Tiggertoes on Atkins

Just clicked over to afternoon :)

I had a load of leafy greens yesterday and they also really help on the walk/park front :)
Hello friends.

Snacked through the day mostly.

Decided on a chicken saag for dinner with Cauli rice. Sooo good. Rice came out exactly like rice minus flavour. I mixed in a tiny amount of my OH's basmati.. :O So lovely.

I'm stuffed.

I've done loads of house work today and 90 minutes of Kinnect adventure sports. I feel like I've achieved something and it feels great.

Been a gorgeous day here in Surrey. I hope everyone else is enjoying their day..


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Mixing a little bit of some kind of spice or maybe garlic powder would probably be a safer bet for adding flavor than mixing in real rice ;) I still haven't tried Cauli rice but I shove garlic powder in everything and it works miracles. Your dinner looks gorgeous though - curries, another thing I've never made.
I know. I should have left the rice. Luckily it was less than 50g. I'm still well within my 20g carb allowance for today.

I'm actually impressed how easy the curry was to make. In days gone by I'd use a jar and it tasted ok but this home made way is so much tastier. Possibly the best curry I've ever had apart from Tamasha in Bromley which was £70 per head.

I hope everyone is well. Have a great evening ladies.
Evening TT, food looks gorgeous!
I've had fish again( cod) I eat so much fish now I am growing fins and a tail :)

Have a great evening x
slaj said:
Evening TT, food looks gorgeous!
I've had fish again( cod) I eat so much fish now I am growing fins and a tail :)

Have a great evening x

Evening Sands,

Lol! Soon you will be doing the shred in the bath ;)

Have a super evening x
slaj said:
Ha ha TT, you never know!
Blooming footie on yet again in our house :(

I know :( me to. I really don't like football. Such a pointless exercise.
Hope the ankle is getting properly rested????

Re curry, try Kala coconut milk, lowish in carbs - about 1.9 per 100g I think xxx
Morning all. I am well thanks, my weekend was fine. OH was working nights so I had a lovely weekend on my own doing the things that I love (reading, sleeping, catching up on telly, cooking and vegetating.)

We are both working nights this weekend but I'm actually looking forward to it. I don't feel like eating so much on nights so I always feel lighter at the end of them. I've had a fair amount of time off work recently and I think being at home surrounded by food makes me feel hungry all the time. My scales have STS for almost 2 weeks now and I think I'm just eating too much.

Last night we went to see Prometheus in 3D and it was great, I'm a huge fan of the Alien movies so this was really an added bonus. I had no popcorn but had a couple of wine gums.. I really wish they did those sugar free!!

Yesterday's menu:
Didn't feel like anything.

2 NZ lamb chops
Salad of avo, cheese, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, garlic stuffed olives and celery.

We went for dinner and I had a cheeseburger (sans the bun)

Today, I'm planning on eating later, right before work I'll have something big to keep me going through the night. Cooked some pork belly yesterday for dinner tonight.

Planning on doing some Kinnect adventure sports this morning to fight some flab.

Toilet issues are back... Really don't understand where I'm going wrong. I take fibre and eat loads of fibre-some veg, should be able to go.

Anyhow, that's me over and out.

TT x
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Morning TT, your menu sounds fantastic, are you still drinking plenty of water?
It can be frustrating sts but do you think your body shape is changing? Bet you are losing inches.
Sunny here again, I like your idea of recharging my batteries in the sunshine, hope it is out long enough!!
Have a great day x
Thanks hon. I'm suffering badly from hay fever at the mo. It's been about 4 years since I had it this bad. In SA I had it really bad every summer. For the first 4 years here I suffered terribly and this year it's come back with vengeance.. I look like Rudolph's big sister today.
Ah poor you! My oh has it really bad, a couple of years ago he started drinking a couple of spoonfuls a day of local honey in hot water, it has made a huge difference. He gets through loads of jars of honey but it is well worth it. For the first time in years he's not miserable in the summer, think it was the hayfever causing that or maybe he was just miserable!! (Not really)
slaj said:
Ah poor you! My oh has it really bad, a couple of years ago he started drinking a couple of spoonfuls a day of local honey in hot water, it has made a huge difference. He gets through loads of jars of honey but it is well worth it. For the first time in years he's not miserable in the summer, think it was the hayfever causing that or maybe he was just miserable!! (Not really)

Hah! That made me laugh! I have some prescription anti-histamines that I take, but it's the waking up early with bunged up nose and itchy sore eyes and throat that I can't stand. Ugh! You'd think with all this rain there wont be any pollen, but I think the poor trees really try to shoot all their seeds when the faintest bit of sun shows its face.
I can't say you will like it because we all have different opinions but for me and my OH (who has seen it 3x now and he could be an independent film critic) it was really good. I'm really surprised at the bad reviews it's gotten. I don't know what people's expectations are but as far as the acting and cinematography goes it was very good. It's equally as dark and thrilling as the previous Alien movies, but there's a deeper story there which I suppose isn't everyone's cup of tea. I love Ripely to, and Noomi is a very good actress. You would never think she was the Original Dragon Tattoo girl (which I loved). Before I say too much you need to watch it and tell me what you think.
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Sorry to hear the walk/park issues are back - what about replacing your lunch salad with a few big handfuls of spinach? I know I always say that, bit it really does help me in that way.
ladyfelsham said:
Sorry to hear the walk/park issues are back - what about replacing your lunch salad with a few big handfuls of spinach? I know I always say that, bit it really does help me in that way.

Ta for that. I've had some shirataki noodles with soy and ginger. That has to help. If that fails I'm eating loads of spinach.


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I can't work out if I've got hayfever or a cold at the mo! I take Dulcolax pearles if I have a problem going to the park, at the moment I'm living there as I've fallen completely off the wagon ;)
I tell you what, eating a couple of spoons of gluc most days has me absurdly regular. It's like the kellogs fruit and fibre of the low carb world.

Don't we all have such charming conversations on here!