Time to get serious!

I still think a lot of that gain will be water and it'll come off quickly, so try not to fret too much hon (easier said than done though I know).

Sucks about the job, I've totally been there and feel for you. What's the incentive to work your butt off if it's not leading somewhere??? :(

And holiday come downs are the pits. You come back, go to work, someone asks you "how was your holiday", you reply "great thanks" and then it's back to the grindstone...

Ooh, India in September/October! jealous!

Chin up hon :) x
Hi there, I just wanted to say, I have been following your diary for a while now (though not being on Cambridge at the time I never posted) I just want to say, no matter how darn crud you feel today. You have inspired me to come back to Cambridge for the last time (third time lucky?) I have been exactly where you are at. I even had a long distance relationship to throw in the mix :) I can totally relate to how you go and spend time with your beloved and its like the rest of the world just melts away. It's a different world, especially when your OH works in the tourist/holiday industry. I have been sobbing in the toilets of airports on more than one occasion, flying home at 4am and going straight to work to maximize the holidays I had.

Stay strong - you will knock that 13lbs on the head in a week. No worries.

Hey Hun!

Glad you posted! And glad I could help! hows life back on plan going for you?

It's a nightmare, I currently have a 6 week holiday allowance but need to find a new job, am really worried that if I move I'll prob have 2 weeks less a year - that's 2 weeks less with my man :-(

I still think a lot of that gain will be water and it'll come off quickly, so try not to fret too much hon (easier said than done though I know).

Sucks about the job, I've totally been there and feel for you. What's the incentive to work your butt off if it's not leading somewhere??? :(

And holiday come downs are the pits. You come back, go to work, someone asks you "how was your holiday", you reply "great thanks" and then it's back to the grindstone...

Ooh, India in September/October! jealous!

Chin up hon :) x

Haha yeah, totally get that, "how was your holiday" "amazing" and thats it, done!

Had a mare of a day (not including the bad news) at work yesterday and there is no sign of things getting better, there doesn't seem to be anything out there job wise that i'm qualified for either, so for now I guess I gotta sit tight, keep my head down and just not get involved with the politics (although easier said than done).
SO Day 1 all over again, and a lot to loose again... :-( 1.5 stone to go, I feel like an utter bloater, so am praying I get a sort of "first week" loss this week to deflate this belly a bit and make me feel better - official home weigh in today shows a gain of 13lbs :-(

It's all pretty much gone on my belly which it rather rounded right now, I don't regret eating on holiday, but am positively shocked that I managed to gain almost double than that of my last holiday and perhaps I did go a little too far!

So, not eaten anything yet today, plan to leave it for as long as possible as I know that my want for a pack right now is due to boredom and not hunger, the way i've been eating, it's possible I could not eat for 3 days and not even feel actual hunger!

If I'm honest, I'm a bit scared about going back to SS, it's been a long time since I've done it for any longer than a day at a time, so I'm not even sure I am capable or have the willpower, well, that's not entirely true, I have the willpower but I know i'm probably gonna be in a bit of a mood about it for a while lol. - and before anyone starts, yes I am SS, yes I probably shouldn't at my weight, but I'm going to do it for 1-2 weeks to get back to where I was, get moving up the steps and get back to a normal life! I can't really afford (financially) to be stretching this out much longer than I have to.

UGH, I never thought a few lbs would make me feel like such a bloody bloater!!!

will update my stats later... not looking forward to my appointment later... oh the shame, he's never seen me gain, and now its a whopper!!

The problem with glycogen is that it is all "bloat" it's like deflating a paddling pool and deflating it. Your body has the same capacity for holding onto water as it always has, famine to feast and it will go nuts for grabbing every sugary ounce of water it will get.

It will go as fast as it came. No stressing now. Regain composure and get on it!

The problem with glycogen is that it is all "bloat" it's like deflating a paddling pool and deflating it. Your body has the same capacity for holding onto water as it always has, famine to feast and it will go nuts for grabbing every sugary ounce of water it will get.

It will go as fast as it came. No stressing now. Regain composure and get on it!

I like your thinking! Ok, Now I have a mini-target - Seeing the other half next on 13th - Aim: to be back at the weight I was when I saw him on the first day of my holiday (or close enough) this should keep me focused hopefully.
You know...I am married now. But when I was counting the sleeps to see my husband before, it was such a motivator to stay on track. I had just lost 4.5 stone (and was the magic 9.5 stone) when I met him. I had the best two years of my life flitting backwards and forwards to see him, I was even dead set on moving out to Turkey (well I still am) but we got engaged pretty early on and then I fell pregnant and BOOM. The swiss roll binging began. He moved here and the rest, as they say, is history.

One of my drivers is to get back to being that light and carefree person I was back then and to feel the same in my skin as I did back then. It was amazing.

Of course life got in the way for me, and slowly the pounds came back, plus the inevitable extra pounds that they bring with them. I just didn't get it, that this has to be about CHANGING YOUR LIFE as droll and boring and frankly quite shocking as it sounds. It has to be. You have almost got to the end of your journey. But dont think that you can go back to nomming copious amounts of lush curry and rice, and then starving yourself the day after. It wont work. You have to have an exit strategy...the biggest piece of advice there is, that I NEVER listened to mind, is to follow the steps. I maintained doing the binge and packets routine. I dont think it helped me at all. This time I figure that paleo is the only way forward for me - but the good news is herbs and spices are allowed and loads of coconut too. And I know you like coconut. Maybe you should think about it too? That 1.5 stone will be gone so quickly, think about it 7lbs this week, 4lbs next then 3 weeks of 3lbs and its GONE.
Ria try not to feel so down. I get it believe me.

You have done it before and you will do it again I promise you! And you already started bk on day one which is a success!!

Ate you still setting your target for end of July? I do think its achievable and it will keep you focused. Can't wait for ur 1st week bk to be over. Ul get a great loss and hopefully make you feel a lot better huni

You know...I am married now. But when I was counting the sleeps to see my husband before, it was such a motivator to stay on track. I had just lost 4.5 stone (and was the magic 9.5 stone) when I met him. I had the best two years of my life flitting backwards and forwards to see him, I was even dead set on moving out to Turkey (well I still am) but we got engaged pretty early on and then I fell pregnant and BOOM. The swiss roll binging began. He moved here and the rest, as they say, is history.

One of my drivers is to get back to being that light and carefree person I was back then and to feel the same in my skin as I did back then. It was amazing.

Of course life got in the way for me, and slowly the pounds came back, plus the inevitable extra pounds that they bring with them. I just didn't get it, that this has to be about CHANGING YOUR LIFE as droll and boring and frankly quite shocking as it sounds. It has to be. You have almost got to the end of your journey. But dont think that you can go back to nomming copious amounts of lush curry and rice, and then starving yourself the day after. It wont work. You have to have an exit strategy...the biggest piece of advice there is, that I NEVER listened to mind, is to follow the steps. I maintained doing the binge and packets routine. I dont think it helped me at all. This time I figure that paleo is the only way forward for me - but the good news is herbs and spices are allowed and loads of coconut too. And I know you like coconut. Maybe you should think about it too? That 1.5 stone will be gone so quickly, think about it 7lbs this week, 4lbs next then 3 weeks of 3lbs and its GONE.

The magic 9.5.... so near yet so far! I know at 10 stone (jee, it was only 2 weeks ago but seems a lifetime ago) I felt pretty amazing, certainly not the bloaty mess of my current self!

Oh there's no way I'll go back to that, before Cambridge I was maintaining a fairly healthy diet anyhow, and wasn't gaining, but at over 14st that wasn't great, i still needed to loose. I actually gained most of my weight whilst with my last 2 exes over 10 years with perpetual take aways, ice creams and complete lack of anything healthy, but in recent years I learnt to cook healthy, i steer clear from processed food and cook from scratch wherever possible, I hate not knowing what is in my food. I fully intend to work up the steps, and the things i look forward to enjoying most as part of healthy diet are things like muesli, lots of veg and some fruit.

For me, I will always enjoy my food on holiday, but understand that a holiday ends and so does the eating, so even though i'm moaning about feeling/looking crappy at the moment i don't feel guilty, since i enjoyed it, and life happens.

Never looked into Paleo, but since i'm so into diet books, i'll put that one on my download list!

So, so far so good, had my first shake at 12, wasn't feeling hungry before then. will probably hold out until 4(ish) for the next and then whenever for the last one. The annoying thing is my phone rang half way through my first shake so my mind wasn't fully on my drinking of it - big mistake as it didn't feel like i had it really. 1 litre of water down, finding it hard to get through it tbh even thought i did continue to drink loads whilst i was away!
My friend just posted this pic from holiday, not the best photo of me but I love it cos I look slim!!

My friend just posted this pic from holiday, not the best photo of me but I love it cos I look slim!!

View attachment 98317

That's one scary looking prickly pear tree behind you.
How skinny are you, still with boobs too. Best of both worlds.... Is that the power of the much loved wonderbra!
What about this formal pic? Lol xx

Fell out with the photographer, wanted to do my own thing like in the most recent pic, then bit by bit he put me into a pose he wanted, the pic turned out awful and i looked like i was grimacing! it was the same guy there every time so got in a strop and didn't do it.

got my friend to take a few on the last night (i looked so foolish all dressed up whilst everyone else was casual) but where i was so bloated i look like ive put on weight! so really annoyed I don't have my 3rd pic, my body just doesn't have any shape here :-(


I quite like this one... but you can't really see me in all fairness...


Then in all the other full length ones I have people have cut my bloody feet off (d'oh!)

Hows the U S of A??

Looking good :) xx

Thanks love :)

That's one scary looking prickly pear tree behind you.
How skinny are you, still with boobs too. Best of both worlds.... Is that the power of the much loved wonderbra!

Haha, and if you look at it in a certain way it looks like its coming from my head!

How skinny was I lol, I now have muffin top!

Funny about the boobs, they don't look that big but apparently i'm still an E, but yes, I only own wonderbras - 4 - the same one in black, white and nude and the strapless in nude - basically the whole E+ range lol.

Come to think of it, looking at it again i'm sure i'm sucking in lol

Fell out with the photographer, wanted to do my own thing like in the most recent pic, then bit by bit he put me into a pose he wanted, the pic turned out awful and i looked like i was grimacing! it was the same guy there every time so got in a strop and didn't do it.

got my friend to take a few on the last night (i looked so foolish all dressed up whilst everyone else was casual) but where i was so bloated i look like ive put on weight! so really annoyed I don't have my 3rd pic, my body just doesn't have any shape here :-(

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=98318"/>

I quite like this one... but you can't really see me in all fairness...

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=98319"/>

Then in all the other full length ones I have people have cut my bloody feet off (d'oh!)

Hows the U S of A??


What an ass! Well I think you look great and i bet if u compare all three I won't be disappointed.

USA is all good :) it's only 9am here! I've bn up a few hours. Going to head out in the next hour or so.

Don't stress too much about the weight because you know it will come straight off! :)

You don't look shapeless at all. You do look tiny though! Like a little doll. God it's making me all nostalgic.

You know I think I've got similar pictures...
What an ass! Well I think you look great and i bet if u compare all three I won't be disappointed.

USA is all good :) it's only 9am here! I've bn up a few hours. Going to head out in the next hour or so.

Don't stress too much about the weight because you know it will come straight off! :)


Ah, don't ya just hate jet lag!!

I know, but I guess I'm scared it won't happen so fast this time, that's all!

You don't look shapeless at all. You do look tiny though! Like a little doll. God it's making me all nostalgic.

You know I think I've got similar pictures...

haha, i wouldn't say tiny, though since loosing weigh i do feel shorter than i thought i was lol.

OK so I have collated the pics, I still can't see much difference from the beginning of the year (I guess it's all about the angle), but I found another one from last year and added that in too...

Well, that's "day 1" over and done with, I see what people mean when they say its harder evertime! I was only off plan for 2 and a bit weeks, but I was on step 2 before hols so it's a bit different going back on it this time.

Don't get me wrong, I've done ok apart from feeling a little deprived lol, no mis-haps or slip-ups - 3 packs and a whole lotta water!

And I already feel lighter, think I look thinner (I guess the bloat is subsiding) and am 2lbs down on the scales from this morning lol, very ridiculous but I'm not complaining!

Time to torpedo towards target.....
Thats some good going right there!
"day two" and I'm using quote marks since it's not really day two, well kind of is but isn't, it's actually 184 days or 7 months and 3 days since I first embarked on my cambridge journey!

Just had my second shake and still feeling a bit uncomfortable. Not that full uncomfortable bloaty feeling I've had from eating for two weeks - its an empty yet bloaty sort of feeling instead - From memory I believe this is something to do with hunger! I'm really hoping it will pass soon, I'm a little fed up of constantly having an uncomfortable tummy, and yes, i know most was self induced so serves me right, but I can't remember what normal feels like!

Getting my nails done tonight so a good distraction for this evening :)