The really slow loss team!

Iv not posted for agessssss! I'm struggling to get back on track from my Belgium trip! I gained half a pound which. I was soo glad about as I was geared for half a stone lol. But I missed last week as I was out with a friend and lost total control of time. It's the first group I have missed and it has completely thrown me! Iv been all over the place, but iv not really been on track for a whole! I'm going to get weighed on Thursday and then be on track! 100% count my syns, measure my healthy extras. And stick 100% To it. Im even going out on saturday but I will stick with it!

On a lighter note the ahhh bistro cheese sauce granuals are great you can make them with water and for 250ml of sauce I think it works out about 4 syns I put it on lasagne that I get 6 portions out of so less then 1 syn a portion! And if you havnt had your hea then you can make it with half milk half water! But you can make a low syn cottage cheese and if you put some in smash you get a lovely cheese mash :) I wonder what I will do next with him! Has anyone tried their. Chip shop curry sauce one??? Is it nice???
WARNING: I'm about to rant....

So I've weighed in today, with a 0.5 gain. I know that doesn't seem much but last week I STS so this week I really should have had a good loss, or even just any loss. So I've stuck to plan 100%, I've done lots of exercise. Yes I think I am toning a teeny tiny bit but at some point my effort has to pay off on the scales!! Besides muscle is supposed to burn more calories so surely that should balance & help me lose more in the long run...

I know I haven't been drinking enough & in truth this past 2 weeks there has been days I think I've been undereating but I've just not been hungry & I can't make myself eat if I dont want to. But could either of those things actually make me gain?? Another STS I might understand but not a gain. My C used to tell us that you'd only really gain when you've taken in the extra calories which I definitely have not done!

5 weeks ago I had that huge gain of 8.5 in one week. Since then I lost 1, 1.5, 2, STS, +0.5. After that huge gain I had a goal (for my holiday in Sept) to lose 1lb a week which I felt was totally realistic but in the 5 weeks I've lost 3. I know as tortoises we have off days/weeks but I am seriously peeved about it that my hard work is not reflecting anywhere. My clothes are feeling tighter at times & I'm either not losing or gaining. I've never ever gained weight at TOTM which has been this week but I got my period Friday so by today its practically gone so can't see how it can change that that is suddenly an issue & affecting my WI, it never has before.

I'm so upset & angry today, more than I have been with a gain in the past. I feel like I want to pack it all in, again, but I don't know how to do anything other than SW. Last October I weighed 10'12 & today I weigh 11'11 even though I'm working harder than ever to shift the pounds. I give up.

Rant over...:(
I really think in your case the problem is fluids. When you're working out loads you really need to be drinking even more than your 2lts as you need to flush the sodium out, which builds up when you exercise. If you aren't the sodium won't get flushed through it'll just absorb what you are making you retain any fluids (probs why your clothes are tighter and you feel bigger)

This is obviously just my opinion and I'm no fitness or health expert I've just read a bit about it.

Exercise is brilliant but if you aren't taking care of your bodies needs when your doing it it'll hold on to things. Also I'm pretty sure how much you are doing is relatively new? Like 2/3 weeks for as much as you have been. Give it a month - 6 weeks and you're body will adapt.

Dont stress, as you're doing fantastically. It will reflect eventually it's just hard isn't it when you don't see results xxx
Thanks Charl. I've actually just googled water rentention to read about it, there's a lot more involved than just holding in excess water. I genuinely couldn't understand how fluid would make me gain but it makes sense now. It seems there can be more serious things to it like kidney disease etc but two of the main symptoms of standard fluid rentention is 1. big weight gains in a matter of days or weeks & 2. weight fluctuations. That's me a to "t"!

I've also just read this:

"Exercising is very beneficial when trying to rid yourself of water weight. Physical activity widens your blood vessels, leading to an increased amount of fluids to the kidneys. Once the fluid reaches your kidneys, it will be excreted. Always remember to stay properly hydrated throughout the day as well. Surprisingly, the more water you drink, the less you retain".

So I'm really going to stick with increasing my water & even more so when I workout. As long as it balances out in the end I don't mind a gain here or there, it's just right now it doesn't seem or feel like that will happen. I'll try to keep positive!

I've decided on my next Dr's visit I'm going to speak about my bladder problems, that way if they can help somehow it means I'll be able to drink even more!
Also I'm pretty sure how much you are doing is relatively new? Like 2/3 weeks for as much as you have been. Give it a month - 6 weeks and you're body will adapt.

I've been doing exercise for months but yes the last 3/4 weeks I've really thrown myself into my Jillian workouts.
I bet that's it you know. You've shocked your body by increasing the exercise but not reflected your water intake. You could also try water tablets. I was taking them last month as I retain really badly, from the start to end of day my fingers swell up and my feet! Got sometimes my stomach looks like I'm pregnant as I retain so badly, they did really seem to help. So maybe look into them too? But def if you are throwing yourself into exercise try for about 2.5lt min and if it's a hot day a little more if you can, and within a week you'll see a diff xx
I bet that's it you know. You've shocked your body by increasing the exercise but not reflected your water intake. You could also try water tablets. I was taking them last month as I retain really badly, from the start to end of day my fingers swell up and my feet! Got sometimes my stomach looks like I'm pregnant as I retain so badly, they did really seem to help. So maybe look into them too? But def if you are throwing yourself into exercise try for about 2.5lt min and if it's a hot day a little more if you can, and within a week you'll see a diff xx

The one thing with water rentention I have never had is the swelling, I mean my jeans felt tight over the weekend but no part of my body looked swollen at all. My mum used to be on water tablets as I remember her ankles swelled badly. Do you get them from a GP? I'd be worried a little as water goes straight through me when I drink the minimum let alone taking something that would speed that up. But I really hope my body will get used to me drinking more anyway!
No I just bought them from boots. They did make me wee loads so maybe not so good for you. Mine was to try and get rid of the swelling which worked, but if that doesn't happen for you probs don't bother. It's funny if I don't have loads of water I literally feel terrible, actually awful. I can't imagine not getting that thirst like you do. Strange how everyone's bodies work differently even tho anatomically the same!! Nuts xx
No I just bought them from boots. They did make me wee loads so maybe not so good for you. Mine was to try and get rid of the swelling which worked, but if that doesn't happen for you probs don't bother. It's funny if I don't have loads of water I literally feel terrible, actually awful. I can't imagine not getting that thirst like you do. Strange how everyone's bodies work differently even tho anatomically the same!! Nuts xx

It's funny as I drink so little but never get thirsty, dehydrated or feel terrible. It would be better if I did as it would remind my body to drink, I actually forget!! x
Lisa - not feeling thirsty is the MAIN symptom of being dehydrated!!!
Once you get your body rehydrated you should find that you pee less.

You MUST up your liquid intake chica - if you're doing shred as well as other exercise then you should be drinking at least 3 lt a day.
Weak tea and coffee can count towards this - as well as diet drinks. BUT too much Caffeine (which is in tea, coffee and coke) can also cause you to become more dehydrated. You should aim for 8 * 250 ml glasses of pre water a day.

After a work out of 20 minutes or more you should aim to drink ½ lt immediately (over say 10-15 minutes) - and have something to eat too.
You need something to replace what you've sweated out and the calories used during exercise - so fruit is the best. Athletes use bananas BUT these are high in both sugar and potassium which can have a detrimental effects on the body. Although there is huge argument about the good vs bad effect of banans on the body. But doctors advise limiting bananas for people with high blood pressure and diabetes to no more than 3 per week.

Water tablets should ONLY be taken under doctors advice. Please don't just go to Boots and buy them.
They are only necessary if you are retaining water BIG TIME and taken inappropriately can cause all sorts of damage to your body - especially kidneys.

PS I trained as a PE teacher and studied a fair bit about anatomy and physiology, plus the effects of exercise and lack of water on the body - so I am speaking with some experience.
Lisa - not feeling thirsty is the MAIN symptom of being dehydrated!!!
Once you get your body rehydrated you should find that you pee less.

You MUST up your liquid intake chica - if you're doing shred as well as other exercise then you should be drinking at least 3 lt a day.
Weak tea and coffee can count towards this - as well as diet drinks. BUT too much Caffeine (which is in tea, coffee and coke) can also cause you to become more dehydrated. You should aim for 8 * 250 ml glasses of pre water a day.

After a work out of 20 minutes or more you should aim to drink ½ lt immediately (over say 10-15 minutes) - and have something to eat too.
You need something to replace what you've sweated out and the calories used during exercise - so fruit is the best. Athletes use bananas BUT these are high in both sugar and potassium which can have a detrimental effects on the body. Although there is huge argument about the good vs bad effect of banans on the body. But doctors advise limiting bananas for people with high blood pressure and diabetes to no more than 3 per week.

Water tablets should ONLY be taken under doctors advice. Please don't just go to Boots and buy them.
They are only necessary if you are retaining water BIG TIME and taken inappropriately can cause all sorts of damage to your body - especially kidneys.

PS I trained as a PE teacher and studied a fair bit about anatomy and physiology, plus the effects of exercise and lack of water on the body - so I am speaking with some experience.

I never knew this!! I thought if I was dehydrated I'd feel it, I am utterly clueless. Well I'm glad I know this know, plus looking into it I really can see the benefits of drinking more. I have been drinking a glass after my workouts (when I remember....eek) & I admit I don't like bananas unless I have yogurt on them, I do that if we have a spare banana at home, otherwise I'd rather eat other fruit. I always worry about eating after working out, I work so hard to burn the calories then eat something. But I know I have to, its my old bad "habits" calorie counting coming into play there.

I don't think I could ever go on water tablets, so far today I've had 1lt & I'm needing the loo a lot, needing to go even more would drive me insane, I think I'd rather down the water. I don't actually drink water so I have NAS (robinsons). I barely drink tea as being a diuretic it plays on my bladder. I don't drink coffee & rarely diet coke either, so that's pretty good.

I hope my body gets used to the extra fluids soon....or I'll be moving my desk into the toilet!!! ;)
When I started exercising I gained for three weeks and then my C said I really need to drink more water. So that week I drank 3 litres a day and it killed me as I used to drink about 1 cup of tea every 2 days lol but I went to WI a week later and dropped a whopping 4 lbs! So drink drink buy a water bottle and take it everywhere. It really really does work! Good luck and don't be to disheartened :) chin up chuck
Yeah def have a little snack after your workouts it helps keep your metabolism up. Xx
Great info pom. Would rep u but i can't on phone

Water really does help shed the pounds and retained water, it keeps things moving in other areas lol, skin looks better, hair and nails better etc. I can vouch for the bigger losses once you've drank loads and your body does adjust and you'll start feeling thirsty again. You wouldn't expect a car to run without keeping it oiled and this is what water does for the body.... Keeps it all well lubricated :)

I've had a bit of an overwhelming day. Had to take my 2 year old to hospital about her walking and other problems she has and they are doing a brain scan, genetic blood tests, muscle tests, physio assessment and a developmental intense assessment as they don't really know what it is. I'm worried that she has something meaning other problems as she gets older. It's honna be 3.5 months before we have a diagnosis of any kind cos were waiting for appointments for all the various tests. My head is swimming and my appetite vanished.

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Oh god. Poor you and your littlun. Must be very stressful, so long to wait as well. Xx
Try and get a good sleep, hopefully like you say tomorrow will be better. Hope it is a better day for you tomorrow x