This time I will do it!!...

No you wouldn't be. Aaron had earache months ago and I thought I'd wait for the Dr as it would waste the out of hours GP's time. When I took him he had a burst eardrum - the infection had caused gunk to build up and when it burst, the pressure burst the eardrum. The pain he was in.

Best to get it checked xx
Quick question everyone - just done food shop and needed bread.

Only WM bread they had was this:

Can I use this as a HExB?

I looked on Lifeline online and it doesn't list the bread by name but does say 2slices of WM bread from any 400g loaf. So is this okay to use?

Thanks hun. Am trying to damage limitation after yesterday and have upped the gym sessions this week so I was thinking a nice sandwich for lunch with fruit would sustain me til I got home x
I don't think there fussy about the brand just the amount.
I'm upping gym sessions this week need to get bk in to it.
Lol, I've had a spoonful but saving it to watch X Factor with later.

Freya will have some for Supper and Aaron as dessert after Dinner so prob will be all gone lol x
Lol. Nothing lasts long in this house! Kids eh?!

Aaron has just seen Elton John playing piano on the tele and has decided he wants piano lessons! Trying to explain he's prob a tad too young lol x
Argh, work again tomorrow. I hate Sunday evenings, I always spend them dreading going to work tomorrow.

Nice afternoon in PJ's though, just mooching around, getting tomorrows lunch together.

Food today has been comfort food, no SF though so need to make sure I up that over the next few days.
When it's cold and wet I just want stodge!

Haven't synned the Rice Pudding as I will eat the majority of it so will count it as free and a HExA.

So, today's food:
HExA = 170ml Whole Milk (used for Rice Pudding)
HExB = Weetabix Bar


Jacket Potato with Spaghetti

SW Egg & Chips

Diet Energy Drink (0.5 syn)
Rice Pudding - a Texty recipe :)

Rice pudding looks yum xx