The really slow loss team!

Hi Lou - the pressure of losing weight doesn't get to me fortunately.
I've just eaten too much :8855:
Since I reset my target we've:
1. had visitors here for 2 weeks - so ate for Spain
2. went to Barcelona for 4 days - so ate for Spain
3. been ill for 2 weeks - so comfort ate for Spain
4. been to UK for 10 days - so ate for England

And I've had 3 meals out this weekend and had lots of bread and rice

So the current gain is probably just carb bloat.
And all in all I'm not actually that worried.

I'm still below my 5 stone target which I vowed was my last . . . :8855:
I think I'll probably just abandon my latest target and say "what the he11 - 5 stone is enough"!
Morning chicas.

WI this morning and . . . Oh dear . . .

Having only gained 0.3 kg during the 10 days I was in the UK I was really pleased.
Big problem though, I've gained a further 0.7 kg since I weighed on Friday morning :cry:

Back at the end of October I set myself a new target to try and get my BMI down to 25 by Christmas, as I'd ducked well under target at the beginning of October. And I actually got to 25.06 at one point.
Well, I'm just 0.1 kg lighter than I was then - but at least I'm still under my 5 stone target. Yippee to that

Hey ho - not likely to lose much in the next 2 or 3 weeks am I?
I've still got more Christmas parties to go to and 4 nights at an all-inclusive hotel for Christmas. :)

I put on another 1.5lb at wi on Tuesday but I saw the consultant yesterday and he was fine with my weight gain as the steroids have had a positive impact on the pain.
He wants me to continue with SW as things will get better when I taper off the steroids
I put on another 1.5lb at wi on Tuesday but I saw the consultant yesterday and he was fine with my weight gain as the steroids have had a positive impact on the pain.
He wants me to continue with SW as things will get better when I taper off the steroids
Morning Latte - I'm so glad that the steroids are working for the pain, if not so good for the weight.
Just try to ignore the urges to eat if you can! And as you say, it should all come off again once you lower the dose a bit.
Hi latte, sorry u gained but pleased your feeling better. You won't be on your own in the gain stakes, it's Christmas and I don't know anyone who doesn't gain weight ;)

I have been so ill this week I haven't been able to cook much and have just had to eat what hubby provided....he doesn't cook so ready meals, chippy and a takeaway in one week, not good. But I don't care tbh, I am just glad to be feeling better, had to call dr out yesterday as I thought I had a kid ey infection, turns out its a very bad water infection, passing loads of blood and clots is not my idea of fun!! So diet took a back seat. I'm also full of cold, my son is really poorly and we just seem to be plagued with illness. I'm on strong anti biotics so hopefully ill be feeling completely better by next week. My tv has broken this week, my sons bed, I quit my
Job due to being bullied ang my husband got given a written warning at work for having time off sick, then had to come home yesterday early to look after the kids cos I was too ill to look after them do he's prob gonna get sacked now. Middle name lucky!!
Morning All. Well Latte is not along - I have gained back the pound I lost last week plus another one one so I am 2lbs up :eek:

More bad news is that my bloods as still very skewed so I have to stay on these ultra high dose steroids for another month at least :( The hair loss is now kicking in, as are the steroid mood swings and the aching limbs (God help my poor long-suffering husband!) and, of course, the unexplained weight gains.

I have stayed below my goals all week again (admittedly not by much some days) but I should have seen a small loss or a STS this week, but have gained big time instead. Ho-hum... what can a girl do?

Still, I am not going to stress about it too much as there is nothing I can do really. I will enjoy Christmas, eat too much, gain even more weight no doubt and deal with it as and when I am in a position to. Having said that, I will not use this as carte blanche to stuff my face as I have done every winter for the past few years - I will try and stay below my calories burned every day, get some exercise in where I can and be MODERATE in my food consumption.

We can do this girls, but we are the slow losers so no Golf GTI results round here I'm afraid ;)
((( Big Hugs ))) Annya and Lou
Not a good time of year for you Annya and Lou your week sounds pretty bleddy pants.
Annya you poor thing I sympathise so much.

I am seeing 2013 as a new start as I start tapering down next Friday but I am starting even scarier treatment on 2nd January and the side effects of the new drug are frightening.

So I might not be around for a while when I start my new regime
Not a good start to Christmas for me. I've gained again. I'm now 1¾ lbs over my 5 stone target and 5¾ over my new target.
Will I ever get there? Might just abandon it for Christmas :cry:and really get my head down in 2013

Have a great Christmas everyone and see you all at the weekend as I'm off on holibobs now.
I'm doing the same Bev - I going to have what I like for the next few days and then get REALLY strict for at least 2-3 of weeks after Christmas to see if I can't get a handle on the gains.

I know I am not likely to do well at all on the loss front until the steroids come right back down, but if I can get back down to under 12 stones and stay there until March when I go back on the summer dose (which I know I can lose on, albeit slowly!) then I will be content with that.

Merry Christmas everyone - have a fabulous next few days and we will reconvene here at the weekend to mourn our gains and get inspiration to get back on it again :D
