Third time lucky....I hope

Weihed in last night and was thrilled to have lost 4lbs, I got my stone award and am only 2lbs away from having lost 4 stones since I started myself last Feb. I still feel really focused and keen to keep going, I just need to measure myself and work out what size clothes I should buy as everything is hanging off me, or as been cut and sewn back together! I still can't see the difference, but other people do and that keep me going.
I haven't posted for a bit due to being a bit busy at home and work, my weight stayed the same for a couple of weeks then I lost 1/2 a lb only to put on 5 last week....aaagggghhhh.
I have re-focused and am pleased to say I lost 6.5 this week. We had a tasting night and it went really well, I took in a quorn lasange that went down really well and there was a lovely tortilla made by one of the ladies. Must plan meals more to help with shopping as well as hunger!
Great result last night I lost 4 lbs so thats 10 1/2 in 2 weeks. So if anyone out there is struggling to shift for a few weeks don't be disheartened it may just start coming off again in a few weeks time.
I am going to have to go and buy trousers this weekend and am keen to see what size I will need. I keep taking things in with my sewing machine, but there are only so many times you can take a leg in before it looks silly. :)
really fed up as my car is not working and the cupboards are getting empty - not good for slimming. I did loose another 1/2 lb this week, every little helps!
OMG it has been such a long time since I posted anything in this diary thread, tomorrow is D day, back to work, back on plan and focusing on the goal and the end. I have re-set my tickers and am aiming to loose 4 1/2- 5 stones over the next 18 months if I can. Planning is the thing I really need to get my head round, but I know if I get into a routine of sitting and planning, it will make a world of difference. I want to have mainly EE days with the odd green one thrown in. I know anything is possible if you put your mind to it, so here goes.....wish me luck!
Hello & welcome

Good luck for 2010

sucess is all about planning, im sure you can do it!

Like your targets in you signature.
Well today was a mixed bag, I made some meals to have ready for the first few days of the week to help me stay on track - soup, quorn bolognase, roasted veg curry. At work it has been really hard to resist the tins of sweets lying in the staffroom - I am going to go to the shop on the way tomorrow and get some fresh fruit to nibble on when I fancy something sweet. I know I can do this and really should go and face the music on thurs - will weigh and go as I can't stay to a thurs class anymore, better than not going at all. Should be able to get the new pack too which should motivate me. Tomorrow will be taking the quorn pasta to work with a couple of yogs and fruit.
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hello and welcome back. Good idea to plan a few meals to get you started. Hope your WI is ok, remember it'll be less than that from next week onwards:)
Good luck.
Thanks - you are so right, at least my weight will be going down from now - no matter what the damage was at Christmas. I have sat with the last years copies of magazines and picked some more things to make. I have a red lentil soup on the cooker just now and will be making a SW quiche to have for lunch. Had a green day today and am looking forward to lc light on toast for supper. I will be doing an online shop with tesco later to be delivered for the end of the week, all in all I feel pretty good today.
Made some minestrone soup today for tea tonight and lunch tomorrow. On the whole I still feel pretty positive, did an online shop last night to be delivered on Friday so should be ok for most things till I can get to the shops and really stock up on my next pay day. One thing I need to do is eat more fruit. I was eating quite a lot and always at least 2 pieces at work alone. Maybe I need to try some different things to wake my taste buds up again. At least I am packing veg into all my meals which is better than nothing.