you. X
How long do tortoises live for?! Meh.
A long time - chica - a long time. That's why they always win the race as the hare just sprints and dies in about 2 years.

Tortoises generally have lifespans comparable with those of human beings - the average being 50 - 100 years, but some individuals are known to have lived longer than 150 years.
Aw ladies, I feel your pain! I have lost 2 lbs in 3 months, although to be fair my syns are a little high often, so it's my own fault. If I lose 1 or more this week ( I have been so good!) I shall run to the naughty step!! If it doesn't show this week I will hang in there and hope it shows next week!!
See that naughty step? I really want to get on it. Despite feeling like I've lost about 3 or 4 lbs this week, I had Wi and clocked in a not surprising for my tortoise pace HALF A POUND!
You're all jealous aren't you? You all wish you were as slow as me!

I totally thought I'd be joining Lou on the step this week and I'm the most disappointed I've been so far. It's so frustrating.

How long do tortoises live for?! Meh.

awwwww how frustrating for you ?? lets hope you catch up like Lou says. keep strong and ever optimistic (we rely on you for that)
oh hels :( i totally hate that when youve been sooooo good and you only lose half BUT i was very naughty the week after i had a loss that didnt reflect my effort and only gained half, then this week lost 3. they say weight doesnt catch up on you and that what you lose or gain that day doesnt show days later but with me it does. if im really good one week and it doesnt show its like a bank, its like its sort of saved up for the next week then ill have a better result so next week i bet youll be naughty step queen! my friends mum said she sts for 5 weeks running and almost gave up then the following week lost 7 pound! 7 POUND!!! she said it used to do that regular with her, it was like her body took ages to catch up and shes now a size 8!! from a 16-18. keep going hunni, you can do it.


this is soooooooo me ! good weeks dont show straight away.....bad weeks do tho
Thank you everyone. I went to bed 2 hours earlier last night and have woken up a bit earlier than normal. I'm ok now. I was just really miffed because I felt like I'd lost more. I'm sure I'm getting smaller, my clothes are definitely bigger and people are noticing and commenting so I should concentrate on that because as I've said before, ultimately I could weigh 100 stone as long as I'm in a size 10. The weight doesn't actually bother me that much but I do use it as a visual progress checker and being a very competitive person, it's annoying me. I see how the plan works for everyone else and I just can't understand what I'm doing wrong. I, and everyone will all get there soon enough I'm sure. And to reiterate what I've said to someone else, when I get there, I'm staying there. There's no way I'm doing this again!!
Have a great week everyone. You're all so lovely and I want us all at target ASAP. GET ON IT! :)
Hi Torties.

Well it finally happened! Since joining SW (again:eek:) on 7 July, I have achieved my 1/2 stone award. Da Da Da Da Daaaaaaaaa.

That works out at 0.22 lbs per week in case anyone is interested!

Only just though! 0.5 loss got me there and it was a bittersweet experience. I am terrified some fluctuation will take me back there next week!

So it has to be 100% for me this week or I could end up really getting myself down and it is up to me in the end.

It is annoying though when you do step on your home scales (do this the morning after weigh in) to find they say you weigh 3 lbs less than the SW ones do. :sigh::sigh:

Keep you posted. Keep going, we will get there day!:p;);)
Morning all. Well I lost an expected 1.8lbs this week - I was hoping for a pound so that extra 0.8lb was a real bonus.

Expect tortoise speed to recommence next week though - this doesn't happen often - indeed it has only ever happen twice since I started my journey back in May :eek:

Hels - do you measure yourself too? You do quite a lot of body magic and may find your are losing inches. I have lost less than a stone in 5 months but I have dropped a dress size (16 to 14) and the 14s are starting to get loose now (sadly not loose enough to even contemplate a 12 yet though :rolleyes:). Get that tape measure out and do it once a month - you might be pleasantly surprised my lovely!
I have measured myself about 2 months ago but I've lost the blooming bit of paper with it all on!! Also, I wonder if I'm actually measuring in the right places and do I manage to find the same place everytime I do it. Helen + tape measure = :confused:

When I first started I bought a pair of linen trousers which were tight on the leg so I couldn't wear them. Yesterday, I wore them and they were really baggy on the leg and there was loads of space in the waist band so they've either stretched or something is changing. I'm also in 14 jeans today that were really tight on the thigh and I'm sitting here at my desk quite confortably with a belt on to hold them up.

I get so annoyed with the differing sizes from shop to shop and even in some places item to item. How are we ever going to be happy if we can get a 10 in one place and have to get a 16 in another!!!!!!

Anyway, I don't do a treat night but for today, I'm making an exeption. Payday Friday Subway (I'll try and restrict it to 6") and a few vodka/diets in town with the girls tonight. They haven't seen me since I started SW so let's see if they notice. That might make me feel better!! :party0011:
Well done to the all the losers this week be it 0.5lb or 3lb

My scales are still showing that stupid unexplained gain and I have kept my syns lower the last few days as well

Had a horrid day yesterday as at the hospital most of the afternoon so ate a lot of carbs as it was cheap and quick - tilda rice for lunch and beans potatoes and low fat cheese for dinner.

With me I gain straightaway as my body just holds onto water and the excess food and I never ever lose it that quickly in fact it can take weeks to lose a couple of lbs which I am trying to do at the moment as I am now 2lb up from two weeks ago although I have no idea why.

I am not going to panic before we go away as I want to be able to enjoy myself and I do love food. A big part of our holidays is always the food and we spend weeks planning where we are going to eat ! My husband and I have decided we will eat well on holiday but we will also enjoy yourselves as well I bet this goes out the window on the first day and we will just eat chips pizza and bagels !
Well done to the all the losers this week be it 0.5lb or 3lb

My scales are still showing that stupid unexplained gain and I have kept my syns lower the last few days as well

Had a horrid day yesterday as at the hospital most of the afternoon so ate a lot of carbs as it was cheap and quick - tilda rice for lunch and beans potatoes and low fat cheese for dinner.

With me I gain straightaway as my body just holds onto water and the excess food and I never ever lose it that quickly in fact it can take weeks to lose a couple of lbs which I am trying to do at the moment as I am now 2lb up from two weeks ago although I have no idea why.

I am not going to panic before we go away as I want to be able to enjoy myself and I do love food. A big part of our holidays is always the food and we spend weeks planning where we are going to eat ! My husband and I have decided we will eat well on holiday but we will also enjoy yourselves as well I bet this goes out the window on the first day and we will just eat chips pizza and bagels !

You sound just like me, Latte. I'm still trying to lose the 3.5lbs I put on on my holiday.


Strangely enough, I had my daily ritual peak this morning after my shower and a cup of tea and I'd lost 3lbs from my WI total yesterday. I reckon I was holding water or something and it wasn't a true weight.

New Goal: Thursday 3rd November, Party on the naughty step, everyone invited! :talk017:

(I'm the purple one!)
You sound just like me, Latte. I'm still trying to lose the 3.5lbs I put on on my holiday.


Strangely enough, I had my daily ritual peak this morning after my shower and a cup of tea and I'd lost 3lbs from my WI total yesterday. I reckon I was holding water or something and it wasn't a true weight.

New Goal: Thursday 3rd November, Party on the naughty step, everyone invited! :talk017:

(I'm the purple one!)

I don't weigh in until Friday - can you hold a place for me Hels (as if :8855::8855::8855:)

I don't mind which one you are as long as you're there. I'm not having a party by myself. Hey, I might not even be at the party!
Hels - course you'll be there. All you have to do is have an extra large pooh before WI! :8855:

Annya - get on that naughty step chica. But blumin' well done lass!

And it looks like we're all having a good week. Small losses, big losses, what the heck. We will get there!
ha ha ha youve all made me laugh this morning!! we may lose slow but at least we have humour eh?

well i have slipped up..again. i had 46 syns yesterday in the form of wine and a cheeseburger. kept my syns pretty low around it and ive cancelled going out tonight so hopefully the damage wont be too bad, ive done lots and lots of walking this week and started a little cleaning job yesterday which was a 45 minute walk each way then 2 hours intensive cleaning, my back was killing late on and i could feel my muscles screaming at me. this will either work in my favour and give me a good loss or it will work against me as muscles can hold on to water when you do a sudden increase of exercise. we shall see. i have synned yesterday but if i knock it off my weekly allowace it means i cant have any more til tuesday which im not doin, so flexi day it is getting classed as.

ooh my 30 day shred dvd has come, its collecting dust as we speak lol, im going to start doing it from monday i think i will need a lot of luck to manage 30 days doing it!!! but im gonna give it a good go!! any tips?
Some of my weeks with big losses this year (well big for me when I shifted 2 lbs) were when I'd done loads of cleaning. We have a rental apartment and look after another for a friend and we had to do same day turn-rounds for guests on both, 2 weeks running.

Boy was it hard work in 35c temps but the body magic really seemed to shift it for me. Let's hope it does for you too.