Time for a change, eat food that i like!


New Member
Hi how do you all find CC?
I've done ww, sw and really just find that i tend to stick to the same foods day in, day out. I've tried some recipies, and to be quite honest, some are rank.
I think I'd rather eat better quality food which i enjoy , but obviously less of it. Thats why i think cc will prob suit me. I know I need to cut down on fat and sugar.
How do you all cope. Any hints and tips would be much appreciated.
Plus does anyone know a good site that will calculate for me how many calories I need to loose weight.
Personally, I love calorie counting! I'd recommend myfitnesspal.com which will calculate what you need to lose a certain amount of weight each week. My biggest piece of advice to you would be to stick to what it says. If it says 1400, don't think it's too much and eat less, have 1400. They've got an app for phones too, it's really good. Good luck!