Time to get serious!

So these past 2 weeks marked a turning point in other people's opinions about my weight.

I keep being told that I should stop now.

Honestly, I don't think the extra stone ish I am aiming for will really make too much if a dent in my belly fat, I may need more, who knows. But back to subject...

Oh there's nothing of you, you'll disappear if you loose another stone blah blah blah. I pinch my stomach and arms to demonstrate but these people don't listen.

Oh by the way, I am still an overweight BMI!!

Here comes the rant.... SO, because I've always been overweight, in other people's opinions does this mean that I am now NOT ENTITLED to be slim, destined always to be a bit chubby? I am being told by a slim, probably size 10ish colleague to stop - does this mean I'm not allowed to have a figure like hers since she's always had hers, I can't because I was overweight before?

In other people's eyes are former overweight people not allowed to be slim people because that's not how they are? Ria's overweight, she's not supposed to be slim. In people's minds am I overweight and supposed to stay like it?!

Pah! Makes me so bloody angry. I didn't ask for their opinion!!

Also keep being told to eat something, or if I do have something such a big deal is made out of it!!


Honestly ria people just need a slap!

They think they r helping but they aren't and just need to keep their opinion to themselves and realise after uve heard it for the 100th time you do not want to hear their voice again!

I hate that people are so critical when all they know about the diet is prob from people they know that has tried and failed at it.

They don't take time to educate themselves on fact or that these people that have failed did not complete steps and just went bk to old habits and gained but like any other diet the Cambridge is the same.

I'm sick of being asked are you eating yet? Like I'm a spoiled child refusing food for a laugh.

Some people get on great with ww or sw and loose plenty but people that do cd have their reasons and the complete lack of respect people have really grinds my gears lol

I think you are wonderful for seeing it through this far and ur so close to goal. You look beautiful and you should be complimented on your success not ridiculed because your choose an alternative way to loose weight. Your not starving yourself (may beg to differ some days haha) or being sick or doing anything unhealthy . So people can just mind their own damn business!

You are entitled to any body you work hard for so ignore their ignorance and jealousy.

Now that's my rant over lol

M xx
Honestly ria people just need a slap!

They think they r helping but they aren't and just need to keep their opinion to themselves and realise after uve heard it for the 100th time you do not want to hear their voice again!

I hate that people are so critical when all they know about the diet is prob from people they know that has tried and failed at it.

They don't take time to educate themselves on fact or that these people that have failed did not complete steps and just went bk to old habits and gained but like any other diet the Cambridge is the same.

I'm sick of being asked are you eating yet? Like I'm a spoiled child refusing food for a laugh.

Some people get on great with ww or sw and loose plenty but people that do cd have their reasons and the complete lack of respect people have really grinds my gears lol

I think you are wonderful for seeing it through this far and ur so close to goal. You look beautiful and you should be complimented on your success not ridiculed because your choose an alternative way to loose weight. Your not starving yourself (may beg to differ some days haha) or being sick or doing anything unhealthy . So people can just mind their own damn business!

You are entitled to any body you work hard for so ignore their ignorance and jealousy.

Now that's my rant over lol

M xx

Don't ya just love it when you write a big long reply and it disappears into cyberspace?!

Love your rant. And thank you for your compliments!

Today is a big day, since today should be the last day I am overweight!! Tomorrow I shall be normal ( well normal bmi at least)

View attachment 89305

Yup, that's the scales, meaning that today my BMI is precisely 25, so after today it's normal all the way, assuming there's no adverse effects from my lunch....

So had some cucumber, lettuce, broccoli (salad and veg on the same plate, the joys of a buffet) a slice of ham, slice of pork, slice of beef and about half a sachet of mayo. Kept it low carb, the only worry is that the ham was a little sweet so may have been cured, but I only had a little. Had to stop my man mid way through ordering me a cocktail (oh how I wanted it though!) and decline the cheesecake he was about to fetch me (what planet is he on today). No curry, he is saving it for dinner tonight, wish I'd tried a bigger spoonful yesterday now!

Just went Into primark to return 2 tops but at the last minute changed my mind, ended up spending £85 instead (oops!)

I must warn you all, there is a very bad side effect of weight loss, shopping addition. It's starts as compulsory, well, necessary since its not great when your clothes are falling off, but then it doesn't stop, well I just can't stop myself at least!
Don't ya just love it when you write a big long reply and it disappears into cyberspace?!

Love your rant. And thank you for your compliments!

Today is a big day, since today should be the last day I am overweight!! Tomorrow I shall be normal ( well normal bmi at least)

Yup, that's the scales, meaning that today my BMI is precisely 25, so after today it's normal all the way, assuming there's no adverse effects from my lunch....

So had some cucumber, lettuce, broccoli (salad and veg on the same plate, the joys of a buffet) a slice of ham, slice of pork, slice of beef and about half a sachet of mayo. Kept it low carb, the only worry is that the ham was a little sweet so may have been cured, but I only had a little. Had to stop my man mid way through ordering me a cocktail (oh how I wanted it though!) and decline the cheesecake he was about to fetch me (what planet is he on today). No curry, he is saving it for dinner tonight, wish I'd tried a bigger spoonful yesterday now!

Just went Into primark to return 2 tops but at the last minute changed my mind, ended up spending £85 instead (oops!)

I must warn you all, there is a very bad side effect of weight loss, shopping addition. It's starts as compulsory, well, necessary since its not great when your clothes are falling off, but then it doesn't stop, well I just can't stop myself at least!

Lol did u write a long reply and it disappeared? Don't they say the second draft is always better? :)

My compliments are deserved you don't need to thank me huni!

Yay for being normal lol :) bet ud nvr have imagined reading that about yourself haha

Lunch sounds good! Lol you can always make a batch of curry for yourself lol

85quid! You must have got a fair few bits missy! What you get?

I can't wait to be shopping again! Anything that involves clothes for me at the min end in depression lol so decides to just stick with what I've got until its swinging from me lol

Lol did u write a long reply and it disappeared? Don't they say the second draft is always better? :)

My compliments are deserved you don't need to thank me huni!

Yay for being normal lol :) bet ud nvr have imagined reading that about yourself haha

Lunch sounds good! Lol you can always make a batch of curry for yourself lol

85quid! You must have got a fair few bits missy! What you get?

I can't wait to be shopping again! Anything that involves clothes for me at the min end in depression lol so decides to just stick with what I've got until its swinging from me lol


Yup, and maybe, just realised the picture I my scales I thought I added to the above post isn't there either, hey ho.

I totally would be eating curry right now, buy we can't have the tomatoes :-( apart from that it almost doable! Well, without rice, or bread!

Well, came out with a massive bag, funny how £1 £3 etc adds up! Got a dress (same as one I already have but diff colour and size) 2 tops, same but diff colours, same as one I already have but in a diff size! 3 camis (ok, can't stop myself buying them, they're soo useful!) 2 t-shirts in 2 sizes (same as I already have in diff colour) a black boob tube to go under a sheer blue halter neck I also bought, a patterned halter neck with a metal neck thing (snds ugly, looks ugly on hanger but lovely on! Loving the halter necks now I have a decent strapless bra that fits! 2 Pairs of sunglasses (same as I already have but with pink and purple frames!) a new belt, some twisty hair pin things to hold a bun, some head bands, pants, some bio oil (random, cheaper than boots though) nail wraps, a scarf um, think that's it?!

Basically variations on a lot of things I already own. But seriously, I became a woman obsessed, I think I might have to limit my visits to that shop to once a fortnight, or once every 3 weeks maybe! I Even joined the queue, then changed my mind and went back for more!!

Also got 2 new shrugs off of amazon (great for covering up bingo wings and go with everything!) and a new swimming costume from asos.

Seriously though, enjoy the fear of the shops right now, the opposite costs way too much lol. And so does buying new clothes every couple of weeks as you get smaller, wish I had just held on in my bigger clothes, could've saved myself a fortune!

Fortunately last weeks eBay session is coming to fruition this weekend, £60 so far and items with about £40 of bids still to come - enough to balance out my primark rampage thank goodness! The got about 50 more items to list next time it's free listing as well! Can't wait to get clear of all these piles of clothes hanging around!

Anyway back to diet! Don't think yesterday's lunch did any harm, was still in ketosis last night when I checked at least (I wander how quickly it shows if you do actually?! Anyone know?) shake for breakky, shake for lunch which I've only just had since I've been busy tidying and culling my wardrobe again!
Yup, and maybe, just realised the picture I my scales I thought I added to the above post isn't there either, hey ho.

I totally would be eating curry right now, buy we can't have the tomatoes :-( apart from that it almost doable! Well, without rice, or bread!

Well, came out with a massive bag, funny how £1 £3 etc adds up! Got a dress (same as one I already have but diff colour and size) 2 tops, same but diff colours, same as one I already have but in a diff size! 3 camis (ok, can't stop myself buying them, they're soo useful!) 2 t-shirts in 2 sizes (same as I already have in diff colour) a black boob tube to go under a sheer blue halter neck I also bought, a patterned halter neck with a metal neck thing (snds ugly, looks ugly on hanger but lovely on! Loving the halter necks now I have a decent strapless bra that fits! 2 Pairs of sunglasses (same as I already have but with pink and purple frames!) a new belt, some twisty hair pin things to hold a bun, some head bands, pants, some bio oil (random, cheaper than boots though) nail wraps, a scarf um, think that's it?!

Basically variations on a lot of things I already own. But seriously, I became a woman obsessed, I think I might have to limit my visits to that shop to once a fortnight, or once every 3 weeks maybe! I Even joined the queue, then changed my mind and went back for more!!

Also got 2 new shrugs off of amazon (great for covering up bingo wings and go with everything!) and a new swimming costume from asos.

Seriously though, enjoy the fear of the shops right now, the opposite costs way too much lol. And so does buying new clothes every couple of weeks as you get smaller, wish I had just held on in my bigger clothes, could've saved myself a fortune!

Fortunately last weeks eBay session is coming to fruition this weekend, £60 so far and items with about £40 of bids still to come - enough to balance out my primark rampage thank goodness! The got about 50 more items to list next time it's free listing as well! Can't wait to get clear of all these piles of clothes hanging around!

Anyway back to diet! Don't think yesterday's lunch did any harm, was still in ketosis last night when I checked at least (I wander how quickly it shows if you do actually?! Anyone know?) shake for breakky, shake for lunch which I've only just had since I've been busy tidying and culling my wardrobe again!

Funny you say that about the picture, when I replied it showed up an image link bit didn't work when I clicked on it. Strange!

Won't be long until ur at goal and you can have a bowl of curry for a treat before going away!

Your clothes sound luvli! Stocking up for holiday?

Lol primark is addictive I always go in and nvr come out without new socks yet I nvr seem to be able to find them again after they come out of the washing machine. Where do they go?!?

Believe me when I start buying things I prob won't stop but again I'm hoping for a huge splurge when I'm in America so trying to behave for now lol tesco is my love at the min tho they have so many nice things in at the min!

This eBay thing sounds good!! I've loads I could sell but wouldn't have the 1st clue where to start!

Great that your straight bk on it today! :) and that your lunch was a success! :)

Funny you say that about the picture, when I replied it showed up an image link bit didn't work when I clicked on it. Strange!

Won't be long until ur at goal and you can have a bowl of curry for a treat before going away!

Your clothes sound luvli! Stocking up for holiday?

Lol primark is addictive I always go in and nvr come out without new socks yet I nvr seem to be able to find them again after they come out of the washing machine. Where do they go?!?

Believe me when I start buying things I prob won't stop but again I'm hoping for a huge splurge when I'm in America so trying to behave for now lol tesco is my love at the min tho they have so many nice things in at the min!

This eBay thing sounds good!! I've loads I could sell but wouldn't have the 1st clue where to start!

Great that your straight bk on it today! :) and that your lunch was a success! :)


Hmmm, not for holiday really since i kinda already have what I need, though most of it will come with me! (still not booked yet!)

haha, random with the socks, generally for me out male dog has somehow found it and trotted of with his prize, he doesn't eat them or anything, just likes to wander around carrying them!

Oh yeah, you'll have great fun, I hear clothes are pretty cheap out there?

Give ebay a go! ok, its a chore, but worth it for the extra pennies. I made the mistake of clearing anything I don't wear anymore out of my wardrobe this evening, it's lovely inside now, but I have a HUGE pile of clothes to list now!
SO... apart from a tiny bit of chicken (so sue me) oh and a spash of almond milk (wasn't too bad!) I was 100% again today!


Been reading my book today, really looking forward to going up the steps - even if it does look hard work!!

I think that's all for today, feeling really tired, just been doing general errands but it's really tired me out! sleep now....
Hmmm, not for holiday really since i kinda already have what I need, though most of it will come with me! (still not booked yet!)

haha, random with the socks, generally for me out male dog has somehow found it and trotted of with his prize, he doesn't eat them or anything, just likes to wander around carrying them!

Oh yeah, you'll have great fun, I hear clothes are pretty cheap out there?

Give ebay a go! ok, its a chore, but worth it for the extra pennies. I made the mistake of clearing anything I don't wear anymore out of my wardrobe this evening, it's lovely inside now, but I have a HUGE pile of clothes to list now!

They should be cheap depending where I go I guess lol and I really will give eBay a go because I'd really like to get rid of the stuff but its getting round to being motivated to sort it lol

When exams are over I will have plenty of time on my hands lol
SO... apart from a tiny bit of chicken (so sue me) oh and a spash of almond milk (wasn't too bad!) I was 100% again today!


Been reading my book today, really looking forward to going up the steps - even if it does look hard work!!

I think that's all for today, feeling really tired, just been doing general errands but it's really tired me out! sleep now....

Glad u didn't mind the almond milk. It's a change from black coffee.

We get to that stage when moving up steps is exciting lol how times change!

Tired after that shopping spree yesterday lol hope you sleep well :)

Hey hey! Been a busy day, spent 5 hours gardening which apparenty amounts to over 1000kcals burnt! I didn't believe it, I had to check several sources before I did!


So after all that we could hardly deprive my dad of a BBQ in this glorious weather just cos were both on VLCDs! So whilst he had burgers and sausages I cooked up Cajun seasoned turkey, prawns, lettuce, cucumber and spring onion, and dry-fried onion, green pepper and mushrooms with a few spices. I am now stuffed, and apart from not measuring the items it was basically a SS+ meal! I have no idea how I will fit in another pack before bed time!

Hope everyone has had a lovely bank holiday in the sunshine ?
Hey hey! Been a busy day, spent 5 hours gardening which apparenty amounts to over 1000kcals burnt! I didn't believe it, I had to check several sources before I did!


So after all that we could hardly deprive my dad of a BBQ in this glorious weather just cos were both on VLCDs! So whilst he had burgers and sausages I cooked up Cajun seasoned turkey, prawns, lettuce, cucumber and spring onion, and dry-fried onion, green pepper and mushrooms with a few spices. I am now stuffed, and apart from not measuring the items it was basically a SS+ meal! I have no idea how I will fit in another pack before bed time!

Hope everyone has had a lovely bank holiday in the sunshine ?

Check you out green fingers lol

What vlcd is ur dad on? You were very controlled lol proud!!

You may be peckish before dinner. Maybe a chilled choc tetra uve bn meaning to use up!

I had a lovely day by the sea side planned with fish and chips and ice cream ( for hubby and daughter not me) but from my diary it will b no surprise to learn I've spent my day in bed feeling sorry for myself lol

Sounds like you've had a lovely day

Check you out green fingers lol

What vlcd is ur dad on? You were very controlled lol proud!!

You may be peckish before dinner. Maybe a chilled choc tetra uve bn meaning to use up!

I had a lovely day by the sea side planned with fish and chips and ice cream ( for hubby and daughter not me) but from my diary it will b no surprise to learn I've spent my day in bed feeling sorry for myself lol

Sounds like you've had a lovely day


Ah no, sorry, what I mean is me and mum are on VLCDs and otherwise dad would miss out since we're not really eating. Mums on slim and save.

That's does suck. Hope it starts getting better for you soon!
Ahh I see! Poor man lol my dad used to live with us and he hates this diet lol cuz he got no treats lol and my mum said the other day - when you went on this diet it feels like we went on it with you lol I found that rather funny

Oh what did rana think of the cookies?

Ahh I see! Poor man lol my dad used to live with us and he hates this diet lol cuz he got no treats lol and my mum said the other day - when you went on this diet it feels like we went on it with you lol I found that rather funny

Oh what did rana think of the cookies?


He didn't have any cookies whilst I was there, he was busy finishing off the last few Rice Krispie cakes which apparently he likes very much!
Scrap that, I've just inhaled a lemon bar, wow, tasted so good as dessert!!

I seem to have lost those tetras! Just can't find them!? Very bizarre!

I used to live on Lemon bars. I'm completely off them now lol too salty or something I don't kno lol

Ah I hate when u loose stuff that u kno you have!
So annoying! I lost 8 selection boxes at Christmas i had got for my cousins kids and I am still to find them. Nobody believed me mind.

Awh rice crispie cakes. He's easily pleased lol

I used to live on Lemon bars. I'm completely off them now lol too salty or something I don't kno lol

Ah I hate when u loose stuff that u kno you have!
So annoying! I lost 8 selection boxes at Christmas i had got for my cousins kids and I am still to find them. Nobody believed me mind.

Awh rice crispie cakes. He's easily pleased lol


Haha, how many people probably claim to have lost that sort of thing though!!
Morning! I'm not saying "good" morning since my scales only showed me a 2lb loss this week... I know it's fine (I'll explain in a minute) but it's still really disheartening to see!

Maybe a couple of TMI's coming up (I did pre-warn)...

1. So generally I have been guessing my T.O.M is roughly the end/beginning of each month - this is when I have experienced lesser losses, pains and mood swings. No period since I am on depo... well... maybe... So the last 6moths or so I have been experiencing spotting when I am coming nearer to being due my injection, so have been having it a bit earlier to try and combat this. However, I am beginning to think it might be a weight loss thing (i have no idea how it corrolates though!) since on saturday I saw blood (I did warn you!) only a little, but I haven't seen that since before I was on the POP years and years ago!! and that was Saturday so I am thinking it may be T.O.M (technically at least, giving me my first reason for a lesser loss.

2. I ate a lot yesterday - kept it all on SS+ but could have possibly gone over the qtys - I can't say for sure since I never measured. But I stopped when I was full - and well, I still feel full now (if you see where I'm going) so that won't be helping matters.

3. Sound silly but on weigh day, I get up, use the bathroom, strip off weigh. then I have a shower and weigh again, by simply having a showerI can shed 1lb! I had a shower last night so didn't this morining, could explain that missing lb loss!

4. and finally, all that gardening that burnt all those kcals yesterday - I am aching like a b today, and exercise can cause water retention - so that could explain it too.

So for the above reasons I'm not gonna stress over it (ok I'm gonna try not to!) as it might mean I have a nicer loss next week right?
Haha, how many people probably claim to have lost that sort of thing though!!

Lol I kno I must have looked suspicious!

Yay for ur 2lb loss!!

And yes there are perfectly reasonable explanations. My totm arrived this morning too! Fun times.

You are nearing goal very fast now isn't that exciting?

Can't wait to see ur loss nxt week!
