this time, its serious


Full Member
Like a lot of others on these boards, Ive tried dieting many many times over the years. However, now I'm over 40, I'm finding it harder to lose, but, I'm also finding the side effects of being overweight to be more limiting to my everyday life. Walking for one thing, is getting more and more uncomfortable to do any length (I have a pedometer, and anything over 5000 steps a day and I'm knackered, plus, I need to stop more often and I'm slower), I'm sure its not just that I'm getting older, think its the weight, which is why its really getting serious that I shift some this time around. Has anyone else noticed this?
I tend to notice after I've lost some weight, how much easier I'm breathing etc. I didn't notice how difficult it was when I was bigger, but I notice how much easier it is now. I don't know if that makes sense!