Three songs that make you run for the hills

Yes! Look at that only took me what is it 6 days. Better late than never by next week may be a photo too. Steady now!! Dizzy
Hehehe, daniel o'donnell is so annoying and my SIXTY-FOUR year old m-i-l has posters of him up everywhere!
Everything by Dido

I wish i was a punk rock girl - always turn the radio off when that's on

Everything by Heather Small
Oh so quiet - Bjork
Everyday is like Sunday - Morrissey
Happy Talking - Captain Sensible
Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass
Certain people at work keep singing this and saying it's their theme song. I could do without it.

One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful
I'm sorry, but no. Just no.

Daniel Bedingfield - If You're Not The One
I'm not a big Bedingfield fan anyway, largely due to most of his songs coming across as being ever so slightly obsessive love themed. I can't get over the skin crawly feeling I getlistening to anything he sings.
Groove is in the heart by dee-light. It's like listening to nails down a blackboard!!!!
That's not my name-The Ting Tings
What does the fox say-Ylvis
Come up and see me (make me smile)-Steve Harley