The really slow loss team!

I was ok on red days and have to say I preferred them so decided I'm ggonna do red days 5 days a week and EE 2 days! I wasn't really hungry as I'm not a massive eater and this is where I think I struggled with EE! How long have you been doing slimming world?? Iv only been doing it 12 weeks! Maybe a break is just what you need, getting annoyed about now losing weight I find quite stressful a few weeks ago ibwas stuck at the same weight and got really annoyed and I think all the stressing about it and constant thinking about te food wound me up then the week before last I just though sod it! And lost 2 lbs! Don't really know where I'm going with this lol I will keep you posted though

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I've been back on slimming world for about eight weeks - it could just be that my body is still adjusting from cambridge etc, i have no idea really but i know that if i start trying to control too much about my food i end up going way off course and that leads to disaster for me. That's why i love SW ee so much, it fits with me, the family and my appetite ;) am just hoping that the exercise is going to do it for me..... we will see x
I've been doing Sw (except during my last pregnancy) since September 2008. And the one thing I've learnt is one plan, one set way of eating doesn't work for everyone. I'm still learning new things every week and it's difficult. I think the most difficult thing is accepting that none of us lose weight at the same rate. We're all different, we are all different heights, weights, shapes, have different metabolisms, lifestyles and eating habits. I'm desperately trying to accept that ehe joe blogs can lose 4 pound a week after seemingly eating a bug mac a day, he is not me and we dont lead the same lives, exercise is a bigger part of weight loss than people realise. I'm not talking doing a specific exercise 3 times a week, I mean just generally moving more every day. It's been really difficult for me personally to admit that I'm just simply eating too much as compared to some people I don't eat much at all but then compared to others I eat loads. I guess what I'm trying to say us, there's no quick fix to weight loss, if there was wed all be doing it. It's about learning what works for you, having patience and being brutally honest with yourself. If your following it religiously and gaining or sts then a trip to doc is in order but if your not weighing stuff that should be, guesstimating syns, having odd bits of food and not remembering or synning it, if your exercise or general activity has taken a sudden nose dive it's worth looking at all these things first and being honest. I've blamed plan before when deep down I knew I had simply eaten too much and moved too little. This is a lifestyle change not a quick fix and I think the plan is designed to change eating habits in a way that are sustainable for life. Don't give up, just give it a shake up and most important don't be too hard on yourself, it serves no purpose other than to make you feel bad and that just leads to comfort eating.

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You're exactly right.... i know when i'm honest with myself i eat too much, but i have a huge appetite and find that if i try to limit too much of what i eat then i go off the rails.... hence accepting that i need to move more.... :D x
I have been on SW for 7 weeks and have lost only 4.5 lb. I range from 10.2 stones to 10.4, I want to get down to 10 stone, is anyone else out there who is soooo slow at losing, I have changed my foods and have had the last few weeks on a red day, did lose 1.5lb last week. Any tips?
steph, im not sure how tall you are or what your bmi is as they have gotten rid of the stats for some reason but it could be that you are in the healthy bmi range and this makes it very very difficult to lose weight and the closer you get to target the harder it is to get off.. i dont think that 4.5 in 7 weeks is that bad considering that you are so close to target and didnt have much to lose hun.

rkm, i too struggle with a big appetite which is why i have finally decided to stop giving extra easy a go as it just doesnt work for me, its too easy and i just eat too much on it. i like the strictness of red and green as it reins me in and my appetite actually decreases when i do red days which is a god send as i can eat more than my 6 foot 5 husband lol. the crux of it is though, if you want to lose weight you cant eat vast amounts of food, i dont care what anyone says...everything still has a calorie content and i think sometimes saying eat as much of xxx as you like can be dangerous for some people as they will literally eat and eat-like me lol. i have to really listen to my body, i fond it hard to know when im full and this is something im trying to figure out, what full actually feels like...instead of eating to the point of belly ache and feeling sick. i cracked it the other day for the first time but then a new demon raised its head...i didnt want to throw away what was on my plate and had to really force myself to throw it instead of eating it lol. i decided when i rejoined this time to stop looking at it like a diet, ive said it before but never really believed it, but this time i am really trying hard to just accept that this is a better way to eat for life and that it doesnt really matter if it takes 3 years to lose this last 2 stone, and trying to be happier with how i look now and not put my whole life on whole until ive lost weight. but, i needed a break from the plan for a few weeks to get to this point. its not easy and there are times when youll literally lose the plot with it all but the key is to get back on it asap, not completely beat yourself up cos you gained or didnt lose as much as the next person, just accept there are times when you cant eat on plan 100% as there are times when we just want something reeeeeally naughty, there are times when our eating is out of our control, like holidays etc. one thing i have noticed on this thread is that everyone is way too hard on theirselves for not losing biog amounts, sts or having a gain and we all seem to beat ourselves up very badly for it...that doesnt do our self esteem any good and in turn that makes us feel like a failure and what do you do when you tell yourself your a failure? you end up living up to that name and failing to stick to plan or sabotage yourself without realising it.. positive mental attitude...we WILL get to our targets, we ARE lighter than when we stated and we are healthier than when we started...thats something to be proud of!
Lou - this is EXACTLY why I swapped to shakes and calorie counting. I love my food and can eat HUGE quantities if I am told it's "free".

With the plan I do now, MFP tells me how many cals I have eaten and how many I have left. The choice is mine what I "spend" my calories on - although I do keep it healthy.... I love my veggies and fruit.

I also like the fact that I can "earn" more cals by exercising - a real incentive to get off my fat butt and do more! As you know, I have a full-time desk job so I already sit on my backside for far too many hours than is healthy every day, so anything that encourages me to be more active can only be a good thing.

I know we will all get there in the end - we just have to set realistic goals for ourselves and accept that not everyone sheds fat at the same rate. One of my biggest flaws in constantly comparing myself to others then feeling inadequate when I don't "measure up" :eek:

Great post - thanks for sharing :)
I'm so pleased youve found a way that works for you annya there's nothing more demoralising than jumping on the scales and seeing a gain sometimes you just have to try lots of things before finding what suits you don't ya? I have found that I actually lose more when I do green days??? I always blamed carbs for my weight but I think it's just mixing them with everything else that doesn't work. Strange how we're all different but wouldn't life be dull if we were all the same? X

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Lou - fantastic couple of posts. (tried to rep you but it seems I still need to share the love!)
Accepting the ups with the downs (litterally when it comes to losing weight :eek:) is just one of life's little trials.
So glad that your head is now in a better place and that you are back on track.

RKM - it can take a LONG time for your body to get back to reality after doing a vlcd so deffo don't be too hard on yourself.
But as Lou says, you still have to watch the amount of food you eat. No, SW isn't about calories - but losing weight is.
The ONLY way to lose weight is to consume less calories than you use up.
SW is designed to make it easy for you but as many will tell you (see Annya's post) that it didn't make it easier for her.

I've been on SW for over 5½ years and I probably now eat about ½ as much as I used.
I used to have a huge appetite too - hence I got fat! But now after all the training of my stomach I just can't face a big meal any more.
Yes it was hard to start with - no it isn't any more. And I did get to target eventually . . . . slowly!!!! :D

So come on tortoises - we can do this . . . even if very slowly.
:hug99: to you all
I know you're all right, i just found that when i started calorie counting i ended up off the rails - the thought of having to track everything again to make sure i'm not eating too much depresses me. I think for now i just need to work more on looking at how much i'm eating - how have you all managed to work on cutting down your portion sizes? Perhaps i just need to have a few weeks break from the stress of it before i can find myself ready to refocus and push through - i honestly don't know, i just have been so frustrated with giving it my everything and then gaining weight. I know i've eaten a lot though, i need to work on reducing the amount i eat - particularly with the midnight munchies (i am terrible with this at the moment, always do it when i'm tired and stressed). Aargh i'm just fed up. TBH if i could just tone up now i think that would do for me, but the two go hand in hand :( bleurgh.
Unfortunately there's no magic wand to wave. Cutting down on how much we eat is all down to willpower I'm afraid.

If you stick to SW principles then you shouldn't need to calorie count as long as you watch your portion sizes.
It works for most people - but not everyone.

How long have you been off CD? It can take 3-4 months for your body to adjust and you may gain throughout the whole of this time.
Pommette said:
Unfortunately there's no magic wand to wave. Cutting down on how much we eat is all down to willpower I'm afraid.

If you stick to SW principles then you shouldn't need to calorie count as long as you watch your portion sizes.
It works for most people - but not everyone.

How long have you been off CD? It can take 3-4 months for your body to adjust and you may gain throughout the whole of this time.

Really? I came off cd at the end of January my losses slowed to like 1lb per week which I just didn't feel was worth such a harsh diet. I'm trying to adjust to more super free and lower carbs as a way of naturally controlling the portions if that makes sense but then on days like today I'm just soooo hungry :( I'm not eating anymore since I've started exercising though so I'm hoping this with increased sf will start to see some changes but I also staying away from the scales and going with size for a while to try and stop myself getting so worked up.

Today I've had porridge made with water with a dollop of Greek yoghurt and strawberries and blueberries. Then mid morning I had a punnet if pineapple. Lunch was a takeout from the harvester- chicken breast with 3 baby potatoes and a tub of salad with a ladle of red devil dressing. Mid afternoon snack was two Alpen lights and then two apples when I got home from work. I'm starving now and waiting for hubby to come home to do tea which will be chicken and pasta with hexa of either cheese or Philly. I've done a 30 minute walk/jog and 25 min of 30ds.

I have got to cut out those midnight munches though i seem to go through phases with them but am at my worst again sometimes having 3/4 yoghurts a night :( not tonight though I am actively banning myself from coming downstairs.
Rkmriddell said:
Yeah - carbs will bloat you massively so you will definitely notice a difference around the tummy - how great though eh?? I'm doing ok, day 2 of red today and it seems to be ok. I have beef with stirfried veg for lunch and am going to do either a chicken curry with veg or chicken in a tomato sauce with veg for tea... i've been and stocked up on BNS though as i quite enjoy this and it seems to complete the meal as a carb substitute if that makes sense? Your tea sounds gorgeous x

I still feel like i'm 15 stone, i think it's going to take me reaching a size and shape that i'm happy with to start to feel like i'm slimmer if that makes sense?

Sorry to butt in....but what a fab idea about replacing carbs with things like bns!! :) I've been wanting to try a few red days to try and speed things up but haven't yet as I think I might struggle, but using bns instead is just fab!! :) thanks!! :) red days here I come (fingers crossed that I might actually lose more than a pound a week lol)
Ladies posts on last few pages have been really good.its great to see I'm not the only one who feels this way.there is a few others girls from work on sw and they are loosing good few pounds each week and I keep thinking to myself where am I going wrong! But I need to keep reminding myself I have lost 9lb so far and if I was doing something wrong then I wouldn't have lost anything! I'm doing good its just my weight loss is a little slower than the other girls.need to stop beating myself up about it.xx
Ladies posts on last few pages have been really good.its great to see I'm not the only one who feels this way.there is a few others girls from work on sw and they are loosing good few pounds each week and I keep thinking to myself where am I going wrong! But I need to keep reminding myself I have lost 9lb so far and if I was doing something wrong then I wouldn't have lost anything! I'm doing good its just my weight loss is a little slower than the other girls.need to stop beating myself up about it.xx
Keep at it chica - 9lbs is a great start. And deffo no beating up of yourself allowed on this team!
Do you have any sort of hormonal problems hun? 'Cos many of us tortoises on here do and it really mucks up our weight loss.
Thanks pommette. no hormonal problems that I know off, I must just have slow metabolism! :(
Afternoon peeps

I think totm is coming, I'm so tired, craving chocolate, period pains etc. but from experience this can go on for 2 weeks before it actually arrives :( had a Creme egg last night and half a bottle of wine. Was horrified at the syns this morning haha. Never mind!! Just gonna have to watch I don't go over syns again this week cos I dont want to be regaining that pound and a half! Although I want to eat lots of chocolate :) I'm going to have to find a substitute!

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2lbs off today. I am only 0.4lbs off what I was fornight ago :sigh: but hopefully I should be back on the way down next week. I worked sooooo hard for those 2lbs this week :whacky068::eek::chores016::banana dancer: (banana dancer is me doing zumba without my sports bra on :eek:). My body fat is also dropping nicely and I am now 35.5% with the higest recommended for my age and height being 34% so not far off that goal either.

Off to the naughty step to get a round in - hope to see you all there ths week
Yay to a big loss Annya - get on that there norty step.

I'm away now until Monday - doing abttle at the Community AGM :sigh:
See you folks in a few days - and good luck whilst I'm away
Hi ladies,

I've been absent for a few days so just going over the posts. Loved the idea of replacing potatoes with bns so much i went & bought a squash last night. £3.23 it cost me!!!

Annya great loss, big wll done. Hope you get that loss next week to get back to your previous weight.

I felt awful tuesday night & all I craved was chocolate so I gave in & didn't bother to weigh in Wed. Back on it now though & stocked up on Speed fruit to snack on. There's a possibility I may be going on a last minute holiday April/May & it's made me really want to get back into exercise & tone up. After all that happened with my cat I actually find that I can't do things I enjoy, even listening to music. I feel guilty as I'm still so upset I've lost my boy. So the thought of going on holiday is exciting but daunting as I feel bad, sounds silly I know.

Hope you all have a good day :)