TheNewMrsB's journey


I have been a terrible yo-yo dieter over the years.

I've followed WW a number of times getting down to my goal weight each time... Although I've always put all the weight back and on and more - I just can't live my life around points!

I've also successfully completed 12 weeks on LL (3 years ago) and lost just over 3 stone (getting me back to my pre-WW weight) and settled for keeping that off.

However since getting married and spending a long and luxurious two weeks in a 5 star hotel in Mauritius stuffing my face and then spending a month since Christmas laid up in bed (I trod on a glass and severed the tendons in my left foot!) I have put nearly 4 stone on! :eek:

So, back story complete, here I am on Exante!
Day 1 I was feeling great until 3.00pm when I developed an awful headache. I also started feeling really really drained.

I got home from work and read a few posts on here to try and cheer myself up and decided to have a doze. When I woke up I still felt awful, had a bouillon and some water with blackcurrant flavouring and then went back to bed and daydreamed about food (already!).
Day 2 woke up feeling improved, had a banana shake to start the day and went for my physio appointment. I then went for a major hair restyle and took only a bar with me for sustenance.

Felt okay till around midday when I started to get quite light headed and ate half my bar. That shifted the faint feeling for about half an hour and then it returned. I've got a bit of a fear of fainting (I fainted once on LL and was unconscious for around 5 minutes and ended up losing my driving licence for a year as it was a suspected convulsion) and ate the other half of my bar.

The faint feeling returned about 3.00pm and I was still getting my hair done so I decided to have a bowl of vegetable soup (realise now I should have had some protein). When I got home I then ate a chicken breast with some chilli sauce but didn't have the other one of my packs.

Was really disappointed with myself but actually a lot less ill! :confused:
Today I woke up with the intention of doing WS instead of TS. I had no problem with light-headed-ness on LL at first and got into ketosis really easily, the same cannot be said now! :(

I had a chocolate shake (quite nice actually), a soup for lunch with added bouillon and chilli and half a bar. Then at about 6.00pm this evening I had a hot vanilla shake with an added espresso...

Those of you who can count will realise I've had 3.5 packs!! D'oh!!!! I got totally confused, on LL you can have 4 packs a day and i'd gone into auto-pilot. :silly: And I honked on the 100% thread because I thought 'I can do this!'. (I should really unhonk :().

At 6.00pm I thought I just had a blip and should do TS but now I don't think I can and should stick to last night's plan and do WS. Has anyone else started with a week of WS and gone down to TS?

A x
Hi how's yr day been today? I've done 100% TS today feel ok not hungry but having terrible gurglings and loo issues!!!!!!:confused:
Been okay yesterday and today. Went to play badminton last night and was absolutely ravenous!!! Got all grumpy with Mr B for not letting me have a KFC! Lol.

Today I've been okay too, I've been following WS since Sunday and I've not felt light headed since but I am still feeling really really hungry all the time.

I got some ketostix and did a test last night and there was no ketones going on, but this evening there was a positive result.
Glad you've had a good day - TS 100% for me..... Not sure how long I can keep this up feel like I will be doing TS and WS mix soon!