The really slow loss team!

Hello everyone, can I join in on here? I have been on mini mins a while but usually only ever post in the Monday weigh in page. I am completely restarting as I have went mad over the christmas period but now determind to start from beginning and keep to it. I am also usually a slow loser.

Welcome.... there is nothing wrong with a little madness now and then..... sanity is greatly over rated xx
Hi Margaret and welcome to the team - I've found it to be a fantastic source of support, understanding and knowledge.
I hope everyone's enjoyed their Christmas.

Well and truly off the naughty step this week! Two pounds on which puts me 2.5lbs over target. Having had one 100% day and one rather less than 100% day since Christmas, I don't think it's bloat but pure fat!

I'm going to do the best I can this week, but I've got a couple of things on so I'll be happy with a maintain. Back to work on Thursday, and I think getting back into normal routine will make things easier.

Wishing you all a happy New Year and may you achieve your weight loss targets in 2014!
Afternoon chicas - well Xmas is done and dusted and I'm back on plan.
Although I definitely haven't been saintly I've been there or there abouts.
We didn't buy anything special in at all - too bleddy tempting. If it's there I'll eat it.

Did make a cheesecake though as we had friends round for Boxing Day lunch - this was our big meal rather than Xmas day and was the day I let my hair down a bit (errr well a lot actually).
No starter but I did indulge in a piece of the cheese cake.
The cheesey top was on plan (0% fat cottage cheese and Philly light as my hexB) - just the biscuit base and butter to count as syns.
Mind you, I hid my head in the sand and didn't even start to count them as there was a full pack of biscuits and 4oz butter in the base
. . . and I had 1/8th of the cake :8855:
So way over syns on Thursday as I has loads of fizz . . . and white wine . . . and port . . . :cry:
Oh and did I mention the coffee and brandy and oh I forget what else :rotflmao:

We only ate half the cheesecake on BD so I sent our friends home with half of what was left and Mr P and I had the final ¼ cake between us yesterday. So over the 2 days I had ¼ of the cake - and I've made myself work out the syns.
It was 6 digestives at 3.5 each plus an ounce of butter - so about 32 syns of cheesecake!
Actually - not as bad as I thought.

Since I declared my plan to get back to target on 14th October I've lost a massive 0.1 kg.
I was still 10 lbs over target last week.
So I've given myself a huge kick up the bum this morning and challenged myself to get under 75 kg by the end March.
Now that's only 2.5 kgs - so ½ lb a week - and even for this tortoise should be manageable.
Says she having taken 9 months to lose the last 6 lbs to get to target!!!

So my New Year's resolution is here in black and white for the world to see.
You can all kick me up the bum when I start to make excuses as to why I'm not losing.
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Thanks all for welcoming me, well today is my first day back on plan and I am looking forward to sticking to it this time and I hope I find it that bit easier this time round as my heart is set on losing the weight this time for good, and I am sure being able to chat on here will be a great help for me I usually weigh in on a Monday morning but as I have just started back my first weigh in will be 6th January. Hope the day is going well for you all.
Well done Margaret and Katie for getting back on plan. I hope you have a good week.

Have you read back through this thread a bit? There are punishments for anyone who breaks the rules of the group!!! I hope you get an opportunity to sit on the naughty step - and I hope I'll meet you there!
. . . Have you read back through this thread a bit? There are punishments for anyone who breaks the rules of the group!!! I hope you get an opportunity to sit on the naughty step - and I hope I'll meet you there!

LOL - what are you like Patty - trying to frighten our new friends off.

October 2011
There are only 3 rules in the tortoise club and they are easy to remember .

1. Lose more than a pound in a week and you have to head off to the naughty step and join in the party. :D
2. Lose more than a pound in 2 consecutive weeks and not only do you have to go to the naughty step but you are given lines to do as well. :eek:
3. Lose more than a pound in 3 consecutive weeks and . . . well I've never worked out the penalty as noone has done it yet! :cry:

Occasionally you will also have to buy a round of drinks on the naughty step.
This punishment is inflicted for massive weight losses (i.e. more than 2 lbs in a week) or if you are lucky enough to actually get to target.

It cost me a fortune in November 2011 as everyone came over to join in on the naughty even though they weren't supposed to be there! :8855:

But since the formulation of the rules back in 2011 some horrible person (who shall remain nameless) has actually broken the 3 week rule!
Latte tried to claim it back in early October but she only lost 1 lb for 4 weeks in a row - i.e. she didn't lose MORE than a pound.
I say ONLY lost 4 weeks in a row - most of us still dream of losing a pound a week for more than 1 week !

Anyway, as I was saying - blow me Acc (oops - I said I wasn't going to name her) only went and did it in early November.

So the punishment for more than a pound in 3 consecutive weeks is
To run round the naughty step 100 times saying as you go "I'm a naughty slow loser".
Now whilst there was some discussion as to whether this might be deemed body magic and therefore aid weight loss it was agreed that it was a sufficiently hard punishment to inflict.
The naughty step was designed to be MASSIVE to encourage us all to get on there.
I reckon it must be at least 50m long - so 1 lap = 100m - so 100 laps = 10km
That should prove adequate body magic:8855: and enough to make you not want to do it twice.

So welcome to the Tortoise Club and the rules! Have your purse at the ready! You never know when you might need it.
Lol I love the rules! I'm usually very well behaved but to be honest, I definitely wouldn't complain if I ended up on the naughty step occasionally :p

So far on SW I have done the following:

1st week - lost 2lb - yay!

2nd week - gained 1lb - boo

3rd week - gained 0.5lb - boo

So in 3 weeks of weigh in's, I lost a grand total of 0.5lb! Wow.... lol.

I'm pretty sure I've gained a few over Christmas, and my first WI of the new year is on Thursday so wish me luck!
:scale:I am back on plan and weighed in at home this morning.... no more club for me.... and I am back to my lowest weight :D delighted with that as I have had a couple of weeks off plan for some festive goodies.....

On wards and downwards into 2014....
Sorry for being AWOL I needed a break and some time out.

Welcome to all newcomers x

Oh well done bcp x

According to my scales I have put on 2.5lbs but I am still in the 10s which I am so happy about.

Official SW weigh in won't be till a week on Tuesday due to the way the holidays fall so I shall see if 5 days of being super good helps as I really don't intend to go back on track till Thursday !

Have a good 2014 everyone and I hope you get all you wish for x
Well done BCP - onwards and downwwards indeed.

I've managed a STS over Christmas. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

And I'm totally back on plan. Back to measured amounts of everything and not the guestimates of late.
Sticking to the right number of Hex's, MAX 15 syns per day, no white baguettes (the love of my life apart from Mr Pom of course) :cry:
I think I might even try going back to a paper diary for a week or so to see if that gets my head back in the right place.

So Operation NY Resolution to get back to target is now in progress.
Well done on the STS pomme that is brilliant

I still use a little paper notebook when I am recording stuff as I get mixed up with the hexs and sometimes end up eating more then I should
I love the paper food diary sheets they give you - I'd totally lose track of HEX's and syns otherwise. Planning to use them long term if they'll keep giving me them :D
I created my own based on the SW one - as I record everything! Not just syns and hex's but all food.
It works better for me as I just write everything down and make sure that things aren't slipping into syns when then shouldn't be.
Yay Pom well done that lady x
Yay Pom well done that lady x

Thanks BCP - Patty reckons I ought to be on the Christmassy Naughty Step :8855:
She reckons a STS has to actually count as a loss over Xmas!