Those husk things....


Full Member
Sorry about the content.... Bowel related!

Can someone help me. I want to find out more about the husks that a lot of you take to help with keeping yourself 'regular!' I'm sure there are posts on here I just can't seem to find them!

I am currently taking Cambridge fibre (one scoop a day) and its not helping!! I am still finding it very hard to 'go'. Have talked to my CDC who recommended trying 2 scoops a day. Now to be honest 2 scoops a day would use the tub twice as quickly and at £7.50 a pop I'm not to keen!

Before this diet I suffered from very loose bowels and they would control my life. I must of been going to the loo up to 6 times a day. This was probably due to my diet but it has left me very cautious regarding any form of laxatives even fibre!

Since starting the diet the change has been amazing and I feel I can function normally again and I worry about taking husks as I'm unsure of the results so I would appreciate any advice, story's, comments or anything like that.

Sorry to be graphic I kept it as mild as possible!! Lol :)
Dnt know abt husks but if u really need relief try senakot. It really works. If u take 1 max strength before u go sleep u'll be able to go in the morning. I bought a pack when i started the diet n they've really helped.

Also random but true. In the morning drink a hot cup of tea then drink 2 glasses of fizzy water. It makes u go. Lol
I brought the husk capsules from Holland & barrarts recently on offer buy one get the other half price. And I have 4 capsules a day and seems to be to doing the trick.

Maybe wait for the offer to come back then stock up on 2.
You can also buy psyllium husk in a big bag or tub. I paid about £5 for a huge bag from ebay and take about a tablespoon in water every morning. It's very gentle and won't make you have a gripey tummy or the runs but you do need to drink plenty of water as it's a bulking agent and absorbs a fair bit. It doesn't taste of much so isn't too bad to get down :)
That's brilliant! Think I might try them then! I just worried about getting the runs!! Lol