Tips for evening munchies?

""I could eat like a normal person through the day, but after the sun goes down, the voice in my head starts up, reminding me about the crisps/chocolate/biscuits/leftover pasta in the kitchen. The voice does not shut up until they have been eaten. Needless to say, I'm not hungry when I'm eating this stuff. ""

This could be me saying this I am exactly the same! but sadly I have no advice as I am struggling also :(
I;ve always been a nighttime eater as i never used to eat properly during the day and just end up snacking on crap in the evening sooooooooooo i;m using that idea of having a bowl of Berries in the fridge as i have a weekness for strawberrys lol.
Definitely got PMT so today was another munchy sort of day. But I've stayed under 15 syns and the munchies have gone now.

I snacked a lot though the day. I think this worked because I'm working SO hard on eating normal portions and stopping eating when I have had enough, but that does mean that I get hungry again sooner. Having the odd free snack helped a lot. Makes me look like a bit of a piggy on my food diary but I don;t think I was really.

I also saved some syns for the evening and that helped, knowing I could have something if I wanted. And look what happened - I ended up not using them all, which should mend some of yesterday's damage.

And what has really done the trick tonight was having a mug of soup. I think a good tactic for days like this is to make sure I have a portion of soup ready and defrosted ahead of time so that it just needs warming up.

Thank you for all your answers - they were all really useful! :)

Well done Pootler, I'm so pleased that you were able to use some of the tips and you succeeded - the tips won't actually make it happen, YOU do :clap: ! I hope it continues to work for you.

Good luck.

Gail x
dunno if its been mentioned, but painting your nails helps too, cause you can't eat and spoil the wet polish! Also a glass fo fizzy pop sometimes is enough for me to stop the habit hunger.

Helen xxx
A favourite of mine is potato wedges. I often (OK, nearly every evening) make some potato wedges, with sea salt, or cajun seasoning, or chili, or whatever takes my fancy, and have some of those in the evening, safe in the knowledge that they're sin free. I also save most of my syns until the evening as well so I can have something sweet if I fancy it, but still stay on plan.
Pootler, im the same, my big indulgence used to be eating in bed at night! oops! naughty me! but since my OH moved in (2 months now) I dont at all, but also I tend to save my HEB throughout the day (I eat muller lights for brekkie and I dont tend have bread through the day) so I can have my orange choc hifi bar in the evening while watching TV, sorts the chocolate cravings right out (mind you the new hifi bar is coming out soon, choc indulgence or something like that and apprently its too good to be true!). If not I get those skinny cow mint choc chip or double (or is it triple choc) brownie icecreams, they are only 4.5 syns and that satisfies me x
Same issue here - i try to stock up on syn free snacks - so lots of fruit around, mullerlights (the vanilla choc sprinkles is my fave!) and even make some mini syn free quiches - they are savoury and if you have your HEA for cheese on top - they can just seem amazing as a little snack!!! make the normal syn free quiche, but use muffin tin or cake tin so you have a load of mini ones. Great for when the munchies hit.

If not, distract yourself with a manicure, or a pedicure - or do some baking for the next day - that way you are keeping busy! Plan your weekly meals, do a shop online, play a game online, watch a film, have a bath, try new make up colours out, sort through your wardrobe and put some clothes for the charity shop (esp the ones that are now TOO BIG!), do some cross-stitch, get crafty, start a blog, come on minimins, go for a walk, visit the gym, some online retail therapy........i really could go on for hours!!!

Good luck honey - you can beat the habit! x