The Shrinkers Team Thread

So end of day 6 - weigh in results are in ..

Week 1 -8lbs
Well done, that's a fab 1st week loss xx
Help HELP help!!!! I really wanna eat something fattening, i been trying my best to fight the temptation but i just wanna go wild and binge!! Crisps, cheese and crackers, ham, ANYTHING!! I just want to eat!!! Help me :( I even considering ordering a Kebab!!!
Another 4lbs off this week, making a total of 15lbs in 2 weeks :) xxx
Well done lilypotter - excellentness - hope you didn't order that kebab - be strong natasha - you'll be so pleased tomorrow if you tough it out xx
Natasha I feel like that tonight too :cry:

Well done on your losses Eah and Lily xx
Try and take your mind off your food cravings Natasha, if you give in you will really regret it. Just think if you get through this bad patch how proud of yourself you will be! Please be strong, you can get through this. I'm also craving food but trying to focus on the reasons I'm doing this diet :) Good luck Hun, it ain't easy!

Well done eah, great loss in your first week! And well done Lily as well for your second week weight loss. Your both doing well, keep up the good work :)

We must all keep strong and remember the reasons why we are doing this. We must all stick together and get through this :)
Goodnight Chellina xx
Hello lovely ladies, sorry for the late post again but had a manic day at work then straight after I went to Aqua aerobics :) go me!!!!! I didn't get home until 8 so had a quick omlette and rocket salad for tea, I'm so glad to say I'm 100% today so rocking SS+ I will get to 3 stone loss by the end of Jan only another 6 pounds to go I've got to do it!!!

On a not so happy note I'm dreading tomorrow, I've got my follow up appointment with the consultant about IVF so I find out when I can start, I'm nervous and excited at the same time....all I want is my own baby I've waited 6 years and I just hope this works as we can only afford this one go!

So that's my biggest reason for losing the weight, I gotta get me pregnant!!


Well done ladies on some fab losses, go Shrinkers!!!!!

Best of luck for your appointment tomorrow and well done on the aqua aerobics xxx
Well done Shrinkers on your losses. Really doing well. Best of luck with your appt be thinking of you.

Natasha hope u resisted temp. I cheated Friday and I didnt even enjoy what I had. So not worth ruining your diet.

Nite nite
Ps. Need to drink more water. Not getting my 3 litres.
Morning everyone
Sorry I haven't been on here for a while had a crazy week at work plus with kids party's to go to Its been mad.
Well done to you all for your amazing progress. I'm loving reading all your stories.
It was the moment of truth yesterday when I got weighed after my first week. I've had good and bad days this week and I've been running quite a bit to combat the fat.
I lost 10lb I couldn't believe it I was so chuffed I'm hoping to lose about 5 pound next week and I'll be closer to my goal weight.
Have a good day everyone and I'll catch up with you all tonight after work
Have a good day x
Excellent loss for your first week well done Minnie.

I have my second weigh in later today just hope I have lost as had a slip on Sunday.

97lbs to go
Morning Shrinkers - just a quick question, I'm feeling so sick in the mornings after my shake, It is horrid and has happened for the last 3 mornings - does anyone else suffer from this? I wonder if it's just because I never have eaten breakfast and normally wouldn't put anything in my mouth till well after 10am and now I'm drinking the shake at 7:30?? If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it....I've asked for some tetra packs so I can maybe have it later (at work) but my consultant says that it's not OK until week 3 and that they have a higher fat content...
Excellent loss Minnie, Good luck Emsiem - hope it all goes well for you today - cant belive your losses.
Fingers crossed for a great day for everyone xxxx Eah
Well done Minnie, fab loss :D:D:D

Good luck for your weigh in Sas xxx

Eah, ar you having the shakes cold in the morning? Maybe try having a hot one like vanilla with coffee in it and see if its better xx
Anyone heard from Natasha? She is usually on here regularly but havent seen her since she ate food last night. I hope she is ok and has kept going on the diet xx