This time I will do it!!...

1.5lb off fore this week. Bloody miracle!

Having a Valentine's take away tonight then determined to be back on plan 100% x

Well done that's fab, you must of done something right :)
Thanks Kel. I am honestly gobsmacked, i was fully expecting a gain. All I can think to justify it is that I've done a lot of running around this week so maybe the extra exercise helped x
Thanks Kel. I am honestly gobsmacked, i was fully expecting a gain. All I can think to justify it is that I've done a lot of running around this week so maybe the extra exercise helped x

Yes that's prob it you sound like you've been run off ya feet this week. Sometimes a little bit off plan does your body good its like it kicks it into action again. How ya dad, is he recovering well.
Yeah, a few complications during the op so he had to have a bone graft as well but he's getting there.

He'll need 24hr care for a bit so me and my Mam are taking it in turns, she's off next week for his first week home and I'm off the week after etc...

Be hard work but needs doing :) xx
So annoyed with myself AGAIN!

Was doing fine all day, skipped lunch so ended up eating curry and chips for my dinner.

I need to get back into the SW mindset or I'm going to put all I've lost back on!

Stupid thing is I don't enjoy things like that anymore and always feel sicky after eating them so why still do it!!!

So annoyed I've nothing left to say

Food today:
HExA = Milk
HExB = 3 Ryvita Cracked Black Pepper

Strawberries and Mullerlight


Chip shops chips and curry sauce (32 syns)


Guess I be reducing my daily allowance to account for this - AGAIN!!
Hi hun - I hope your dad is on the mend soon. You have your hands full, but as you say it has to be done. Ive been there with both my parents, I wouldnt have had it any other way.

If it makes you feel any better Ive had a full blown Indian Curry tonight and I just know im going to feel horrible tomorrow for doing it. I just had to have it after a horrible day at work. No excuse I know as I could have had something just as filling for so many syns less. Its done now but still dont make me feel any better :(

Heres to a better day tomorrow for us both x
Thanks Texty. Looks like we're both feeling a bit down today.

Work is always a difficult one - I find it always influences my food choices

Here's to us both doing a 100% day tomorrow xx
Ha ha! One of those days today - all I'll say is kids party, toddler meltdown. Enough said!

Food-wise I've been okay! Craving comfort food but at least I'm now doing comfort food SW style! Back on plan at last :)

Food today:
HExA = 2 Babybel
HExB = Nothing


SW chips, 2 eggs, mushrooms and 1 TBSP brown sauce (1 syn)

SW spicy wedges


Curly Wurly (6 syns)


Looking at it now, it looks a bit carb heavy but i must admit I enjoyed and am under syns for a change so not beating myself up about it.
Well done Hun, I always worry bout carbs as I so green but still loose so it's all good xx
I had a lovely lie in, had lemoncurd on wholemeal and a cuppa for brekkie, then i popped to shops and bought 2 new pairs of shoes, a jumper, some undies and a pair of earrings. Some household stuff pics etc. Then made sticky chicken for tea it was lush lol apart from that ive done nowt lol
Its always that way with shopping - money burning a hole and nothing you like, skint and could spend £100's! Typical!

I'm trying not to buy too much until I'm at target - bit of extra incentive to get there quickly! And I haven't got too much to be spending anyway! Lol x
Lol. I now have a mental image of you flopping around in a pair of clown shoes! It's good though as it's one of those little things when your losing weight that show you how far you've come!

Looks like another shopping trip to return them now as well which us never a bad thing - you can never shop too much!! Xx
Lol yeh just call me Coco haha - I think they might b ok to keep as I will be wearing them barefoot and if my feet swell it gives them room haha