Time to get serious!

So have woken up this morning feeling like a proper invalid again! Staggering around! Who knew 20mins swim could kill me so much!

Was very good yesterday and didn't have a crumb of anything I shouldn't.

Got on the scales this morning and its looking like I will be lucky if I hit 2lbs again this week. What is frustrating is I don't know why... Is it that I had those spoonfuls of curry and that tsp of salad dressing over the weekend? I've done this plenty times before without an issue! Is it that I went swimming and my muscles are retaining water for recovery? I do ache like a mofo! Or is it that that I'm just close to target so should expect it? I don't wanna believe that since last weeks las was ok!

Generally less than 3lbs puts me in a bad mood and throws a gazillion questions out there every time - should I go back to SS? It should I stay SS+? I should I in fact go to step 2? But would step 2 make the losses slow even more?!! Then Part of me thinks sod it, eat normally for a day and shock your body to kick start losses again! (Don't plan on doing that) since its all such an unknown I really don't know what I'm supposed to do? Or just be patient and accept my 2lbs a week an the longer time until target - I'm so bloody impatient though!!!

Arghh!! Had a full on reply done and sent and its gone!! Damn you iPhone! :(

Yes the small loss is prob due to all of those things but remember the last 2lb was 3.5 on ur CDs you need to stop focusing on the scales ( says serial weigher here) but you know ur doing everything right!

Maybe try a week on step 2 see what happens and if it doesn't help you can go bk down? Either way it will give ur metabolism a boost. And I kno that's pointless saying that to you miss ants in ur pants but in the grand scheme of things a week! 7 little days? Is nada!!!

Stop stressing or il be forced to beat you with my big stick lol stop questioning yourself! Look how far you've come? Your a diff person than u were in jan! How many people can say that? How many people stick to cd? You have! And that's bloody wonderful! You have so much to be proud of ria!! Look at the bigger picture. Yes it's taking longer than expected and yea is sucks but it's coming off!! Not sts not a gain but off!!

You can doooo it!!!!!

M xxx
Arghh!! Had a full on reply done and sent and its gone!! Damn you iPhone! :(

Yes the small loss is prob due to all of those things but remember the last 2lb was 3.5 on ur CDs you need to stop focusing on the scales ( says serial weigher here) but you know ur doing everything right!

Maybe try a week on step 2 see what happens and if it doesn't help you can go bk down? Either way it will give ur metabolism a boost. And I kno that's pointless saying that to you miss ants in ur pants but in the grand scheme of things a week! 7 little days? Is nada!!!

Stop stressing or il be forced to beat you with my big stick lol stop questioning yourself! Look how far you've come? Your a diff person than u were in jan! How many people can say that? How many people stick to cd? You have! And that's bloody wonderful! You have so much to be proud of ria!! Look at the bigger picture. Yes it's taking longer than expected and yea is sucks but it's coming off!! Not sts not a gain but off!!

You can doooo it!!!!!

M xxx

GRR, if I counted the amount of times that has happened!

Yeah true, and the 3.5 on my scales was about a 1lb on his, crazy really! I currently have 2 obsessions right now, the scales and my belly fat! My belly looks horrific! found this girl - she has exactly the same height and weight as me right now.... oh boy do I wish I looked like this...


well... I'm trying with the odd sit up here, odd workout or swim there, maybe eventually.....

I'm thinking what I will do is allow myself to pick from the protein choices from step 2 since I will enjoy the extra variety, but I'm not bothered about the milk, so maybe like a step 1.5?! I've already got some yellow lentils in soaking so I can make some fritters later (baked of course) I guess I just like the fact that on step 2 there's more vegetarian protein options, I'm not always that into meat. But saying that, maybe it is worth a try for a week (properly) I'll Discuss at my appointment tomorrow perhaps.

Thanks hun, I needed that kick up the ass, YAY FOR ME lol, It's too easy to just get caught up in it all, you know I'm obsessed!! jeez, can you imagine if I ever did gain? then you would need more than a stick to beat me with to calm me down!

Working from home today, sat here thinking "I'm hungry" I'm not of course, I'm just bored, I'm busy but I'm not being stimulated by what I am doing! Old habits die hard hey! already 1.5L of water down though!!

GRR, if I counted the amount of times that has happened!

Yeah true, and the 3.5 on my scales was about a 1lb on his, crazy really! I currently have 2 obsessions right now, the scales and my belly fat! My belly looks horrific! found this girl - she has exactly the same height and weight as me right now.... oh boy do I wish I looked like this...

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=92143"/>

well... I'm trying with the odd sit up here, odd workout or swim there, maybe eventually.....

I'm thinking what I will do is allow myself to pick from the protein choices from step 2 since I will enjoy the extra variety, but I'm not bothered about the milk, so maybe like a step 1.5?! I've already got some yellow lentils in soaking so I can make some fritters later (baked of course) I guess I just like the fact that on step 2 there's more vegetarian protein options, I'm not always that into meat. But saying that, maybe it is worth a try for a week (properly) I'll Discuss at my appointment tomorrow perhaps.

Thanks hun, I needed that kick up the ass, YAY FOR ME lol, It's too easy to just get caught up in it all, you know I'm obsessed!! jeez, can you imagine if I ever did gain? then you would need more than a stick to beat me with to calm me down!

Working from home today, sat here thinking "I'm hungry" I'm not of course, I'm just bored, I'm busy but I'm not being stimulated by what I am doing! Old habits die hard hey! already 1.5L of water down though!!

You will get there. Don't compare urself to other people you are you and you are an amazing person don't wish that away - with or without ur belly lol

Step 2 protein options sound good for you yes I like that you are thinking about how you can adapt for your own good.

And don't thank me that's what I'm here for lol and I don't even wana consider the options of the state ud be in with a gain! Lol have u ever stayed the same?

Yay for ur water lol and yea that's right ur bored! Not hungry lol remember that. Just keep positive my lady and remember that dirt your gonna shower of in the morning will make you lighter too ;) haha

Keep that water going! I'm still to have my 1st shake lol

You will get there. Don't compare urself to other people you are you and you are an amazing person don't wish that away - with or without ur belly lol

Step 2 protein options sound good for you yes I like that you are thinking about how you can adapt for your own good.

And don't thank me that's what I'm here for lol and I don't even wana consider the options of the state ud be in with a gain! Lol have u ever stayed the same?

Yay for ur water lol and yea that's right ur bored! Not hungry lol remember that. Just keep positive my lady and remember that dirt your gonna shower of in the morning will make you lighter too ;) haha

Keep that water going! I'm still to have my 1st shake lol


Never stayed the same, the closest I got to that was a 1/2lb off after a weekend stuffing myself with (indian restaurant) curry, cookies and all sorts of other rubbish! I had a LOT of cookies that weekend though!

Oh yeah, forgot about the shower effect, it might just buy me that one more 1b to make me feel better since this morning I didn't have a shower 1st! good thinking einstein!

Just cooking lunch, I can't wait to eat my lentils, I am PROPER excited! nom nom nom!

AND - try to figure this one, my lentils tot up at 96cals wheras the chicken I had yesterday which wasnt even full quantity came in at 170cals! how does that work? ....not that I am complaining. ah, just checked out the carb factor - 8g carbs more *gasp* - meh, whatever!

this is lunch! the fritters became more...rubble lets call it, i didnt put enough liquid in to bind into balls, and to be honest didnt wanna put my hands in anyway!

yes, I know, the list says red lentils, these are a little higher in calories but I doubt its significant enough to make a difference. I don't know why I served with cucumber - it was the first thing I had to hand, If I had time maybe I would make some sort of raita or chutney with yogurt to accompany - since there is a yogurt alternative to milk in the back of the book I found!! who knew?!

Recipe is from here.... http://usmasala.blogspot.co.uk/2011/01/kachdee-lentil-fritters.html though baked instead of fried. I LOVED my lunch, yum yum yum!!! very filling as well.
Never stayed the same, the closest I got to that was a 1/2lb off after a weekend stuffing myself with (indian restaurant) curry, cookies and all sorts of other rubbish! I had a LOT of cookies that weekend though!

Oh yeah, forgot about the shower effect, it might just buy me that one more 1b to make me feel better since this morning I didn't have a shower 1st! good thinking einstein!

Just cooking lunch, I can't wait to eat my lentils, I am PROPER excited! nom nom nom!

AND - try to figure this one, my lentils tot up at 96cals wheras the chicken I had yesterday which wasnt even full quantity came in at 170cals! how does that work? ....not that I am complaining. ah, just checked out the carb factor - 8g carbs more *gasp* - meh, whatever!

Oh man that is such luck! I sts on a week I was 100% not a single crumb passed my lips this past 10 weeks. Still coming off slooooow lol it annoys my head lol

The shower effect is the bomb lol

Lunch looks nommy! I love lentils :))

Very strange with the while calories things.

Yea I knew about the yoghurt thing lol that booklet has been read a million times by these eyes of mine lol

Carb factor :/ but like you say 1 day won't matter.

Keep that water going girl! Your doing good :) xx
Yeah, I've read it tonnes, but never got the the back bit since it gets a bit boring lol.

I AM A BAD PERSON!! I was making some mince pies... I've arranged quite an important meeting about Christmas tomorrow, I'm a bit scared about it all since it's the biggest project I've ever managed, anyway the idea of the mince pies is to get everyone in the mood, *ahem* sweeten them up.

so what do i do? "oh ill just put a little of this dough in my mouth, oh go on, a little more" etc etc, probably amounting to about 4-5ish tsp of the stuff - stuff which is pure butter/sugar/flour - could I put a worse thing in my mouth? well.... then after baking some of the mince pies got stuck (i forgot to grease), and cracked and crumbled (I use a shortbread sort of pastry) next thing i knew i has shoved almost half a broken one in my mouth, I was chewing, the horror came over me that if i swallowed there was no doubt i'd eat the other half too... I ran to the bin and spat (ugh what a mess!) and grabbed the other bit and binned that as quick as possible. The worst thing is the bin stinks, I think its gone off raw chicken or something, so not only was it really difficult spitting out the mince pie which was totally sticking in my mouth, but that smell now makes me want to vomit.

I have indigestion from the bits of pastry I did ingest (sugar? butter? wtf, my body is saying) ugh and i feel so sick from that smell!

I have a horrible feeling I'm gonna have to stop myself from baking/cooking anything I can't eat for a while, I just can't trust myself! I will try again Friday but only because I promised Rana some snacks - he was really disappointed I didn't bring any this weekend and totally wouldn't acknowledge the fact he had said not to (in all fairness after that i did tell him i would).

Ugh, I really feel unwell!
Yeah, I've read it tonnes, but never got the the back bit since it gets a bit boring lol.

I AM A BAD PERSON!! I was making some mince pies... I've arranged quite an important meeting about Christmas tomorrow, I'm a bit scared about it all since it's the biggest project I've ever managed, anyway the idea of the mince pies is to get everyone in the mood, *ahem* sweeten them up.

so what do i do? "oh ill just put a little of this dough in my mouth, oh go on, a little more" etc etc, probably amounting to about 4-5ish tsp of the stuff - stuff which is pure butter/sugar/flour - could I put a worse thing in my mouth? well.... then after baking some of the mince pies got stuck (i forgot to grease), and cracked and crumbled (I use a shortbread sort of pastry) next thing i knew i has shoved almost half a broken one in my mouth, I was chewing, the horror came over me that if i swallowed there was no doubt i'd eat the other half too... I ran to the bin and spat (ugh what a mess!) and grabbed the other bit and binned that as quick as possible. The worst thing is the bin stinks, I think its gone off raw chicken or something, so not only was it really difficult spitting out the mince pie which was totally sticking in my mouth, but that smell now makes me want to vomit.

I have indigestion from the bits of pastry I did ingest (sugar? butter? wtf, my body is saying) ugh and i feel so sick from that smell!

I have a horrible feeling I'm gonna have to stop myself from baking/cooking anything I can't eat for a while, I just can't trust myself! I will try again Friday but only because I promised Rana some snacks - he was really disappointed I didn't bring any this weekend and totally wouldn't acknowledge the fact he had said not to (in all fairness after that i did tell him i would).

Ugh, I really feel unwell!

Lool it does get boring I agree lol

Oh Ria!! Lol you silly moo!

Well it's done now and you are suffering for it so a lesson learned :/ and hopefully not too much damage! Get that water in you quick and in gulps and gulps lol flush it out!!

Is there anything you don't like that you could make rana? I know he looks forward to it but
You need to put you 1st being so close to goal n all if you must make snacks then fine but make it very clear to mister man that it will be the last until you have reached your goal weight because it's not fair and I know you enjoy it but tough! You can enjoy it in July lol or the food on holiday in June if that's booked soon!

That meeting better go well after all uve put urself through for it lol

Lool it does get boring I agree lol

Oh Ria!! Lol you silly moo!

Well it's done now and you are suffering for it so a lesson learned :/ and hopefully not too much damage! Get that water in you quick and in gulps and gulps lol flush it out!!

Is there anything you don't like that you could make rana? I know he looks forward to it but
You need to put you 1st being so close to goal n all if you must make snacks then fine but make it very clear to mister man that it will be the last until you have reached your goal weight because it's not fair and I know you enjoy it but tough! You can enjoy it in July lol or the food on holiday in June if that's booked soon!

That meeting better go well after all uve put urself through for it lol


I Knooooowww :-( I need one of those little white firemen with the hose inside me to make me feel better - except I don't wanna take any cos I can't even begin to imagine what is in that stuff!!

I'm already guzzling water like it's going out of fashion today, just started my 4th litre!!

No, I like everything :-( I will talk to him about it at the weekend, I'm sure he'll understand.

Yeah it had better better!!! they better like those god-damn gorgeous mince pies or else!

bleugghhh, indigestion SUCKS! might have a shake, see if it soothes!
I Knooooowww :-( I need one of those little white firemen with the hose inside me to make me feel better - except I don't wanna take any cos I can't even begin to imagine what is in that stuff!!

I'm already guzzling water like it's going out of fashion today, just started my 4th litre!!

No, I like everything :-( I will talk to him about it at the weekend, I'm sure he'll understand.

Yeah it had better better!!! they better like those god-damn gorgeous mince pies or else!

bleugghhh, indigestion SUCKS! might have a shake, see if it soothes!

Awh hun I feel ur pain! Indigestion is a ball ache. Aha I love that sayin! Try some milk???

I'm sure ur lovely man will understand!

Get you starting your 4th litre!! :)

Il have my stick ready incase they don't like the pies lol

Go to the loo! Ul b floating around the house soon haha!!

Awh hun I feel ur pain! Indigestion is a ball ache. Aha I love that sayin! Try some milk???

I'm sure ur lovely man will understand!

Get you starting your 4th litre!! :)

Il have my stick ready incase they don't like the pies lol

Go to the loo! Ul b floating around the house soon haha!!


I think my shake actually cured it earlier!

About to finish my 4th litre ...go me! Do feel a bit swooshy inside though!

I have no idea why, maybe it was the water but my post swim ache and lethargy miraculously disappeared mid afternoon! All of a sudden I was able to run up the stairs again! Maybe I will try some sit ups or Pilates moves before bed :) jut sucks that it took so long to feel human again! Maybe as I keep doing it ill recover quicker each time! But actually feeling quite good this evening, maybe it's all the water!
I think my shake actually cured it earlier!

About to finish my 4th litre ...go me! Do feel a bit swooshy inside though!

I have no idea why, maybe it was the water but my post swim ache and lethargy miraculously disappeared mid afternoon! All of a sudden I was able to run up the stairs again! Maybe I will try some sit ups or Pilates moves before bed :) jut sucks that it took so long to feel human again! Maybe as I keep doing it ill recover quicker each time! But actually feeling quite good this evening, maybe it's all the water!

Oh that's good that the Shake did the job!

Water going great I see!! :)

Yea I think the more u do it the quicker ul recover

Look at you go!! Ur doing good girl :) x
Funny how my mood, motivation, attitude can change throughout the day!

4l done!! Excuse me while I run to the bathroom!

Oh you remember how to do that now miss hold it in loool

I'm in a good mood today too lol

Not got much revision done tho and the exam is 9.15 tmz lol

Time to cram!!! Lol

WTF why do I have so much energy now when I spent all morning knackered!!! NO NO NO NO NOOOO! I'm buzzing, I need to go to bed nowwww! Aaggghhh! Got a new book... Wanna read it.... Might do that, maybe that can make me relax.... Madness.... Is this cos I had extra carbs earlier, or cos I had my shake later than usual!! Weeeee!!! What is wrong with me!! Can't even exercise, everyone's in bed so they hardly need me clomping around doing jumping jacks! Breeaattthh!!!
WTF why do I have so much energy now when I spent all morning knackered!!! NO NO NO NO NOOOO! I'm buzzing, I need to go to bed nowwww! Aaggghhh! Got a new book... Wanna read it.... Might do that, maybe that can make me relax.... Madness.... Is this cos I had extra carbs earlier, or cos I had my shake later than usual!! Weeeee!!! What is wrong with me!! Can't even exercise, everyone's in bed so they hardly need me clomping around doing jumping jacks! Breeaattthh!!!

Revision done. Don't think I would learn anymore even if I tried!!

Lmao!!! I can imagine you going around like a crazy squirrel and I think I read that just how you typed it haha!!

Are u sat rocking back and forth on a chair now? Lol

Read ur book! Have some tea and get into bed lol you are soo funny!

Revision done. Don't think I would learn anymore even if I tried!!

Lmao!!! I can imagine you going around like a crazy squirrel and I think I read that just how you typed it haha!!

Are u sat rocking back and forth on a chair now? Lol

Read ur book! Have some tea and get into bed lol you are soo funny!


Spot on with the crazy squirrel

Have sat myself in front of secret eaters now....
Spot on with the crazy squirrel

Have sat myself in front of secret eaters now....

Oooh tell me what you think! Also do you like candles? And whar scents do u like? I found this amazing candle company called the scented jam jar company and I got their vanilla and coconut candle oh em gee!! The best thing I've ever smelled! They are all natural sooo gd!

It's almost ran out! I may treat myself when exams are over lol
