The really slow loss team!

conlou1 said:
If you have an android or iPhone get my fitness pal app, and track the cals your having, it's helped a lot if ppl who get stuck with Sw.

Oops had t finished lol. Your portions could be too big you could just be eating too much of the free food and not burning it off. Either way it will help give you a clearer picture on what you waste cals on and portion sizes. Welcome all the same hun :) xx
My general diet is good but I LOVE fatty foods. I mean proper love them. The guys at work laugh at me cos I could just talk about food all the time. Damn it. Today was hard but I did it. I made it through.

Cheese, cream and nuts.......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :drool:
hello all :)
just reading your posts!
11 months at sw and ive lost 3lbs! so you could say im taking the scenic route or that im just cr** at self control!!

7 weeks to make a difference

Cathie xXx

Just wanna move my ticker:cry:

Welcome Cathie. If you have reading the posts you will see that portion control and excessive snacking is a bit of a bug bear for many of us on here, which is why we sneak in a bit of cc just to make sure we are not overdoing it on the "free food" front.

Before I started using mfp I was following SW to the letter, but it really wasn't working for me at all. However, when I spent a week adding up the calories I was eating it often amounted to 1800+ per day and being in a sedentary office job I am lucky if I burn that many each day if I don't get a a workout in so it was no small wonder I was STS or even gaining most weeks!

Try tracking for a few days and see if this is what is highjacking your losses. Be honest though, it is very easy to "forget" to log a morsel of this or a nibble of that - as me how I know!

It is very rare for someone not to lose weight if they eat at a deficit unless they have medical or pharmacological reasons why this is happening (part of my slow loss problem is medication, but mostly it is overeating/underexercising TBH!)- it's just a case of getting to the bottom of what is not working for you. Most of us slow losers have been on that elusive quest - indeed, some of us are still on it :rolleyes:

Oh, and NEVER call yourself a failure you naughty girl! You are not a failure, just a goal seeker who hasn't quite found her way yet :bighug:........ you can do it, hopefully we can help!
Well I've weighed in at 11'6.5. That's 6.5lb up from last week. People don't believe me when I tell them just how much I can put on in a week. Yes I ate lots of nice food over the weekend but 6.5 on seems like I was gorging on food :(
lisa, its probably bloat and i bet a big chunk of that is off next week, its impossible to put on almost 7 pound in one would have had to have consumed...3500 calories EXTRA..on top of your 2000 that your body uses up just surviving, to gain just 1 pound, so thats an extra 22500 cals on top of your normal cals in one weekend..i dont think so hun. i can mysteriously gain 3-5 pounds over night if ive had pasta then 2 days later its all gone again, perhaps you have an intolerance to something your eating causing bloat?
Hi All,

Thank you for your replies to my angst :confused:

But I feel I should be totally honest with you. Cards on the table. I dont think i have a problem with my portion sizes, I think I do the plan pretty well, I dont have a hankering for fatty foods and I dont have a sweet tooth. I have a WINE tooth!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I get on my scales and can lose 2 maybe 3 pounds by Friday morning but come Tues its back. Because of wot i do over the week end!!

I have had my Stone award and in 2008 i had my 2 and a half Stone award. I weighed 9 st 8lb at my lowest that year :sigh:
but in the last 12 months i have had such a bad journey and ive only got myself to blame. I cant blame sw at all, its just me :sigh:

BUT as im telling you all this today i have to say i do feel a change is happening. i think that i have to reach rock bottom before i can pull my boots up and turn it around. i have got to this stage in the past. and i usually get SO cross :mad::mad: with myself, so FEDUP with myself, that i get back in the saddle.

I just hope thats where i am now. cos i do feel very positive. Which was why i told everyone how rubbish ive been.

Any Way THANX forlistening and i do have a diary on the sw forum if you ever fancy looking

THANX again

love Cathie xXx
Lisa - as Lou says it is probably bloat. If people don't believe how much you can put on in a week tell, them to get down here!
It's easy peasy. I manage 5½ lbs last Xmas in 4 days and 7 lbs the year before! Mostly through too much bread and carbs!

Drink lots of water, eat very few carbs and do a few red days and things will start to shift fairly quickly.
Try some melon and berries if you can hold of them and they aren't at extortionate prices at the mo, they always help me.
I've been back on strict regime since Monday and already over 3 lbs of carb bloat has disappeared in 2 days!

You can do this chica. :hug99:
Delighted I came across this group:) On my first wk with sw I lost 2.5lb - I was so disappointed, 2nd wk I lost NOTHING and yesterday was so relieved to learn I lost 1lb. There was actually tears last week.

I'm sticking to the plan food wise but after reading through the posts her I'm starting to wonder if I need to watch my portion sizes a bit more. I'm also really bad when it comes to sticking with my syn allowance at the weekend due to drink!!! I could go syn free all week but wave a bottle of coors under my nose and bring on the syns. I would probably drink about 25 syns on a night out.
Cathiec - now you listen here girl.
Most of us on here have been up and down like blumin' yo-yos. There's no shame in that.
Several of us are addicted to wine - I'm it's number one fan and don't shy away from having the odd glass or 3. :8855:
As everyone on here will attest to.

But it's all about managing the plan.
If you want to drink then use your syns. 15 syns = 3 glasses of plonk a day!
But it means you have to sort out your eating to accommodate that!
Lou will tell you that she has problems at weekends too - in fact lots of people do.
If you work Mon-Fri it's natural to want to let your hair down at the weekend. But you have to curb it slightly if you want to keep losing.

But . . . and it's a big BUT
If you ARE serious about losing weight then you need to get your head around what you want to achieve and go and get it.
If you've lost 2½ stone in the past - you know how to do it. Looks like you haven't learnt how to maintain it though.
That's the really tough bit.

I wrote a very emotional post when I got to target last year that tried to express how I felt.
Because for me it was all about getting my head around really wanting to lose weight and keep it off.

Good Luck Chica - if you want to do it, you really can.
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Welcome too Redchick - seems like my last post about weekends is becoming a theme today!
Delighted I came across this group:) On my first wk with sw I lost 2.5lb - I was so disappointed, 2nd wk I lost NOTHING and yesterday was so relieved to learn I lost 1lb. There was actually tears last week.

I'm sticking to the plan food wise but after reading through the posts her I'm starting to wonder if I need to watch my portion sizes a bit more. I'm also really bad when it comes to sticking with my syn allowance at the weekend due to drink!!! I could go syn free all week but wave a bottle of coors under my nose and bring on the syns. I would probably drink about 25 syns on a night out.

disappointed with 2.5 pound? why? thats a great loss!!! and its common to sts the secxond week as i think when you have a big loss the first week its easy to get complacant. have you done sw before? or is this the first time? 3 weeks on plan isnt a long time to get to know it and theres lots of common mistakes people make, such as not weighing and measuring, guesstimating syns, eating out and classing stuff as hexas or hexbs and under counting syns, drinking more than they think then eating food they dont remember after having a drink, snacking on free constantly such as pasta, potatoes, eggs, mullers (these things are fine but you need to watch how much u have), a common mistake on sw is that you 'can eat as much as you want' NO you are meant to eat until your full, but if your like me i dont ever feel full, not really, and i need to have calorie counting to tell me when ive had enough, i follow sw plan but i track my cals at the same time so that i know im not eating too much snacky foods, and yesterday i had about 1300 in the end and had eaten significantly less than i had been doing the week previous.
Cathiec - now you listen here girl.
Most of us on here have been up and down like blumin' yo-yos. There's no shame in that.
Several of us are addicted to wine - I'm it's number one fan and don't shy away from having the odd glass or 3. :8855:
As everyone on here will attest to.

But it's all about managing the plan.
If you want to drink then use your syns. 15 syns = 3 glasses of plonk a day!
But it means you have to sort out your eating to accommodate that!
Lou will tell you that she has problems at weekends too - in fact lots of people do.
If you work Mon-Fri it's natural to want to let your hair down at the weekend. But you have to curb it slightly if you want to keep losing.

But . . . and it's a big BUT
If you ARE serious about losing weight then you need to get your head around what you want to achieve and go and get it.
If you've lost 2½ stone in the past - you know how to do it. Looks like you haven't learnt how to maintain it though.
That's the really tough bit.

I wrote a very emotional post when I got to target last year that tried to express how I felt.
Because for me it was all about getting my head around really wanting to lose weight and keep it off.

Good Luck Chica - if you want to do it, you really can.

my bloody problem is i just cant say no to alcohol, i just love it too much. this weekend for example i have no plans, i am saying to myself be sensible dont have a drink, youll feel better for it, then the devil in me is saying, oh you deserve it-just have a glass of wine, but i cant just have a glass of wine, it will be 2 bottles and ill wake up with food all over my face and a stonking hangover. i am going to try trick myself and buy a low alcohol wine or i might try doing a sw jug of cocktail, with very little alcohol in it but that makes me feel like im having a drink.
Thanks Conlou1, I guess I expected a bigger weight loss in the first week. During image therapy the leader asked if anyone else there had a lowish loss on the first week - not one put up their hand, talk about feeling like the odd one out! It's my first time doing sw and yes it's taking a bit of time to get my head around the hex and syns. My problem is simple I LOVE FOOD. In Dec last year I weighed 11.5 st after doing Motivation weight loss plan and I felt amazing! Before I knew it I had 1.5 st back on, then I went on holidays for 2 wks and put on 1 whole st during that time, eeek. I think I suffer hugely from carb bloat. Still I'm absolutely committed to getting rid of my excess baggage again.
Redchick - 2½ lb in week 1 is a pretty good loss. My first week - when I thought I'd totally stuck to plan and had very little alcohol was a massive 0.9kg (less than 2 lbs). But when I checked what I'd been eating I realised that like many others it was my portion size that was a problem plus snacking on FREE as opposed to SUPERFREE foods.

SW EE plan says
"Fill 1/3 of your plate with Superfree Foods and make them your first choice between meals!
This is where most people fall down.

If you're struggling on getting to grips with hexs and syns there are a couple of great threads that you could have a read of.

There's a FAQ's page
And a Newbies page

They're both STICKIES in the main Slimming World Section here on Minis

There's also another one about misconceptions - that gets a quite controversial in places but still worth a read,
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lisa, its probably bloat and i bet a big chunk of that is off next week, its impossible to put on almost 7 pound in one would have had to have consumed...3500 calories EXTRA..on top of your 2000 that your body uses up just surviving, to gain just 1 pound, so thats an extra 22500 cals on top of your normal cals in one weekend..i dont think so hun. i can mysteriously gain 3-5 pounds over night if ive had pasta then 2 days later its all gone again, perhaps you have an intolerance to something your eating causing bloat?

I've been tested for intolerances & I tested ok. Weirdly enough I've never ever felt bloated, so I wouldn't notice that way if anything had effected me. I know the food I ate this weekend wouldn't normally be anywhere near my diet. Just hope I can lose a bit next WI.

I'm now exactly 1st HEAVIER than when I went to Egypt only 5 weeks ago, YIKES! :(
Thanks a mil pommette;)
Redchick said:
Thanks Conlou1, I guess I expected a bigger weight loss in the first week. During image therapy the leader asked if anyone else there had a lowish loss on the first week - not one put up their hand, talk about feeling like the odd one out! It's my first time doing sw and yes it's taking a bit of time to get my head around the hex and syns. My problem is simple I LOVE FOOD. In Dec last year I weighed 11.5 st after doing Motivation weight loss plan and I felt amazing! Before I knew it I had 1.5 st back on, then I went on holidays for 2 wks and put on 1 whole st during that time, eeek. I think I suffer hugely from carb bloat. Still I'm absolutely committed to getting rid of my excess baggage again.

The best ever tip I got given that has given me the best losses was dont snack between meals at all. If you want a yogurt it pudding have it, straight after your meal, only eat 3 times a day make site it's within plan and drink nas juice between meals. I lost loads doing this but it's hard. I'm doing it now, and the first 3 days are hell but you don't NEED to eat every couple of hours and if your meals are balanced you don't need to snack. I read something saying that in the 50s ppl didn't snack, they just had meals and snacks were introduced by confectionary companies convincing us we need to eat between meals, not sure if its true but we didn't have an obesity problem until the introduction of snacks and fast food xx
My hubby had it drummed into him by his mum that snacking between meals wasn't allowed.
He never snacked when young and still doesn't and he is a skinny 64 kg - ie under 10st. Okay he's only 5' 8" tall but that gives him a BMI of about 21.5

I think the problem is for many people that they work long hours. I know I was often still at my desk at 9pm at night and round about 5 or 6pm I would have a sugar dip and go and grab something to eat to keep me going until I got home. Fatal! The snack machine had crisps, peanuts - both of which I adore. Plus Twix bars - my only really serious chocolate addiction :cry:.

That's how I gained 5 stone!
My hubby had it drummed into him by his mum that snacking between meals wasn't allowed.
He never snacked when young and still doesn't and he is a skinny 64 kg - ie under 10st. Okay he's only 5' 8" tall but that gives him a BMI of about 21.5

I think the problem is for many people that they work long hours. I know I was often still at my desk at 9pm at night and round about 5 or 6pm I would have a sugar dip and go and grab something to eat to keep me going until I got home. Fatal! The snack machine had crisps, peanuts - both of which I adore. Plus Twix bars - my only really serious chocolate addiction :cry:.

That's how I gained 5 stone!

Sounds familiar. As you know Bev, I am often still at my desk until late (like now!) and it is all too easy to sneak into the kitchen and grab a handful of hubby's custard creams to stop me from flaking out over the keyboard - I have been here since 8am!!!
Sounds familiar. As you know Bev, I am often still at my desk until late (like now!) and it is all too easy to sneak into the kitchen and grab a handful of hubby's custard creams to stop me from flaking out over the keyboard - I have been here since 8am!!!
Didn't know whether to click "like" on this - but I do. It all sounds so familiar!
Hope you're not still there at approaching midnight UK time!!!!