The truth about PCOS

This worries me which is why i'd like to get weight off before it'd gimme time to meet someone to settle down with.;)

There couldnt be lots of babies given up for adoption nowadays. I saw a leaflet a few months ago looking families for older children. It's sad there's babies in romania etc need loving parents but i think you can only adopt from another country if you're rich ala madonna.
Hi All

I was diagnosed with PCOS and doc's told me I would need medication to get pregnant. Was very upset but we weren't ready to start a family yet. Anyway, 18 months later I got pregnant naturally! I had lost about 10/12lb in weight and that was it I guess. I was only having a period every 9 - 12 months or so at that point. We considered him our miracle baby as we hadn't expected we could conceive that way.

Our son is now 3.
Just to say a month after I posted in this thread I found out I was pregnant. Conceived naturally after losing some weight and I would say took us about a year, but no temp charting or anything like that, just lots of sexytimes.
Lexie_dog said:
Just to say a month after I posted in this thread I found out I was pregnant. Conceived naturally after losing some weight and I would say took us about a year, but no temp charting or anything like that, just lots of sexytimes.

Congratulations! That's fantastic news!
hey, yea it does mean its harder but not impossible to concieve. Is there a fetility clinic near you? if you have a low bmi (35 or below in my area) they should be willing to help you & provide treatment lik clomid etc it doesnt all have to be about IVF. Im currently working on lowering my bmi for the treatment but i also have an 8yr old daughter that was born when i was 17 that wasnt planned so it can happen at anytime. Apparently the key is not to think about it or gettin stressed over not being able to get pregnant and just enjoy the 'baby dance'. Easier said than done i know. Stay positive chick x